#!/usr/bin/env bash PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:~/bin export PATH # # Auto install Shadowsocks Server (all version) # # Copyright (C) - Teddysun <> # # System Required: CentOS +, Debian7+, Ubuntu12+ # # Reference URL: # # # # # # # # # Thanks: # @clowwindy <> # @breakwa11 <> # @cyfdecyf <> # @madeye <> # @linusyang <> # @Akkariiin <> # # Intro: red='\033[0;31m' green='\033[0;32m' yellow='\033[0;33m' plain='\033[0m' [[ $EUID -ne ]] && cur_dir=$( pwd ) software=(Shadowsocks-Python ShadowsocksR Shadowsocks-Go Shadowsocks-libev) libsodium_file="libsodium-1.0.16" libsodium_url="" mbedtls_file="mbedtls-2.12.0" mbedtls_url="" shadowsocks_python_file="shadowsocks-master" shadowsocks_python_url="" shadowsocks_python_init="/etc/init.d/shadowsocks-python" shadowsocks_python_config="/etc/shadowsocks-python/config.json" shadowsocks_python_centos="" shadowsocks_python_debian="" shadowsocks_r_file="shadowsocksr-3.2.2" shadowsocks_r_url="" shadowsocks_r_init="/etc/init.d/shadowsocks-r" shadowsocks_r_config="/etc/shadowsocks-r/config.json" shadowsocks_r_centos="" shadowsocks_r_debian="" shadowsocks_go_file_64="shadowsocks-server-linux64-1.2.1" shadowsocks_go_url_64="" shadowsocks_go_file_32="shadowsocks-server-linux32-1.2.1" shadowsocks_go_url_32="" shadowsocks_go_init="/etc/init.d/shadowsocks-go" shadowsocks_go_config="/etc/shadowsocks-go/config.json" shadowsocks_go_centos="" shadowsocks_go_debian="" shadowsocks_libev_init="/etc/init.d/shadowsocks-libev" shadowsocks_libev_config="/etc/shadowsocks-libev/config.json" shadowsocks_libev_centos="" shadowsocks_libev_debian="" # Stream Ciphers common_ciphers=( aes--gcm aes--gcm aes--gcm aes--ctr aes--ctr aes--ctr aes--cfb aes--cfb aes--cfb camellia--cfb camellia--cfb camellia--cfb xchacha20-ietf-poly1305 chacha20-ietf-poly1305 chacha20-ietf chacha20 salsa20 rc4-md5 ) go_ciphers=( aes--cfb aes--cfb aes--cfb aes--ctr aes--ctr aes--ctr chacha20-ietf chacha20 salsa20 rc4-md5 ) r_ciphers=( none aes--cfb aes--cfb aes--cfb aes--cfb8 aes--cfb8 aes--cfb8 aes--ctr aes--ctr aes--ctr chacha20-ietf chacha20 salsa20 xchacha20 xsalsa20 rc4-md5 ) # Reference URL: # # # Protocol protocols=( origin verify_deflate auth_sha1_v4 auth_sha1_v4_compatible auth_aes128_md5 auth_aes128_sha1 auth_chain_a auth_chain_b auth_chain_c auth_chain_d auth_chain_e auth_chain_f ) # obfs obfs=( plain http_simple http_simple_compatible http_post http_post_compatible tls1.2_ticket_auth tls1.2_ticket_auth_compatible tls1.2_ticket_fastauth tls1.2_ticket_fastauth_compatible ) # libev obfuscating obfs_libev=(http tls) # initialization parameter libev_obfs="" disable_selinux(){ if [ -s /etc/selinux/config ] && grep 'SELINUX=enforcing' /etc/selinux/config; then sed -i 's/SELINUX=enforcing/SELINUX=disabled/g' /etc/selinux/config setenforce fi } check_sys(){ local checkType=$ local value=$ local release='' local systemPackage='' if [[ -f /etc/redhat-release ]]; then release="centos" systemPackage="yum" elif grep -Eqi "debian" /etc/issue; then release="debian" systemPackage="apt" elif grep -Eqi "ubuntu" /etc/issue; then release="ubuntu" systemPackage="apt" elif grep -Eqi "centos|red hat|redhat" /etc/issue; then release="centos" systemPackage="yum" elif grep -Eqi "debian|raspbian" /proc/version; then release="debian" systemPackage="apt" elif grep -Eqi "ubuntu" /proc/version; then release="ubuntu" systemPackage="apt" elif grep -Eqi "centos|red hat|redhat" /proc/version; then release="centos" systemPackage="yum" fi if [[ "${checkType}" == "sysRelease" ]]; then if [ "${value}" == "${release}" ]; then return else return fi elif [[ "${checkType}" == "packageManager" ]]; then if [ "${value}" == "${systemPackage}" ]; then return else return fi fi } version_ge(){ test "$(echo "$@" | tr " " "\n" | sort -rV | head -n 1)" == "$1" } version_gt(){ test "$(echo "$@" | tr " " "\n" | sort -V | head -n 1)" != "$1" } check_kernel_version(){ local kernel_version=$(uname -r | cut -d- -f1) ; then return else return fi } check_kernel_headers(){ if check_sys packageManager yum; then if rpm -qa | grep -q headers-$(uname -r); then return else return fi elif check_sys packageManager apt; then >&; then return else return fi fi return } getversion(){ if [[ -s /etc/redhat-release ]]; then grep -oE "[0-9.]+" /etc/redhat-release else grep -oE "[0-9.]+" /etc/issue fi } centosversion(){ if check_sys sysRelease centos; then local code=$ local version="$(getversion)" local main_ver=${version%%.*} if [ "$main_ver" == "$code" ]; then return else return fi else return fi } autoconf_version(){ if [ ! "$(command -v autoconf)" ]; then echo -e "[${green}Info${plain}] Starting install package autoconf" if check_sys packageManager yum; then >& || echo -e "[${red}Error:${plain}] Failed to install autoconf" elif check_sys packageManager apt; then apt-get -y update > /dev/>& apt-get -y >& || echo -e "[${red}Error:${plain}] Failed to install autoconf" fi fi local autoconf_ver=$(autoconf --version | grep autoconf | grep -oE "[0-9.]+") if version_ge ${autoconf_ver} 2.67; then return else return fi } get_ip(){ local IP=$( ip addr | ) [ -z ${IP} ] && IP=$( wget -qO- -t1 -T2 ) [ -z ${IP} ] && IP=$( wget -qO- -t1 -T2 ) echo ${IP} } get_ipv6(){ local ipv6=$(wget -qO- -t1 -T2 [ -z ${ipv6} ] && return || return } get_libev_ver(){ libev_ver=$(wget --no-check-certificate -qO- | grep 'tag_name' | cut -d\" -f4) [ -z ${libev_ver} ] && } get_opsy(){ [ -f /etc/redhat-release ] && awk '{print ($1,$3~/^[0-9]/?$3:$4)}' /etc/redhat-release && return [ -f /etc/os-release ] && awk -F'[= "]' '/PRETTY_NAME/{print $3,$4,$5}' /etc/os-release && return [ -f /etc/lsb-release ] && awk -F'[="]+' '/DESCRIPTION/{print $2}' /etc/lsb-release && return } is_64bit(){ ' ] ; then return else return fi } debianversion(){ if check_sys sysRelease debian;then local version=$( get_opsy ) local code=${} local main_ver=$( echo ${version} | sed 's/[^0-9]//g') if [ "${main_ver}" == "${code}" ];then return else return fi else return fi } download(){ local filename=$() } ]; then echo "${filename} [found]" else echo "${filename} not found, download now..." } ${} ]; then echo -e "[${red}Error${plain}] Download ${filename} failed." exit fi fi } download_files(){ cd ${cur_dir} " ]; then download "${shadowsocks_python_file}.zip" "${shadowsocks_python_url}" if check_sys packageManager yum; then download "${shadowsocks_python_init}" "${shadowsocks_python_centos}" elif check_sys packageManager apt; then download "${shadowsocks_python_init}" "${shadowsocks_python_debian}" fi " ]; then download "${shadowsocks_r_file}.tar.gz" "${shadowsocks_r_url}" if check_sys packageManager yum; then download "${shadowsocks_r_init}" "${shadowsocks_r_centos}" elif check_sys packageManager apt; then download "${shadowsocks_r_init}" "${shadowsocks_r_debian}" fi " ]; then if is_64bit; then download "${shadowsocks_go_file_64}.gz" "${shadowsocks_go_url_64}" else download "${shadowsocks_go_file_32}.gz" "${shadowsocks_go_url_32}" fi if check_sys packageManager yum; then download "${shadowsocks_go_init}" "${shadowsocks_go_centos}" elif check_sys packageManager apt; then download "${shadowsocks_go_init}" "${shadowsocks_go_debian}" fi " ]; then get_libev_ver shadowsocks_libev_file="shadowsocks-libev-$(echo ${libev_ver} | sed -e 's/^[a-zA-Z]//g')" shadowsocks_libev_url="${libev_ver}/${shadowsocks_libev_file}.tar.gz" download "${shadowsocks_libev_file}.tar.gz" "${shadowsocks_libev_url}" if check_sys packageManager yum; then download "${shadowsocks_libev_init}" "${shadowsocks_libev_centos}" elif check_sys packageManager apt; then download "${shadowsocks_libev_init}" "${shadowsocks_libev_debian}" fi fi } get_char(){ SAVEDSTTY=$(stty -g) stty -echo stty cbreak count= > /dev/null stty -raw stty echo stty $SAVEDSTTY } error_detect_depends(){ local command=$ local depend=`echo "${command}" | awk '{print $4}'` echo -e "[${green}Info${plain}] Starting to install package ${depend}" ${command} > /dev/>& ]; then echo -e "[${red}Error${plain}] Failed to install ${red}${depend}${plain}" echo "Please visit: and contact." exit fi } config_firewall(){ ; then /etc/init.d/iptables status > /dev/>& ]; then iptables -L -n | >& ]; then iptables -I INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport ${shadowsocksport} -j ACCEPT iptables -I INPUT -m state --state NEW -m udp -p udp --dport ${shadowsocksport} -j ACCEPT /etc/init.d/iptables save /etc/init.d/iptables restart else echo -e "[${green}Info${plain}] port ${green}${shadowsocksport}${plain} already be enabled." fi else echo -e "[${yellow}Warning${plain}] iptables looks like not running or not installed, please enable port ${shadowsocksport} manually if necessary." fi ; then systemctl status firewalld > /dev/>& ]; then firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-port=${shadowsocksport}/tcp firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-port=${shadowsocksport}/udp firewall-cmd --reload else echo -e "[${yellow}Warning${plain}] firewalld looks like not running or not installed, please enable port ${shadowsocksport} manually if necessary." fi fi } config_shadowsocks(){ if check_kernel_version && check_kernel_headers; then fast_open="true" else fast_open="false" fi " ]; then if [ ! -d "$(dirname ${shadowsocks_python_config})" ]; then mkdir -p $(dirname ${shadowsocks_python_config}) fi cat > ${shadowsocks_python_config}<<-EOF { "server":"", "server_port":${shadowsocksport}, "local_address":"", , "password":"${shadowsockspwd}", , "method":"${shadowsockscipher}", "fast_open":${fast_open} } EOF " ]; then if [ ! -d "$(dirname ${shadowsocks_r_config})" ]; then mkdir -p $(dirname ${shadowsocks_r_config}) fi cat > ${shadowsocks_r_config}<<-EOF { "server":"", "server_ipv6":"::", "server_port":${shadowsocksport}, "local_address":"", , "password":"${shadowsockspwd}", , "method":"${shadowsockscipher}", "protocol":"${shadowsockprotocol}", "protocol_param":"", "obfs":"${shadowsockobfs}", "obfs_param":"", "redirect":"", "dns_ipv6":false, "fast_open":${fast_open}, } EOF " ]; then if [ ! -d "$(dirname ${shadowsocks_go_config})" ]; then mkdir -p $(dirname ${shadowsocks_go_config}) fi cat > ${shadowsocks_go_config}<<-EOF { "server":"", "server_port":${shadowsocksport}, , "password":"${shadowsockspwd}", "method":"${shadowsockscipher}", } EOF " ]; then local server_value="\"\"" if get_ipv6; then server_value="[\"[::0]\",\"\"]" fi if [ ! -d "$(dirname ${shadowsocks_libev_config})" ]; then mkdir -p $(dirname ${shadowsocks_libev_config}) fi if [ "${libev_obfs}" == "y" ] || [ "${libev_obfs}" == "Y" ]; then cat > ${shadowsocks_libev_config}<<-EOF { "server":${server_value}, "server_port":${shadowsocksport}, "password":"${shadowsockspwd}", , "user":"nobody", "method":"${shadowsockscipher}", "fast_open":${fast_open}, "nameserver":"", "mode":"tcp_and_udp", "plugin":"obfs-server", "plugin_opts":"obfs=${shadowsocklibev_obfs}" } EOF else cat > ${shadowsocks_libev_config}<<-EOF { "server":${server_value}, "server_port":${shadowsocksport}, "password":"${shadowsockspwd}", , "user":"nobody", "method":"${shadowsockscipher}", "fast_open":${fast_open}, "nameserver":"", "mode":"tcp_and_udp" } EOF fi fi } install_dependencies(){ if check_sys packageManager yum; then echo -e "[${green}Info${plain}] Checking the EPEL repository..." if [ ! -f /etc/yum.repos.d/epel.repo ]; then >& fi [ ! -f /etc/ [ ! >& [ x>& echo -e "[${green}Info${plain}] Checking the EPEL repository complete..." yum_depends=( unzip gzip openssl openssl-devel gcc python python-devel python-setuptools pcre pcre-devel libtool libevent autoconf automake make curl curl-devel zlib-devel perl perl-devel cpio expat-devel gettext-devel libev-devel c-ares-devel git qrencode ) for depend in ${yum_depends[@]}; do error_detect_depends "yum -y install ${depend}" done elif check_sys packageManager apt; then apt_depends=( gettext build-essential unzip gzip python python-dev python-setuptools curl openssl libssl-dev autoconf automake libtool gcc make perl cpio libpcre3 libpcre3-dev zlib1g-dev libev-dev libc-ares-dev git qrencode ) apt-get -y update for depend in ${apt_depends[@]}; do error_detect_depends "apt-get -y install ${depend}" done fi } install_check(){ if check_sys packageManager yum || check_sys packageManager apt; then ; then return fi return else return fi } install_select(){ if ! install_check; then echo -e "[${red}Error${plain}] Your OS is not supported to run it!" echo "Please change to CentOS 6+/Debian 7+/Ubuntu 12+ and try again." exit fi clear while true do echo "Which Shadowsocks server you'd select:" ;i<=${#software[@]};i++ )); do hint="${software[$i-1]}" echo -e "${green}${i}${plain}) ${hint}" done read -p "Please enter a number (Default ${software[0]}):" selected [ -z " case "${selected}" in |||) echo echo "You choose = ${software[${selected}-1]}" echo break ;; *) echo -e "[${red}Error${plain}] Please only enter a number [1-4]" ;; esac done } install_prepare_password(){ echo "Please enter password for ${software[${selected}-1]}" read -p "(Default password:" shadowsockspwd [ -z "${shadowsockspwd}" ] && shadowsockspwd="" echo echo "password = ${shadowsockspwd}" echo } install_prepare_port() { while true do dport=$(shuf -i - -n ) echo -e "Please enter a port for ${software[${selected}-1]} [1-65535]" read -p "(Default port: ${dport}):" shadowsocksport [ -z "${shadowsocksport}" ] && shadowsocksport=${dport} &>/dev/null ]; then ] && [ ${shadowsocksport} -le ] && [ ${shadowsocksport::} != ]; then echo echo "port = ${shadowsocksport}" echo break fi fi echo -e "[${red}Error${plain}] Please enter a correct number [1-65535]" done } install_prepare_cipher(){ while true do echo -e "Please select stream cipher for ${software[${selected}-1]}:" " ]]; then ;i<=${#common_ciphers[@]};i++ )); do hint="${common_ciphers[$i-1]}" echo -e "${green}${i}${plain}) ${hint}" done read -p "Which cipher you'd select(Default: ${common_ciphers[0]}):" pick [ -z &>/dev/null ]; then echo -e "[${red}Error${plain}] Please enter a number" continue fi || "$pick" -gt ${#common_ciphers[@]} ]]; then echo -e "[${red}Error${plain}] Please enter a number between 1 and ${#common_ciphers[@]}" continue fi shadowsockscipher=${common_ciphers[$pick-]} " ]; then ;i<=${#r_ciphers[@]};i++ )); do hint="${r_ciphers[$i-1]}" echo -e "${green}${i}${plain}) ${hint}" done read -p "Which cipher you'd select(Default: ${r_ciphers[1]}):" pick [ -z &>/dev/null ]; then echo -e "[${red}Error${plain}] Please enter a number" continue fi || "$pick" -gt ${#r_ciphers[@]} ]]; then echo -e "[${red}Error${plain}] Please enter a number between 1 and ${#r_ciphers[@]}" continue fi shadowsockscipher=${r_ciphers[$pick-]} " ]; then ;i<=${#go_ciphers[@]};i++ )); do hint="${go_ciphers[$i-1]}" echo -e "${green}${i}${plain}) ${hint}" done read -p "Which cipher you'd select(Default: ${go_ciphers[0]}):" pick [ -z &>/dev/null ]; then echo -e "[${red}Error${plain}] Please enter a number" continue fi || "$pick" -gt ${#go_ciphers[@]} ]]; then echo -e "[${red}Error${plain}] Please enter a number between 1 and ${#go_ciphers[@]}" continue fi shadowsockscipher=${go_ciphers[$pick-]} fi echo echo "cipher = ${shadowsockscipher}" echo break done } install_prepare_protocol(){ while true do echo -e "Please select protocol for ${software[${selected}-1]}:" ;i<=${#protocols[@]};i++ )); do hint="${protocols[$i-1]}" echo -e "${green}${i}${plain}) ${hint}" done read -p "Which protocol you'd select(Default: ${protocols[0]}):" protocol [ -z &>/dev/null ]; then echo -e "[${red}Error${plain}] Please enter a number" continue fi || "$protocol" -gt ${#protocols[@]} ]]; then echo -e "[${red}Error${plain}] Please enter a number between 1 and ${#protocols[@]}" continue fi shadowsockprotocol=${protocols[$protocol-]} echo echo "protocol = ${shadowsockprotocol}" echo break done } install_prepare_obfs(){ while true do echo -e "Please select obfs for ${software[${selected}-1]}:" ;i<=${#obfs[@]};i++ )); do hint="${obfs[$i-1]}" echo -e "${green}${i}${plain}) ${hint}" done read -p "Which obfs you'd select(Default: ${obfs[0]}):" r_obfs [ -z &>/dev/null ]; then echo -e "[${red}Error${plain}] Please enter a number" continue fi || "$r_obfs" -gt ${#obfs[@]} ]]; then echo -e "[${red}Error${plain}] Please enter a number between 1 and ${#obfs[@]}" continue fi shadowsockobfs=${obfs[$r_obfs-]} echo echo "obfs = ${shadowsockobfs}" echo break done } install_prepare_libev_obfs(){ ; then while true do echo -e "Do you want install simple-obfs for ${software[${selected}-1]}? [y/n]" read -p "(default: n):" libev_obfs [ -z "$libev_obfs" ] && libev_obfs=n case "${libev_obfs}" in y|Y|n|N) echo echo "You choose = ${libev_obfs}" echo break ;; *) echo -e "[${red}Error${plain}] Please only enter [y/n]" ;; esac done if [ "${libev_obfs}" == "y" ] || [ "${libev_obfs}" == "Y" ]; then while true do echo -e "Please select obfs for simple-obfs:" ;i<=${#obfs_libev[@]};i++ )); do hint="${obfs_libev[$i-1]}" echo -e "${green}${i}${plain}) ${hint}" done read -p "Which obfs you'd select(Default: ${obfs_libev[0]}):" r_libev_obfs [ -z &>/dev/null ]; then echo -e "[${red}Error${plain}] Please enter a number" continue fi || "$r_libev_obfs" -gt ${#obfs_libev[@]} ]]; then echo -e "[${red}Error${plain}] Please enter a number between 1 and ${#obfs_libev[@]}" continue fi shadowsocklibev_obfs=${obfs_libev[$r_libev_obfs-]} echo echo "obfs = ${shadowsocklibev_obfs}" echo break done fi else echo -e "[${green}Info${plain}] autoconf version is less than 2.67, simple-obfs for ${software[${selected}-1]} installation has been skipped" fi } install_prepare(){ " ]]; then install_prepare_password install_prepare_port install_prepare_cipher " ]; then install_prepare_libev_obfs fi " ]; then install_prepare_password install_prepare_port install_prepare_cipher install_prepare_protocol install_prepare_obfs fi echo echo "Press any key to start...or Press Ctrl+C to cancel" char=`get_char` } install_libsodium(){ if [ ! -f /usr/lib/libsodium.a ]; then cd ${cur_dir} download "${libsodium_file}.tar.gz" "${libsodium_url}" tar zxf ${libsodium_file}.tar.gz cd ${libsodium_file} ./configure --prefix=/usr && make && make install ]; then echo -e "[${red}Error${plain}] ${libsodium_file} install failed." install_cleanup exit fi else echo -e "[${green}Info${plain}] ${libsodium_file} already installed." fi } install_mbedtls(){ if [ ! -f /usr/lib/libmbedtls.a ]; then cd ${cur_dir} download "${mbedtls_file}-gpl.tgz" "${mbedtls_url}" tar xf ${mbedtls_file}-gpl.tgz cd ${mbedtls_file} CFLAGS=-fPIC make DESTDIR=/usr install ]; then echo -e "[${red}Error${plain}] ${mbedtls_file} install failed." install_cleanup exit fi else echo -e "[${green}Info${plain}] ${mbedtls_file} already installed." fi } install_shadowsocks_python(){ cd ${cur_dir} unzip -q ${shadowsocks_python_file}.zip ];then echo -e "[${red}Error${plain}] unzip ${shadowsocks_python_file}.zip failed, please check unzip command." install_cleanup exit fi cd ${shadowsocks_python_file} python install --record /usr/local/shadowsocks_python.log if [ -f /usr/bin/ssserver ] || [ -f /usr/local/bin/ssserver ]; then chmod +x ${shadowsocks_python_init} local service_name=$(basename ${shadowsocks_python_init}) if check_sys packageManager yum; then chkconfig --add ${service_name} chkconfig ${service_name} on elif check_sys packageManager apt; then update-rc.d -f ${service_name} defaults fi else echo echo -e "[${red}Error${plain}] ${software[0]} install failed." echo "Please visit: and contact." install_cleanup exit fi } install_shadowsocks_r(){ cd ${cur_dir} tar zxf ${shadowsocks_r_file}.tar.gz mv ${shadowsocks_r_file}/shadowsocks /usr/local/ if [ -f /usr/local/shadowsocks/ ]; then chmod +x ${shadowsocks_r_init} local service_name=$(basename ${shadowsocks_r_init}) if check_sys packageManager yum; then chkconfig --add ${service_name} chkconfig ${service_name} on elif check_sys packageManager apt; then update-rc.d -f ${service_name} defaults fi else echo echo -e "[${red}Error${plain}] ${software[1]} install failed." echo "Please visit; and contact." install_cleanup exit fi } install_shadowsocks_go(){ cd ${cur_dir} if is_64bit; then gzip -d ${shadowsocks_go_file_64}.gz ];then echo -e "[${red}Error${plain}] Decompress ${shadowsocks_go_file_64}.gz failed." install_cleanup exit fi mv -f ${shadowsocks_go_file_64} /usr/bin/shadowsocks-server else gzip -d ${shadowsocks_go_file_32}.gz ];then echo -e "[${red}Error${plain}] Decompress ${shadowsocks_go_file_32}.gz failed." install_cleanup exit fi mv -f ${shadowsocks_go_file_32} /usr/bin/shadowsocks-server fi if [ -f /usr/bin/shadowsocks-server ]; then chmod +x /usr/bin/shadowsocks-server chmod +x ${shadowsocks_go_init} local service_name=$(basename ${shadowsocks_go_init}) if check_sys packageManager yum; then chkconfig --add ${service_name} chkconfig ${service_name} on elif check_sys packageManager apt; then update-rc.d -f ${service_name} defaults fi else echo echo -e "[${red}Error${plain}] ${software[2]} install failed." echo "Please visit: and contact." install_cleanup exit fi } install_shadowsocks_libev(){ cd ${cur_dir} tar zxf ${shadowsocks_libev_file}.tar.gz cd ${shadowsocks_libev_file} ./configure --disable-documentation && make && make install ]; then chmod +x ${shadowsocks_libev_init} local service_name=$(basename ${shadowsocks_libev_init}) if check_sys packageManager yum; then chkconfig --add ${service_name} chkconfig ${service_name} on elif check_sys packageManager apt; then update-rc.d -f ${service_name} defaults fi else echo echo -e "[${red}Error${plain}] ${software[3]} install failed." echo "Please visit: and contact." install_cleanup exit fi } install_shadowsocks_libev_obfs(){ if [ "${libev_obfs}" == "y" ] || [ "${libev_obfs}" == "Y" ]; then cd ${cur_dir} git clone [ -d simple-obfs ] && cd simple-obfs || echo -e "[${red}Error:${plain}] Failed to git clone simple-obfs." git submodule update --init --recursive ; then if [ ! "$(command -v autoconf268)" ]; then echo -e "[${green}Info${plain}] Starting install autoconf268..." >& || echo -e "[${red}Error:${plain}] Failed to install autoconf268." fi # replace command autoreconf to autoreconf268 sed -i 's/autoreconf/autoreconf268/' # replace #include <ev.h> to #include <libev/ev.h> sed -i 's@^#include <ev.h>@#include <libev/ev.h>@' src/local.h sed -i 's@^#include <ev.h>@#include <libev/ev.h>@' src/server.h fi ./ ./configure --disable-documentation make make install if [ ! "$(command -v obfs-server)" ]; then echo -e "[${red}Error${plain}] simple-obfs for ${software[${selected}-1]} install failed." echo "Please visit: and contact." install_cleanup exit fi [ -f /usr/local/bin/obfs-server ] && ln -s /usr/local/bin/obfs-server /usr/bin fi } install_completed_python(){ clear ${shadowsocks_python_init} start echo echo -e "Congratulations, ${green}${software[0]}${plain} server install completed!" echo -e "Your Server IP : ${red} $(get_ip) ${plain}" echo -e "Your Server Port : ${red} ${shadowsocksport} ${plain}" echo -e "Your Password : ${red} ${shadowsockspwd} ${plain}" echo -e "Your Encryption Method: ${red} ${shadowsockscipher} ${plain}" } install_completed_r(){ clear ${shadowsocks_r_init} start echo echo -e "Congratulations, ${green}${software[1]}${plain} server install completed!" echo -e "Your Server IP : ${red} $(get_ip) ${plain}" echo -e "Your Server Port : ${red} ${shadowsocksport} ${plain}" echo -e "Your Password : ${red} ${shadowsockspwd} ${plain}" echo -e "Your Protocol : ${red} ${shadowsockprotocol} ${plain}" echo -e "Your obfs : ${red} ${shadowsockobfs} ${plain}" echo -e "Your Encryption Method: ${red} ${shadowsockscipher} ${plain}" } install_completed_go(){ clear ${shadowsocks_go_init} start echo echo -e "Congratulations, ${green}${software[2]}${plain} server install completed!" echo -e "Your Server IP : ${red} $(get_ip) ${plain}" echo -e "Your Server Port : ${red} ${shadowsocksport} ${plain}" echo -e "Your Password : ${red} ${shadowsockspwd} ${plain}" echo -e "Your Encryption Method: ${red} ${shadowsockscipher} ${plain}" } install_completed_libev(){ clear ldconfig ${shadowsocks_libev_init} start echo echo -e "Congratulations, ${green}${software[3]}${plain} server install completed!" echo -e "Your Server IP : ${red} $(get_ip) ${plain}" echo -e "Your Server Port : ${red} ${shadowsocksport} ${plain}" echo -e "Your Password : ${red} ${shadowsockspwd} ${plain}" if [ "$(command -v obfs-server)" ]; then echo -e "Your obfs : ${red} ${shadowsocklibev_obfs} ${plain}" fi echo -e "Your Encryption Method: ${red} ${shadowsockscipher} ${plain}" } qr_generate_python(){ if [ "$(command -v qrencode)" ]; then local tmp=$(echo -n "${shadowsockscipher}:${shadowsockspwd}@$(get_ip):${shadowsocksport}" | base64 -w0) local qr_code="ss://${tmp}" echo echo "Your QR Code: (For Shadowsocks Windows, OSX, Android and iOS clients)" echo -e "${green} ${qr_code} ${plain}" echo -n "${qr_code}" | qrencode -s8 -o ${cur_dir}/shadowsocks_python_qr.png echo "Your QR Code has been saved as a PNG file path:" echo -e "${green} ${cur_dir}/shadowsocks_python_qr.png ${plain}" fi } qr_generate_r(){ if [ "$(command -v qrencode)" ]; then local tmp1=$(echo -n "${shadowsockspwd}" | base64 -w0 | sed 's/=//g;s/\//_/g;s/+/-/g') local tmp2=$(echo -n "$(get_ip):${shadowsocksport}:${shadowsockprotocol}:${shadowsockscipher}:${shadowsockobfs}:${tmp1}/?obfsparam=" | base64 -w0) local qr_code="ssr://${tmp2}" echo echo "Your QR Code: (For ShadowsocksR Windows, Android clients only)" echo -e "${green} ${qr_code} ${plain}" echo -n "${qr_code}" | qrencode -s8 -o ${cur_dir}/shadowsocks_r_qr.png echo "Your QR Code has been saved as a PNG file path:" echo -e "${green} ${cur_dir}/shadowsocks_r_qr.png ${plain}" fi } qr_generate_go(){ if [ "$(command -v qrencode)" ]; then local tmp=$(echo -n "${shadowsockscipher}:${shadowsockspwd}@$(get_ip):${shadowsocksport}" | base64 -w0) local qr_code="ss://${tmp}" echo echo "Your QR Code: (For Shadowsocks Windows, OSX, Android and iOS clients)" echo -e "${green} ${qr_code} ${plain}" echo -n "${qr_code}" | qrencode -s8 -o ${cur_dir}/shadowsocks_go_qr.png echo "Your QR Code has been saved as a PNG file path:" echo -e "${green} ${cur_dir}/shadowsocks_go_qr.png ${plain}" fi } qr_generate_libev(){ if [ "$(command -v qrencode)" ]; then local tmp=$(echo -n "${shadowsockscipher}:${shadowsockspwd}@$(get_ip):${shadowsocksport}" | base64 -w0) local qr_code="ss://${tmp}" echo echo "Your QR Code: (For Shadowsocks Windows, OSX, Android and iOS clients)" echo -e "${green} ${qr_code} ${plain}" echo -n "${qr_code}" | qrencode -s8 -o ${cur_dir}/shadowsocks_libev_qr.png echo "Your QR Code has been saved as a PNG file path:" echo -e "${green} ${cur_dir}/shadowsocks_libev_qr.png ${plain}" fi } install_main(){ install_libsodium if ! ldconfig -p | grep -wq "/usr/lib"; then echo "/usr/lib" > /etc/ fi ldconfig " ]; then install_shadowsocks_python install_completed_python qr_generate_python " ]; then install_shadowsocks_r install_completed_r qr_generate_r " ]; then install_shadowsocks_go install_completed_go qr_generate_go " ]; then install_mbedtls install_shadowsocks_libev install_shadowsocks_libev_obfs install_completed_libev qr_generate_libev fi echo echo "Welcome to visit:" echo "Enjoy it!" echo } install_cleanup(){ cd ${cur_dir} rm -rf simple-obfs rm -rf ${libsodium_file} ${libsodium_file}.tar.gz rm -rf ${mbedtls_file} ${mbedtls_file}-gpl.tgz rm -rf ${shadowsocks_python_file} ${shadowsocks_python_file}.zip rm -rf ${shadowsocks_r_file} ${shadowsocks_r_file}.tar.gz rm -rf ${shadowsocks_go_file_64}.gz ${shadowsocks_go_file_32}.gz rm -rf ${shadowsocks_libev_file} ${shadowsocks_libev_file}.tar.gz } install_shadowsocks(){ disable_selinux install_select install_prepare install_dependencies download_files config_shadowsocks if check_sys packageManager yum; then config_firewall fi install_main install_cleanup } uninstall_shadowsocks_python(){ printf "Are you sure uninstall ${red}${software[0]}${plain}? [y/n]\n" read -p "(default: n):" answer [ -z ${answer} ] && answer="n" if [ "${answer}" == "y" ] || [ "${answer}" == "Y" ]; then ${shadowsocks_python_init} status > /dev/>& ]; then ${shadowsocks_python_init} stop fi local service_name=$(basename ${shadowsocks_python_init}) if check_sys packageManager yum; then chkconfig --del ${service_name} elif check_sys packageManager apt; then update-rc.d -f ${service_name} remove fi rm -fr $(dirname ${shadowsocks_python_config}) rm -f ${shadowsocks_python_init} rm -f /var/log/shadowsocks.log if [ -f /usr/local/shadowsocks_python.log ]; then cat /usr/local/shadowsocks_python.log | xargs rm -rf rm -f /usr/local/shadowsocks_python.log fi echo -e "[${green}Info${plain}] ${software[0]} uninstall success" else echo echo -e "[${green}Info${plain}] ${software[0]} uninstall cancelled, nothing to do..." echo fi } uninstall_shadowsocks_r(){ printf "Are you sure uninstall ${red}${software[1]}${plain}? [y/n]\n" read -p "(default: n):" answer [ -z ${answer} ] && answer="n" if [ "${answer}" == "y" ] || [ "${answer}" == "Y" ]; then ${shadowsocks_r_init} status > /dev/>& ]; then ${shadowsocks_r_init} stop fi local service_name=$(basename ${shadowsocks_r_init}) if check_sys packageManager yum; then chkconfig --del ${service_name} elif check_sys packageManager apt; then update-rc.d -f ${service_name} remove fi rm -fr $(dirname ${shadowsocks_r_config}) rm -f ${shadowsocks_r_init} rm -f /var/log/shadowsocks.log rm -fr /usr/local/shadowsocks echo -e "[${green}Info${plain}] ${software[1]} uninstall success" else echo echo -e "[${green}Info${plain}] ${software[1]} uninstall cancelled, nothing to do..." echo fi } uninstall_shadowsocks_go(){ printf "Are you sure uninstall ${red}${software[2]}${plain}? [y/n]\n" read -p "(default: n):" answer [ -z ${answer} ] && answer="n" if [ "${answer}" == "y" ] || [ "${answer}" == "Y" ]; then ${shadowsocks_go_init} status > /dev/>& ]; then ${shadowsocks_go_init} stop fi local service_name=$(basename ${shadowsocks_go_init}) if check_sys packageManager yum; then chkconfig --del ${service_name} elif check_sys packageManager apt; then update-rc.d -f ${service_name} remove fi rm -fr $(dirname ${shadowsocks_go_config}) rm -f ${shadowsocks_go_init} rm -f /usr/bin/shadowsocks-server echo -e "[${green}Info${plain}] ${software[2]} uninstall success" else echo echo -e "[${green}Info${plain}] ${software[2]} uninstall cancelled, nothing to do..." echo fi } uninstall_shadowsocks_libev(){ printf "Are you sure uninstall ${red}${software[3]}${plain}? [y/n]\n" read -p "(default: n):" answer [ -z ${answer} ] && answer="n" if [ "${answer}" == "y" ] || [ "${answer}" == "Y" ]; then ${shadowsocks_libev_init} status > /dev/>& ]; then ${shadowsocks_libev_init} stop fi local service_name=$(basename ${shadowsocks_libev_init}) if check_sys packageManager yum; then chkconfig --del ${service_name} elif check_sys packageManager apt; then update-rc.d -f ${service_name} remove fi rm -fr $(dirname ${shadowsocks_libev_config}) rm -f /usr/local/bin/ss-local rm -f /usr/local/bin/ss-tunnel rm -f /usr/local/bin/ss-server rm -f /usr/local/bin/ss-manager rm -f /usr/local/bin/ss-redir rm -f /usr/local/bin/ss-nat rm -f /usr/local/bin/obfs-local rm -f /usr/local/bin/obfs-server rm -f /usr/local/lib/libshadowsocks-libev.a rm -f /usr/local/lib/ rm -f /usr/local/include/shadowsocks.h rm -f /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig/shadowsocks-libev.pc rm -fr /usr/local/share/doc/shadowsocks-libev rm -f ${shadowsocks_libev_init} echo -e "[${green}Info${plain}] ${software[3]} uninstall success" else echo echo -e "[${green}Info${plain}] ${software[3]} uninstall cancelled, nothing to do..." echo fi } uninstall_shadowsocks(){ while true do echo "Which Shadowsocks server you want to uninstall?" ;i<=${#software[@]};i++ )); do hint="${software[$i-1]}" echo -e "${green}${i}${plain}) ${hint}" done read -p "Please enter a number [1-4]:" un_select case "${un_select}" in |||) echo echo "You choose = ${software[${un_select}-1]}" echo break ;; *) echo -e "[${red}Error${plain}] Please only enter a number [1-4]" ;; esac done " ]; then if [ -f ${shadowsocks_python_init} ]; then uninstall_shadowsocks_python else echo -e "[${red}Error${plain}] ${software[${un_select}-1]} not installed, please check it and try again." echo exit fi " ]; then if [ -f ${shadowsocks_r_init} ]; then uninstall_shadowsocks_r else echo -e "[${red}Error${plain}] ${software[${un_select}-1]} not installed, please check it and try again." echo exit fi " ]; then if [ -f ${shadowsocks_go_init} ]; then uninstall_shadowsocks_go else echo -e "[${red}Error${plain}] ${software[${un_select}-1]} not installed, please check it and try again." echo exit fi " ]; then if [ -f ${shadowsocks_libev_init} ]; then uninstall_shadowsocks_libev else echo -e "[${red}Error${plain}] ${software[${un_select}-1]} not installed, please check it and try again." echo exit fi fi } # Initialization step action=$ [ -z $ ] && action=install case "${action}" in install|uninstall) ${action}_shadowsocks ;; *) echo "Arguments error! [${action}]" echo "Usage: $(basename $0) [install|uninstall]" ;; esac
1、一键安装 Shadowsocks-Python, ShadowsocksR, Shadowsocks-Go, Shadowsocks-libev 版(四选一)服务端;
6、Shadowsocks-Python 和 ShadowsocksR 安装后不可同时启动(因为本质上都属 Python 版)。
友情提示:如果你有问题,请先阅读这篇《Shadowsocks Troubleshooting》之后再询问。
服务器端口:自己设定(如不设定,默认为 8989)
加密方式:自己设定(如不设定,Python 和 libev 版默认为 aes-256-gcm,R 和 Go 版默认为 aes-256-cfb)
协议(protocol):自己设定(如不设定,默认为 origin)(仅限 ShadowsocksR 版)
混淆(obfs):自己设定(如不设定,默认为 plain)(仅限 ShadowsocksR 版)
常规版 Windows 客户端
ShadowsocksR 版 Windows 客户端
wget --no-check-certificate -O chmod +x ./ 2>&1 | tee shadowsocks-all.log
Congratulations, your_shadowsocks_version install completed! Your Server IP :your_server_ip Your Server Port :your_server_port Your Password :your_password Your Encryption Method:your_encryption_method Your QR Code: (For Shadowsocks Windows, OSX, Android and iOS clients) ss://your_encryption_method:your_password@your_server_ip:your_server_port Your QR Code has been saved as a PNG file path: your_path.png Welcome to visit: Enjoy it!
./ uninstall
Shadowsocks-Python 版:
/etc/init.d/shadowsocks-python start | stop | restart | status
ShadowsocksR 版:
/etc/init.d/shadowsocks-r start | stop | restart | status
Shadowsocks-Go 版:
/etc/init.d/shadowsocks-go start | stop | restart | status
Shadowsocks-libev 版:
/etc/init.d/shadowsocks-libev start | stop | restart | status
Shadowsocks-Python 版:
ShadowsocksR 版:
Shadowsocks-Go 版:
Shadowsocks-libev 版:
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