Upload Files To FTP in Oracle Forms D2k

Use following procedure to upload files to Ftp.

    outfile text_io.file_type;
    -- write a ftp script
    outfile := text_io.fopen('D:\ftpsendsource.ftp', 'w');
    text_io.put_line(outfile, 'open yourftpurl');
    text_io.put_line(outfile, 'youruser');
    text_io.put_line(outfile, 'yourpassword');
    text_io.put_line(outfile,'send D:\Temp\Test1.txt');
    text_io.put_line(outfile,'send D:\Temp\Test2.abc');
    host('cmd /c ftp -s:d:\ftpsendsource.ftp');
         when others then
           if text_io.is_open(outfile) then
           end if;           

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