Atitit cms wordpress get_post  返回的WP_Post 规范 标准化

public $ID;

public $post_author = 0;

* The post's local publication time.

public $post_date = '0000-00-00 00:00:00';

* The post's GMT publication time.

public $post_date_gmt = '0000-00-00 00:00:00';

public $post_content = '';

public $post_title = '';

public $post_excerpt = '';

public $post_status = 'publish';

public $comment_status = 'open';

public $ping_status = 'open';

public $post_password = '';

public $post_name = '';

public $to_ping = '';

public $pinged = '';

public $post_modified = '0000-00-00 00:00:00';

public $post_modified_gmt = '0000-00-00 00:00:00';

public $post_content_filtered = '';

public $post_parent = 0;

public $guid = '';

public $menu_order = 0;

public $post_type = 'post';

public $post_mime_type = '';

public $comment_count = 0;

public $filter;

final class WP_Post {


* Post ID.


* @var int


public $ID;


* ID of post author.


* A numeric string, for compatibility reasons.


* @var string


public $post_author = 0;


* The post's local publication time.


* @var string


public $post_date = '0000-00-00 00:00:00';


* The post's GMT publication time.


* @var string


public $post_date_gmt = '0000-00-00 00:00:00';


* The post's content.


* @var string


public $post_content = '';


* The post's title.


* @var string


public $post_title = '';


* The post's excerpt.


* @var string


public $post_excerpt = '';


* The post's status.


* @var string


public $post_status = 'publish';


* Whether comments are allowed.


* @var string


public $comment_status = 'open';


* Whether pings are allowed.


* @var string


public $ping_status = 'open';


* The post's password in plain text.


* @var string


public $post_password = '';


* The post's slug.


* @var string


public $post_name = '';


* URLs queued to be pinged.


* @var string


public $to_ping = '';


* URLs that have been pinged.


* @var string


public $pinged = '';


* The post's local modified time.


* @var string


public $post_modified = '0000-00-00 00:00:00';


* The post's GMT modified time.


* @var string


public $post_modified_gmt = '0000-00-00 00:00:00';


* A utility DB field for post content.



* @var string


public $post_content_filtered = '';


* ID of a post's parent post.


* @var int


public $post_parent = 0;


* The unique identifier for a post, not necessarily a URL, used as the feed GUID.


* @var string


public $guid = '';


* A field used for ordering posts.


* @var int


public $menu_order = 0;


* The post's type, like post or page.


* @var string


public $post_type = 'post';


* An attachment's mime type.


* @var string


public $post_mime_type = '';


* Cached comment count.


* A numeric string, for compatibility reasons.


* @var string


public $comment_count = 0;


* Stores the post object's sanitization level.


* Does not correspond to a DB field.


* @var string


public $filter;


* Retrieve WP_Post instance.


* @static

* @access public


* @global wpdb $wpdb WordPress database abstraction object.


* @param int $post_id Post ID.

* @return WP_Post|false Post object, false otherwise.

作者:: 绰号:老哇的爪子 ( 全名::Attilax Akbar Al Rapanui 阿提拉克斯 阿克巴 阿尔 拉帕努伊 )




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