We can realize a Stack as an adaptation of a Python List.






  1. class Empty(Exception):
  2. pass
  4. class ArrayStack:
  5. """LIFO Stack implementation using Python"""
  7. def __init__(self):
  8. self._data=[]
  10. def __len__(self):
  11. return len(self._data)
  13. def is_empty(self):
  14. return len(self._data)==0
  16. def push(self,e):
  17. self._data.append(e)
  19. def pop(self):
  20. if self.is_empty():
  21. raise Empty('Stack is empty')
  22. return self._data.pop()
  24. def top(self):
  25. if self.is_empty():
  26. raise Empty('Stack is empty')
  27. return self._data[-1]


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