1、创建一个数据库 oldboy


1 如果没有误操作 数据会是什么样 先模拟

# day8 练习
# Author:nod
# Date:18-08-05
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# 本次练习题当中6为误操作,因而处理方式就是跳过第六步看看正常数据如何
# 再按步骤1-7在主库上进行操作 恢复数据等进行测试
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 需求:
1、创建一个数据库 oldboy
需求,跳过第六步恢复表数据 mysql> create database oldboy;
mysql> use oldboy;
mysql> create table t1(id int);
mysql> insert into t1 values(1),(2),(3),(4),(5);
mysql> select * from t1;
| id |
| 1 |
| 2 |
| 3 |
| 4 |
| 5 |
+------+ # 插入两行数据,任意修改3行数据,删除1行数据
mysql> insert into t1 values(6),(7);
mysql> update t1 set id=11 where id=1;
mysql> update t1 set id=22 where id=2;
mysql> update t1 set id=33 where id=3;
mysql> delete from t1 where id=7; # 再t1中又插入5行新数据,修改3行数据
mysql> insert into t1 values(8),(9),(10),(11),(12);
mysql> update t1 set id=100 where id=10;
mysql> update t1 set id=110 where id=11;
mysql> update t1 set id=120 where id=12; # 正确效果数据
mysql> select * from t1;
| id |
| 110 |
| 22 |
| 33 |
| 4 |
| 5 |
| 6 |
| 8 |
| 9 |
| 100 |
| 110 |
| 120 |


全备恢复 +第5步骤+第七步骤 跳过第六步骤 需要对mysqlbinlog进行分析

# day8 练习实际步骤
# Author:nod
# Date:18-08-05
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 需求:
1、创建一个数据库 oldboy
需求,跳过第六步恢复表数据 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# 1-3步骤
mysql> flush logs;
mysql> create database oldboy;
mysql> use oldboy;
Database changed
mysql> create table t1(id int);
mysql> insert into t1 values(1),(2),(3),(4),(5); #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# 全备
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- mysqldump -uroot -p123 -A -R --triggers --master-data=2 --single-transaction > /backup/full3.sql #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# 5 插入两行数据,任意修改3行数据,删除1行数据
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- mysql> insert into t1 values(6),(7);
mysql> update t1 set id=11 where id=1;
mysql> update t1 set id=22 where id=2;
mysql> update t1 set id=33 where id=3;
mysql> delete from t1 where id=7; #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# 6 删除所有数据 1637
mysql> delete from t1; #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# 7 再t1中又插入5行新数据,修改3行数据
mysql> insert into t1 values(8),(9),(10),(11),(12); 1702 2586
mysql> update t1 set id=100 where id=10;
mysql> update t1 set id=110 where id=11;
mysql> update t1 set id=120 where id=12; #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# 脏数据
mysql> select * from t1;
| id |
| 8 |
| 9 |
| 100 |
| 110 |
| 120 |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# 数据处理部分
# #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# 数据分析/backup/full3.sql
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22:CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_LOG_FILE='mysql-bin.000013', MASTER_LOG_POS=533; #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# 数据分析mysql-bin.000013
mysqlbinlog --base64-output=decode-rows -vvv /data/mysql/mysql-bin.000013
mysqlbinlog --start-position=533 --stop-position=1590 /data/mysql/mysql-bin.000013 >/backup/inc1.sql
mysqlbinlog --start-position=1702 --stop-position=2586 /data/mysql/mysql-bin.000013 >/backup/inc2.sql #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# 在备份库上进行主库全备恢复+步骤6 步骤7操作恢复
mysql> source /backup/full3.sql;
mysql> source /backup/inc1.sql
mysql> source /backup/inc2.sql #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ERROR 1666 (HY000): Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is in row # # format and BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT.
# 解决方法:
# 主库是row模式 因而备份库也要row模式 修改后解决
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# 验证数据 数据恢复正确
mysql> select * from t1;
| id |
| 110 |
| 22 |
| 33 |
| 4 |
| 5 |
| 6 |
| 8 |
| 9 |
| 100 |
| 11 |
| 120 |
11 rows in set (0.00 sec) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# 将带有误操作(删除)的t1表导出
[root@db01 backup]# mysqldump -uroot -p123 -S /data/3307/mysql.sock oldboy t1 >/backup/t1.sql #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# 主库进行恢复t1表操作
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# 查看oldboy下t1的数据,目前数据应该是有问题的数据
mysql> use oldboy;
mysql> select * from t1;
| id |
| 8 |
| 9 |
| 100 |
| 110 |
| 120 |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# 开始恢复t1操作
mysql> source /backup/t1.sql;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.02 sec) Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.07 sec) Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec) Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) Query OK, 11 rows affected (0.01 sec)
Records: 11 Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 0 Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# 恢复完毕 检查数据 恢复操作完成
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- mysql> select * from t1;
| id |
| 110 |
| 22 |
| 33 |
| 4 |
| 5 |
| 6 |
| 8 |
| 9 |
| 100 |
| 11 |
| 120 |
11 rows in set (0.00 sec)


要对比分析begin commit 要多加体会

# day8练习题binlog文件
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [root@db01 backup]# mysqlbinlog --base64-output=decode-rows -vvv /data/mysql/mysql-bin.000013
/*!40019 SET @@session.max_insert_delayed_threads=0*/;
# at 4
#180805 23:51:27 server id 6 end_log_pos 120 CRC32 0xd5be46c7 Start: binlog v 4, server v 5.6.38-log created 180805 23:51:27
# at 120
#180805 23:51:36 server id 6 end_log_pos 220 CRC32 0xeaa89679 Query thread_id=13 exec_time=0 error_code=0
SET TIMESTAMP=1533484296/*!*/;
SET @@session.pseudo_thread_id=13/*!*/;
SET @@session.foreign_key_checks=1, @@session.sql_auto_is_null=0, @@session.unique_checks=1, @@session.autocommit=1/*!*/;
SET @@session.sql_mode=1075838976/*!*/;
SET @@session.auto_increment_increment=1, @@session.auto_increment_offset=1/*!*/;
/*!\C utf8 *//*!*/;
SET @@session.character_set_client=33,@@session.collation_connection=33,@@session.collation_server=33/*!*/;
SET @@session.lc_time_names=0/*!*/;
SET @@session.collation_database=DEFAULT/*!*/;
create database oldboy
# at 220
#180805 23:52:19 server id 6 end_log_pos 321 CRC32 0x23a9496d Query thread_id=13 exec_time=0 error_code=0
use `oldboy`/*!*/;
SET TIMESTAMP=1533484339/*!*/;
create table t1(id int)
# at 321
#180805 23:52:30 server id 6 end_log_pos 395 CRC32 0x73300da7 Query thread_id=13 exec_time=0 error_code=0
SET TIMESTAMP=1533484350/*!*/;
# at 395
#180805 23:52:30 server id 6 end_log_pos 442 CRC32 0xe87526c3 Table_map: `oldboy`.`t1` mapped to number 283
# at 442
#180805 23:52:30 server id 6 end_log_pos 502 CRC32 0x681dd9f1 Write_rows: table id 283 flags: STMT_END_F
### INSERT INTO `oldboy`.`t1`
### SET
### @1=1 /* INT meta=0 nullable=1 is_null=0 */
### INSERT INTO `oldboy`.`t1`
### SET
### @1=2 /* INT meta=0 nullable=1 is_null=0 */
### INSERT INTO `oldboy`.`t1`
### SET
### @1=3 /* INT meta=0 nullable=1 is_null=0 */
### INSERT INTO `oldboy`.`t1`
### SET
### @1=4 /* INT meta=0 nullable=1 is_null=0 */
### INSERT INTO `oldboy`.`t1`
### SET
### @1=5 /* INT meta=0 nullable=1 is_null=0 */
# at 502
#180805 23:52:30 server id 6 end_log_pos 533 CRC32 0x0b8ae04d Xid = 9250
# at 533
#180805 23:55:47 server id 6 end_log_pos 607 CRC32 0x9df4f1c1 Query thread_id=13 exec_time=0 error_code=0
SET TIMESTAMP=1533484547/*!*/;
# at 607
#180805 23:55:47 server id 6 end_log_pos 654 CRC32 0x5f289eed Table_map: `oldboy`.`t1` mapped to number 324
# at 654
#180805 23:55:47 server id 6 end_log_pos 699 CRC32 0x56cbcd59 Write_rows: table id 324 flags: STMT_END_F
### INSERT INTO `oldboy`.`t1`
### SET
### @1=6 /* INT meta=0 nullable=1 is_null=0 */
### INSERT INTO `oldboy`.`t1`
### SET
### @1=7 /* INT meta=0 nullable=1 is_null=0 */
# at 699
#180805 23:55:47 server id 6 end_log_pos 730 CRC32 0xd3310e29 Xid = 10117
# at 730
#180805 23:55:52 server id 6 end_log_pos 804 CRC32 0x4fa560fa Query thread_id=13 exec_time=0 error_code=0
SET TIMESTAMP=1533484552/*!*/;
# at 804
#180805 23:55:52 server id 6 end_log_pos 851 CRC32 0x0c2cb62f Table_map: `oldboy`.`t1` mapped to number 324
# at 851
#180805 23:55:52 server id 6 end_log_pos 897 CRC32 0x7641ef30 Update_rows: table id 324 flags: STMT_END_F
### UPDATE `oldboy`.`t1`
### @1=1 /* INT meta=0 nullable=1 is_null=0 */
### SET
### @1=11 /* INT meta=0 nullable=1 is_null=0 */
# at 897
#180805 23:55:52 server id 6 end_log_pos 928 CRC32 0xc96642d8 Xid = 10118
# at 928
#180805 23:55:58 server id 6 end_log_pos 1002 CRC32 0xaa5b0537 Query thread_id=13 exec_time=0 error_code=0
SET TIMESTAMP=1533484558/*!*/;
# at 1002
#180805 23:55:58 server id 6 end_log_pos 1049 CRC32 0xef25a191 Table_map: `oldboy`.`t1` mapped to number 324
# at 1049
#180805 23:55:58 server id 6 end_log_pos 1095 CRC32 0x93732ae2 Update_rows: table id 324 flags: STMT_END_F
### UPDATE `oldboy`.`t1`
### @1=2 /* INT meta=0 nullable=1 is_null=0 */
### SET
### @1=22 /* INT meta=0 nullable=1 is_null=0 */
# at 1095
#180805 23:55:58 server id 6 end_log_pos 1126 CRC32 0xfeee4a7c Xid = 10119
# at 1126
#180805 23:56:04 server id 6 end_log_pos 1200 CRC32 0x4134c384 Query thread_id=13 exec_time=0 error_code=0
SET TIMESTAMP=1533484564/*!*/;
# at 1200
#180805 23:56:04 server id 6 end_log_pos 1247 CRC32 0x3e17dba1 Table_map: `oldboy`.`t1` mapped to number 324
# at 1247
#180805 23:56:04 server id 6 end_log_pos 1293 CRC32 0x758c18dd Update_rows: table id 324 flags: STMT_END_F
### UPDATE `oldboy`.`t1`
### @1=3 /* INT meta=0 nullable=1 is_null=0 */
### SET
### @1=33 /* INT meta=0 nullable=1 is_null=0 */
# at 1293
#180805 23:56:04 server id 6 end_log_pos 1324 CRC32 0x2838e762 Xid = 10120
# at 1324
#180805 23:56:09 server id 6 end_log_pos 1398 CRC32 0x3101a798 Query thread_id=13 exec_time=0 error_code=0
SET TIMESTAMP=1533484569/*!*/;
# at 1398
#180805 23:56:09 server id 6 end_log_pos 1445 CRC32 0x4173fe96 Table_map: `oldboy`.`t1` mapped to number 324
# at 1445
#180805 23:56:09 server id 6 end_log_pos 1485 CRC32 0xc1755087 Delete_rows: table id 324 flags: STMT_END_F
### DELETE FROM `oldboy`.`t1`
### @1=7 /* INT meta=0 nullable=1 is_null=0 */
# at 1485
#180805 23:56:09 server id 6 end_log_pos 1516 CRC32 0xeb175961 Xid = 10121
# at 1516
#180805 23:56:43 server id 6 end_log_pos 1590 CRC32 0xce6b49dd Query thread_id=13 exec_time=0 error_code=0
SET TIMESTAMP=1533484603/*!*/;
# at 1590
#180805 23:56:43 server id 6 end_log_pos 1637 CRC32 0xcc5d90fa Table_map: `oldboy`.`t1` mapped to number 324
# at 1637
#180805 23:56:43 server id 6 end_log_pos 1702 CRC32 0x67646caa Delete_rows: table id 324 flags: STMT_END_F
### DELETE FROM `oldboy`.`t1`
### @1=11 /* INT meta=0 nullable=1 is_null=0 */
### DELETE FROM `oldboy`.`t1`
### @1=22 /* INT meta=0 nullable=1 is_null=0 */
### DELETE FROM `oldboy`.`t1`
### @1=33 /* INT meta=0 nullable=1 is_null=0 */
### DELETE FROM `oldboy`.`t1`
### @1=4 /* INT meta=0 nullable=1 is_null=0 */
### DELETE FROM `oldboy`.`t1`
### @1=5 /* INT meta=0 nullable=1 is_null=0 */
### DELETE FROM `oldboy`.`t1`
### @1=6 /* INT meta=0 nullable=1 is_null=0 */
# at 1702
#180805 23:56:43 server id 6 end_log_pos 1733 CRC32 0xda91d5fc Xid = 10122
# at 1733
#180805 23:57:48 server id 6 end_log_pos 1807 CRC32 0x9c648b02 Query thread_id=13 exec_time=0 error_code=0
SET TIMESTAMP=1533484668/*!*/;
# at 1807
#180805 23:57:48 server id 6 end_log_pos 1854 CRC32 0x705c9c37 Table_map: `oldboy`.`t1` mapped to number 324
# at 1854
#180805 23:57:48 server id 6 end_log_pos 1914 CRC32 0xa37a228b Write_rows: table id 324 flags: STMT_END_F
### INSERT INTO `oldboy`.`t1`
### SET
### @1=8 /* INT meta=0 nullable=1 is_null=0 */
### INSERT INTO `oldboy`.`t1`
### SET
### @1=9 /* INT meta=0 nullable=1 is_null=0 */
### INSERT INTO `oldboy`.`t1`
### SET
### @1=10 /* INT meta=0 nullable=1 is_null=0 */
### INSERT INTO `oldboy`.`t1`
### SET
### @1=11 /* INT meta=0 nullable=1 is_null=0 */
### INSERT INTO `oldboy`.`t1`
### SET
### @1=12 /* INT meta=0 nullable=1 is_null=0 */
# at 1914
#180805 23:57:48 server id 6 end_log_pos 1945 CRC32 0x704ab243 Xid = 10125
# at 1945
#180805 23:57:54 server id 6 end_log_pos 2019 CRC32 0x733a9b67 Query thread_id=13 exec_time=0 error_code=0
SET TIMESTAMP=1533484674/*!*/;
# at 2019
#180805 23:57:54 server id 6 end_log_pos 2066 CRC32 0xa8ee9f3a Table_map: `oldboy`.`t1` mapped to number 324
# at 2066
#180805 23:57:54 server id 6 end_log_pos 2112 CRC32 0x69de9370 Update_rows: table id 324 flags: STMT_END_F
### UPDATE `oldboy`.`t1`
### @1=10 /* INT meta=0 nullable=1 is_null=0 */
### SET
### @1=100 /* INT meta=0 nullable=1 is_null=0 */
# at 2112
#180805 23:57:54 server id 6 end_log_pos 2143 CRC32 0x436ebefc Xid = 10126
# at 2143
#180805 23:57:59 server id 6 end_log_pos 2217 CRC32 0x40f410d1 Query thread_id=13 exec_time=0 error_code=0
SET TIMESTAMP=1533484679/*!*/;
# at 2217
#180805 23:57:59 server id 6 end_log_pos 2264 CRC32 0x413676a6 Table_map: `oldboy`.`t1` mapped to number 324
# at 2264
#180805 23:57:59 server id 6 end_log_pos 2310 CRC32 0xbf31e991 Update_rows: table id 324 flags: STMT_END_F
### UPDATE `oldboy`.`t1`
### @1=11 /* INT meta=0 nullable=1 is_null=0 */
### SET
### @1=110 /* INT meta=0 nullable=1 is_null=0 */
# at 2310
#180805 23:57:59 server id 6 end_log_pos 2341 CRC32 0x65c77e3d Xid = 10127
# at 2341
#180805 23:58:03 server id 6 end_log_pos 2415 CRC32 0x69a74ca6 Query thread_id=13 exec_time=0 error_code=0
SET TIMESTAMP=1533484683/*!*/;
# at 2415
#180805 23:58:03 server id 6 end_log_pos 2462 CRC32 0x2180734d Table_map: `oldboy`.`t1` mapped to number 324
# at 2462
#180805 23:58:03 server id 6 end_log_pos 2508 CRC32 0xbdcc9544 Update_rows: table id 324 flags: STMT_END_F
### UPDATE `oldboy`.`t1`
### @1=12 /* INT meta=0 nullable=1 is_null=0 */
### SET
### @1=120 /* INT meta=0 nullable=1 is_null=0 */
# at 2508
#180805 23:58:03 server id 6 end_log_pos 2539 CRC32 0x6aceade6 Xid = 10128
# at 2539
#180806 0:02:12 server id 6 end_log_pos 2586 CRC32 0xad6d9bf8 Rotate to mysql-bin.000014 pos: 4
# End of log file
ROLLBACK /* added by mysqlbinlog */;

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