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虚拟机nova与计算与Openstack http://docs.openstack.org/

Cloud Computing

Iaas: Infrastructure as a Service 针对运维人员 Paas: Platform as a Service 针对研发人员 Saas: Software as a Service 针对agent openv switch: 虚拟机的基于软件的软件交换机 异步消息队列协议: 控制平台通过异步消息队列来控制各物理主机和虚拟主机. 公有云: 云供应商提供的, 供各个组织使用的 私有云: 公司内部部署的云环境并仅在公司内部中使用 混合云: 自己内部组建了私有云, 并且并从公有云中的注册的虚拟机环境, 使二者集成. 云计算: 一种按需付费的一种模式, 突出了通过网络的一种服务 IAAS公有云提供商: 阿里云和青云,UCcloud PAAS一站式开发环境: sinaAppEngine; docker 提高资源使用率 桌面虚拟化: 瘦客机, VDI解决方案 应用虚拟化: Citrix xenapp, 使用浏览器来交付应用. Citrix 的ICA协议


Python研发, 以完备功能为目标的. 各公司如果利用openstack来进行管理平台, 需要对其做二次开发. ASF: Apache Software Foundation. 开发的CloudStack VMs on demand: 1. provisioning 2.snopshotting Volumes; Networks; Multi-tenancy: quotas for different users; user can be associated with multiple tenants Object Storage for VM images and arbitratry files


2010 10.21 Austin版本 2014 Apr17 Icehouse 版本发布


Compute (Nava) since Austin Networking(Neutron, Quantum): since Folsom Object Storage(swift): since Austin. Swift本身是分布式文件系统 Block Storage(Cinder): 提供后端大量的块设备, since Folsom. Identity(Keystone): since Essex Image Service(Glance): 映像文件管理. 可以通过glance本地存储也可以通过swift高可用文件系统进行存储 since Bexar Dashboard(Horizon): since Essex Telemetry/Metering(Ceilometer): Havana Release. 对各虚拟机的个数据指标进行检测的接口 Orchestration(Heat): 从私有云到公有云结合, 实现混合云.


基于token认证. kvs, memcache. 没有用户名,密码. 一组随机密码, 客户端端和服务器端, 都预存这组密码 Identity认证: kvs, pam, sql, ldap, etc catalog: 编录, 存储这种RESTful风格的API调用uri RESTful: 轻量级的RPC()机制, 基于http://ip:port/port/ 调用基于uri进行 policy backend: 基于用户策略的虚拟机使用策略

Nova Compute

操作从队列中取得, 并将指令调用发送给队列. 生产消息, 生产者. nova conductor: 完成数据库中的数据更新 nova database: 一个关系型数据库 queue: 提供一个中央管理的异步消息管理队列. 通常为RabbitMQ nova-api: RESTful API. nova-compute: 真正的一个守护进程, 通过hyperviosor API来创建和管理虚拟机 nova-scheduler: 对消息队列中的请求进行调度来决定可以运行在哪个虚拟机上 nova-console/novncproxy/nova-consoleauth: 提供连接接口 nova-network:migrate to Neutron nova-volume: 管理持久存储. Migrated to Cinder


glance-api:镜像管理, 方便实时迁移. 接受API call glance-registry:处理查询, 存储images的metadata glance-database:处理存储


网络连接管理的工具 neutron-server: API, 根据请求来决定调用哪个neutron plugin plugins/agents: 做真正的实际操作, 例如插入, 拔出端口, 创建网络相关的操作


提供持久存储 cinder-api: 接受请求, 并路由请求到cinder-volume cinder-volume: 读取写入cinder-database中 cinder-scheduler: 选择可以使用的块空间 cinder database: 存储数据状态


swift-proxy实际就是分布式存储. account: 账号管理 container: 容器管理 object: 存储对象管理


Message Queue: RabbitMQ, Qpid, ZeroMQ Virtualization: xapi+xcp, xapi+xenServer,libvirt+KVM, libvirt+QEMU, libvirt+LXC, libvirt+vmware iSCSI back-end: LVM+IET, LVM+tgt, Xen Storage Manager, SAN(Solaris, HP, SolidFire), NexentaStor, NetApp, Ceph, Sheepdog Database: MySQL, PostgreSQL, sqlite(API) Web server: Apache, Nginx Session Cache: memcache, any Django-support database backend (MySQL, PostgreSQL, sqlite)


db: mysql, mariadb, postgress mq:rabbitmq, qpid, zeromq Openstack基础部署: Controller Node: keystone(identity), glance, nova(nova-api, nova-schedular), horizon Compute Node: nova, hypervisor AMQP: Advanced Message Queeu Protocol Mirantis: 一个提供openstack的组织 keystone默认端口35357 准备开启IP转发和source route verfication

  1. net.ipv4.ip_forward=1
  2. net.ipv4.conf.default.rp_filter=0
  3. net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter=0


  1. yum install -y python-pip gcc gcc-c++ make libtool patch automake python-devel libxsit-devel MySQL-python openssl-devel libudev-devel git wget libvirt-python libvirt qemu-kvm gedit python-numdisplay device-mapper bridge-utils libffi-devel libffi lrzsz
  3. yum install libxml2-devel
  4. yum install libxslt-devel
  5. yum install libyaml-devel


  1. wget https://launchpad.net/keystone/icehouse/2014.1/+download/keystone-2014.1.tar.gz --no-check-certificate
  2. wget https://launchpad.net/nova/icehouse/2014.1/+download/nova-2014.1.tar.gz --no-check-certificate
  3. wget https://launchpad.net/glance/icehouse/2014.1/+download/glance-2014.1.tar.gz --no-check-certificate
  4. wget https://launchpad.net/horizon/icehouse/2014.1/+download/horizon-2014.1.tar.gz --no-check-certificate
  5. wget https://launchpad.net/neutron/icehouse/2014.1/+download/neutron-2014.1.tar.gz --no-check-certificate
  6. wget https://launchpad.net/cinder/icehouse/2014.1/+download/cinder-2014.1.tar.gz --no-check-certificate

查看依赖包, 解压缩之后查看requirements.txt文档 使用pip安装依赖包

  1. for i in `ls *.gz`;do tar -xf $i;done
  2. cat */requirements.txt|sort -n|uniq >>openstack.txt
  3. pip install -r openstack.txt -i http://pypi.v2ex.com/simple
  4. pip install -r openstack.txt -i http://pypi.doubanio.com/simple

对于不兼容的版本, 到pypi.zenlogic.net/simple 下载相应的python源码

  1. python setup.py build
  2. python setup.py install


  1. mysql-server rabbitmq-server
  2. mysqladmin -u root password nsadm
  3. cp /usr/share/mysql/my-medium.cnf /etc/my.cnf
  4. 修改默认字符集
  5. [mysqld]
  6. default-storage-engine = innodb
  7. collation-server = utf8_general_ci
  8. init-connect = 'SET NAMES utf8'
  9. character-set-server = utf8
  11. # 查看字符集已经被设置
  12. create database demo;
  13. show create database demo;


  1. /usr/lib/rabbitmq/bin/rabbitmq-plugins list
  2. /usr/lib/rabbitmq/bin/rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_management
  3. service rabbitmq-server start
  5. guest/guest
  6. rabbitmq默认监听在5672端口


  1. name=openstack
  2. baseurl=https://repos.fedorapeople.org/repos/openstack/EOL/openstack-icehouse/epel-6/
  3. gpgcheck=0
  4. enabled=1
  5. yum -y install http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/6/x86_64/epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm
  6. yum -y install openstack-utils
  7. yum -y install openstack-selinux
  8. yum -y upgrade
  9. reboot


keystone提供了一下两个主要得功能: 用户与认证: 用户权限与用户行为跟踪 服务目录: 提供一个服务目录, 包括所有服务项与相关API的断电



  1. yum install openstack-keystone python-keystoneclient


  1. mkdir /etc/keystone
  2. cp /root/keystone-2014.1/etc/* /etc/keystone
  3. cp keystone.conf.sample keystone.conf
  4. cp logging.conf.sample logging.conf


  1. keystone-manage pki_setup --keystone-user root --keystone-group root
  2. /etc/keystone/ssl/certs/openssl.conf
  3. chown -R root:root /etc/keystone/ssl


  1. create database keystone;
  2. grant all on keystone.* to keystone@'' identified by 'keystone';
  3. GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON keystone.* TO 'keystone'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'keystone';
  4. 验证用户
  5. mysql -h -u keystone -pkeystone


  1. openssl rand -hex 10
  1. admin_token=b3ad09610cad1330a497
  2. debug=true
  3. verbose=true
  4. log_file=keystone.log
  5. log_dir=/var/log/keystone
  6. connection = mysql://keystone:keystone@


  1. keystone-manage db_sync
  2. mysql -ukeystone -pkeystone -h -e "use keystone;show tables"


  1. keystone-all --config-file=/etc/keystone/keystone.conf


  1. export OS_SERVICE_TOKEN=b3ad09610cad1330a497


  1. keystone user-create --name=admin --pass=admin --email=admin@openstack.com
  2. +----------+----------------------------------+
  3. | Property | Value |
  4. +----------+----------------------------------+
  5. | email | admin@openstack.com |
  6. | enabled | True |
  7. | id | b070096c3b9e4a9399fa0534fe188ff0 |
  8. | name | admin |
  9. | username | admin |
  10. +----------+----------------------------------+


  1. keystone user-list


  1. keystone role-create --name=admin
  2. +----------+----------------------------------+
  3. | Property | Value |
  4. +----------+----------------------------------+
  5. | id | ed35ddcd2d744b14a2902536f6775b81 |
  6. | name | admin |
  7. +----------+----------------------------------+


  1. keystone tenant-create --name=admin --description="Admin Tenant"
  2. +-------------+----------------------------------+
  3. | Property | Value |
  4. +-------------+----------------------------------+
  5. | description | Admin Tenant |
  6. | enabled | True |
  7. | id | b6c5cd0aefee44bbb8a990a221810f77 |
  8. | name | admin |
  9. +-------------+----------------------------------+


  1. keystone user-role-add --user=admin --tenant=admin --role=admin


  1. keystone user-create --name=demo --pass=demo --email=keystone@openstack.com
  2. keystone tenant-create --name=demo --description="Demo Tenant"
  3. keystone user-role-add --user=demo --tenant=demo --role=_member_


  1. eystone service-create --name=keystone --type=identity --description="OpenStack Identity"

创建keystone服务的endpoint, 服务端点

  1. keystone endpoint-create --service-id=7815fd4d7c6c422e8cf28d2c9f9be053 --publicurl= --internalurl=hhtp:// --adminurl=

删除内容可以直接keystone delete即可

  1. keystone delete <ID>


  1. keystone --os-username=keystone --os-password=keystone --os-auth-url= token-get


  1. export OS_TENANT_NAME=admin
  2. export OS_USERNAME=admin
  3. export OS_PASSWORD=admin
  4. export OS_AUTH_URL=


Openstack Image服务可用于发现、注册及检索虚拟机映像(image),它提供了一个RESTful的API,能够让用户查询VM映像的元数据及通过HTTP请求获取映像,并可以让python程序员通过客户端类在python代码中完成类似的所有任务。VM映像文件可以存储在各类存储中,如普通的文件系统、对象存储系统(如Openstack Object Storage)、S3存储及HTTP(仅作为获取映像文件之用,而不能写于此中创建映像文件)等。 安装glance

  1. yum install -y openstack-glance


  1. create database glance;
  2. grant all on glance.* to glance@'' identified by 'glance';
  3. grant all on glance.* to glance@'localhost' identified by 'glance';

配置glance-api, 提供给其他服务用于查询glance镜像

  1. verbose=True
  2. debug=True
  3. default_store=file
  4. connection=mysql://glance:glance@


  1. verbose=True
  2. debug=True
  3. log_file=/var/log/glance/registry.log
  4. backlog=4096
  5. connection=mysql://glance:glance@


  1. glance-manage db_sync
  2. mysql -h -uglance -pglance -e "use glance;show tables;"

集成rabitmq和glance, 修改glance-api

  1. notifier_strategy = rabbit
  2. rabbit_host=
  3. rabbit_port=5672
  4. rabbit_use_ssl=false
  5. rabbit_userid=guest
  6. rabbit_password=guest
  7. rabbit_virtual_host=/
  8. rabbit_notification_exchange=glance
  9. rabbit_notification_topic=notifications
  10. rabbit_durable_queues=False

修改glance-api 添加keystone相关信息

  1. [keystone_authtoken]
  2. auth_host=
  3. auth_port=35357
  4. auth_protocol=http
  5. admin_tenant_name= admin
  6. admin_user= admin
  7. admin_password= admin
  8. [paste_deploy]
  9. flavor=keystone


  1. [keystone_authtoken]
  2. auth_host=
  3. auth_port=35357
  4. auth_protocol=http
  5. admin_tenant_name= admin
  6. admin_user= admin
  7. admin_password= admin
  8. [paste_deploy]
  9. flavor=keystone


  1. keystone service-create --name=glance --type=image --description="OpenStack Image Service"
  2. +-------------+----------------------------------+
  3. | Property | Value |
  4. +-------------+----------------------------------+
  5. | description | OpenStack Image Service |
  6. | enabled | True |
  7. | id | 1b64541cad8042f3a018515da6f3819e |
  8. | name | glance |
  9. | type | image |
  10. +-------------+----------------------------------+

创建glance的keystone endpoint

  1. keystone endpoint-create \
  2. --service-id=1b64541cad8042f3a018515da6f3819e \
  3. --publicurl= \
  4. --internalurl= \
  5. --adminurl=
  6. +-------------+----------------------------------+
  7. | Property | Value |
  8. +-------------+----------------------------------+
  9. | adminurl | |
  10. | id | 5e13f54b6d68434cb7509c6618542618 |
  11. | internalurl | |
  12. | publicurl | |
  13. | region | regionOne |
  14. | service_id | 1b64541cad8042f3a018515da6f3819e |
  15. +-------------+----------------------------------+


  1. glance-api --config-file=/etc/glance/glance-api.conf
  2. glance-registry --config-file=/etc/glance/glance-registry.conf
  3. service openstack-glance-api start
  4. service openstack-glance-registry start


  1. glance image-create --name "cirros-0.3.4" --disk-format qcow2 --container-format bare --is-public True --file cirros-0.3.4-x86_64-disk.img
  2. +------------------+--------------------------------------+
  3. | Property | Value |
  4. +------------------+--------------------------------------+
  5. | checksum | ee1eca47dc88f4879d8a229cc70a07c6 |
  6. | container_format | bare |
  7. | created_at | 2016-10-14T09:04:27 |
  8. | deleted | False |
  9. | deleted_at | None |
  10. | disk_format | qcow2 |
  11. | id | 4399d215-7873-4c8a-b158-d0f9ccc25bb3 |
  12. | is_public | True |
  13. | min_disk | 0 |
  14. | min_ram | 0 |
  15. | name | cirros-0.3.4 |
  16. | owner | b6c5cd0aefee44bbb8a990a221810f77 |
  17. | protected | False |
  18. | size | 13287936 |
  19. | status | active |
  20. | updated_at | 2016-10-14T09:04:27 |
  21. | virtual_size | None |
  22. +------------------+--------------------------------------+
  23. image-create命令至少要接受三个参数:--name、--container_format及--disk_format。其中--disk_format用于指明磁盘映像文件的格式,包括rawqcow2vhdvmdkisovdiaki(amazon kernel image)、ari(amazon ramdisk image)及ami(amazon machine image)等。--container_format用于标明映像文件是否包含了虚拟机的元数据信息,然而,目前Compute服务并未使用此信息,因此,在不确定的情况可以将其指定为bare,而合用的格式主要有bare(没有container或元数据信息)、ovfakiariami几种。


architecture:hypervisor必须支持的CPU架构,如x86_64、arm等; hypervisor_type:hypervisor类型,其能够使用的值包括xen、qemu、kvm、lxc、uml、vmware、hyperv及powervm; vm_mode:定义虚拟机模式,即应用于虚拟机的host/guest ABI;例如hvm、xen、uml、exe等;

xenAPI还有其专用的两个属性可以定义: auto_disk_config:布尔型属性值,true表示在虚拟机实例启动前磁盘的根分区将被自动调整; os_type:image中安装的操作系统类型,如linux、windows等,XenAPI能够根据此属性值来执行不同的操作,如为windows创建fat32格式的交换分区、限制其主机名称少于16个字符等;

vmware_ostype:VMware GuestID,用于描述映像文件中的操作系统类型;vmware所支持的类型较多,可以参照thinkvirt.com获取详细信息;默认值为otherGuest; vmware_image_version:目前未使用,默认值为1; VMware API也有如下三个专用属性可以定义: vmware_adaptertype:定义hypervisor使用的虚拟SCSI或IDE接口类型,其有效值为lsiLogic、busLogic及ide;


  1. /var/lib/glance/images/


CirrOS 由Scott Moser维护的一系列用于测试目的的微型虚拟机映像,登录名为cirros,下载地址为https://launchpad.net/cirros/+download。在QEMU或KVM中测试时,官方建议使用QCOW2格式的映像文件。 Ubuntu Canonical官方提供了基于Ubuntu的系列映像,登录名为ubuntu,下载地址为http://uec-images.ubuntu.com/。在QEMU或KVM中部署时,建议使用QCOW2格式的映像文件。 Fedora Fedora官方提供了预制的Fedora JEOS映像,下载地址为http://berrange.fedorapeople.org/images,目前最新的是为x8664平台提供为的QCOW2格式的映像f17-x8664-openstack-sda.qcow2。 OpenSUSE和SLES11映像 通过SUSE Studio(http://susestudio.com/)可以很方便地为OpenSUSE和SLES11构建与OpenStack兼容的虚拟应用,比如创建一个OpenSUSE12.1的JEOS映像。 Rackspace云生成器镜像 Rackspace云生成器(https://github.com/rackerjoe/oz-image-build)提供了多种发行版预制的预制映像,如RedHat、CentOS、Fedora及Ubuntu等。


Oz(KVM):Oz是能够为常见Linux发行版创建映像文件的命令行工具,Rackspace就是使用Oz创建的映像文件。在Fedora Project的wiki中,提供了使用Oz创建映像文件的案例,具体请参照https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Getting_started_with_OpenStack_Nova#Building_an_Image_With_Oz




元数据服务或配置驱动(config drive)





会话保持: 一致性哈希算法

会话复制: 比如tomcat的cluster的标签, session在集群中复制. 复制开销很大

会话共享: memcache


Openstack的dashboard 安装

  1. yum install -y memcached python-memcached mod_wsgi openstack-dashboard

dashboard依赖于Member角色 修改配置文件/etc/opentstack-dashboard/local_settings

  2. OPENSTACK_KEYSTONE_URL = "http://%s:5000/v2.0" % OPENSTACK_HOST
  4. ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['example.com', 'localhost','']

会话控制 会话保持: Nginx的一致性hash算法 会话复制: Tomcat中的cluster标签打开 会话共享: Memcache 启动memcache启动httpd即可


配置网桥br0, eth0 安装网桥管理工具

  1. yum install bridge-utils


  1. yum install openstack-nova


  1. /var/lib/nova/instances


  1. create database nova;
  2. grant all on nova.* to nova@'' identified by 'nova';
  3. nova-manage db sync
  4. my_ip=


  1. rabbit_host=
  2. rabbit_port=5672
  3. rabbit_hosts=$rabbit_host:$rabbit_port
  4. rabbit_use_ssl=false
  5. rabbit_userid=guest
  6. rabbit_password=guest


  1. auth_strategy=keystone
  2. [keystone_authtoken]
  3. auth_host=
  4. auth_port=35357
  5. auth_protocol=http
  6. auth_uri=
  7. auth_version=v2.0
  9. admin_user=admin
  10. admin_password=admin
  11. admin_tenant_name=admin


  1. novncproxy_base_url=
  2. vncserver_listen=
  3. vncserver_proxyclient_address=
  4. vnc_enabled=true


  1. keystone service-create --name=nova --type=compute --description="Openstack Compute"


  1. keystone endpoint-create \
  2. --service-id=d5d77cd173e34b4a8d9c83e753bb17f7 \
  3. --publicurl=\(tenant_id\)s \
  4. --internalurl=\(tenant_id\)s \
  5. --adminurl=\(tenant_id\)s
  6. note: nova api 侦听在8774端口



  1. [spice]
  2. html5proxy_base_url=
  3. server_listen=
  4. server_proxyclient_address=
  5. enabled=true
  6. keymap=en-us


  1. yum install spice-server spice-client spice-protocol spice-html5
  1. service openstack-nova-api restart
  2. service openstack-nova-cert restart
  3. service openstack-nova-compute restart
  4. service openstack-nova-consoleauth restar
  5. service openstack-nova-consoleauth restart
  6. service openstack-nova-scheduler restart
  7. service openstack-nova-spicehtml5proxy restart



  1. firewall_driver=nova.virt.libvirt.firewall.NoopFirewallDriver


nova-network-->quantum --> neutron l2 l3 l4-l7 支持. SDN: software define network, 软件定义网络 l4-l7目前使用haproxy来实现 目前二层使用 linuxbridge/ovs 安装libvirt会默认创建virbr0 安装软件包openstack-neutron

  1. yum install openstack-neutron

配置neutron, neutron.conf

  1. [DEFAULT]
  2. verbose = True
  3. debug = True
  4. log_file = neutron.log
  5. log_dir = /var/log/neutron
  6. core_plugin = ml2
  7. service_plugins = router
  8. auth_strategy = keystone
  9. rabbit_host =
  10. rabbit_password = guest
  11. rabbit_port = 5672
  12. rabbit_userid = guest
  13. rabbit_virtual_host = /
  14. notify_nova_on_port_status_changes = True
  15. notify_nova_on_port_data_changes = True
  16. nova_url =
  17. nova_admin_username = admin
  18. nova_admin_tenant_id = b6c5cd0aefee44bbb8a990a221810f77
  19. nova_admin_password = admin
  20. nova_admin_auth_url =
  22. [keystone_authtoken]
  23. auth_host =
  24. auth_port = 35357
  25. auth_protocol = http
  26. admin_tenant_name = admin
  27. admin_user = admin
  28. admin_password = admin
  30. [database]
  31. connection = mysql://neutron:neutron@

core_plugin = ml2 抽象了一层, 使得底层可以即使用linux网桥也使用ovs 配置nova与neutron相关的配置

  1. network_api_class=nova.network.neutronv2.api.API
  2. linuxnet_interface_driver=nova.network.linux_net.LinuxBridgeInterfaceDriver
  3. neutron_url=
  4. neutron_admin_username=admin
  5. neutron_admin_password=admin
  6. neutron_admin_tenant_id=b6c5cd0aefee44bbb8a990a221810f77
  7. neutron_admin_tenant_name=admin
  8. neutron_admin_auth_url=
  9. use_cow_images=false
  10. vif_plugging_is_fatal=false
  11. vif_plugging_timeout=10
  12. firewall_driver=nova.virt.firewall.NoopFirewallDriver

flat: 扁平网络, ESXI, 一个网段. 广播包对性能产生影响. VLAN: 私有云, 4096 GRE: 公有云, 系能并不理想 vxlan: VLAN模型的扩展 安装neutron插件

  1. yum install openstack-neutron-ml2
  2. yum install openstack-neutron-linuxbridge


  1. type_drivers = flat
  2. tenant_network_types = flat
  3. mechanism_drivers = linuxbridge
  4. enable_security_group = True


  1. network_vlan_ranges = physnet1
  2. physical_interface_mappings = physnet1:eth0
  3. enable_security_group = True


  1. ln -s /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini /etc/neutron/plugin.ini


  1. nova-novncproxy --config-file=/etc/nova/nova.conf


  1. keystone service-create --name neutron --type network --description "Openstack Networking"
  2. keystone endpoint-create \
  3. > --service-id=6110c24335324e5d89fa4be8fd50ac0d \
  4. > --publicurl= \
  5. > --internalurl= \
  6. > --adminurl=


  1. neutron net-create --tenant-id ba5a6fc890fe448bbeab70368dea9c20 demo_net --shared --provider:network_type flat --provider:physical_network physnet1
  2. +---------------------------+--------------------------------------+
  3. | Field | Value |
  4. +---------------------------+--------------------------------------+
  5. | admin_state_up | True |
  6. | id | 0638b3c3-7c5e-47ce-b067-719a4b38159e |
  7. | name | demo_net |
  8. | provider:network_type | flat |
  9. | provider:physical_network | physnet1 |
  10. | provider:segmentation_id | |
  11. | shared | True |
  12. | status | ACTIVE |
  13. | subnets | |
  14. | tenant_id | ba5a6fc890fe448bbeab70368dea9c20 |
  15. +---------------------------+--------------------------------------+

查看neutron network 服务状态

  1. neutron net-list
  2. +--------------------------------------+----------+---------+
  3. | id | name | subnets |
  4. +--------------------------------------+----------+---------+
  5. | 0638b3c3-7c5e-47ce-b067-719a4b38159e | demo_net | |
  6. +--------------------------------------+----------+---------+


  1. cgroup_device_acl = [
  2. "/dev/null", "/dev/full", "/dev/zero",
  3. "/dev/random", "/dev/urandom",
  4. "/dev/ptmx", "/dev/kvm", "/dev/kqemu",
  5. "/dev/rtc","/dev/hpet","/dev/net/tun",
  6. ]


  1. service libvirtd restart



  1. debug = True
  2. interface_driver = neutron.agent.linux.interface.BridgeInterfaceDriver
  3. dhcp_driver = neutron.agent.linux.dhcp.Dnsmasq
  4. use_namespaces = False
  5. dhcp_confs = $state_path/dhcp

此处有问题, 需要补充dhcp.DNSmasq的配置 删除默认网桥

  1. virsh net-list
  2. virsh net-destroy default
  3. virsh net-undefine default


配置cinder.conf 添加数据库信息

  1. [DEFAULT]
  2. rabbit_host=
  3. rabbit_port=5672
  4. rabbit_userid=guest
  5. rabbit_password=guest
  6. rabbit_virtual_host=/
  7. rpc_backend=rabbit
  8. state_path=/var/lib/cinder
  9. auth_strategy=keystone
  10. debug=true
  11. verbose=true
  12. log_file=cinder.log
  13. log_dir=/var/log/cinder
  14. nfs_shares_config=/etc/cinder/nfs_shares
  15. nfs_mount_point_base=$state_path/mnt
  16. volume_driver=cinder.volume.drivers.nfs.NfsDriver
  18. [database]
  19. connection=mysql://cinder:cinder@
  20. [fc-zone-manager]
  21. [keymgr]
  22. [keystone_authtoken]
  23. auth_host=
  24. auth_port=35357
  25. auth_protocol=http
  26. auth_uri=
  27. admin_user=admin
  28. admin_password=admin
  29. admin_tenant_name=admin
  30. [matchmaker_redis]
  31. [matchmaker_ring]
  32. [oslo_messaging_amqp]
  33. [profiler]
  34. [ssl]


  1. cinder-manage db sync

创建keystone service endpoint

  1. keystone service-create --name=cinder --type=volume --description="Openstack Block Storage"
  2. keystone endpoint-create \
  3. > --service-id=980f3b2fe7164491aa84935c4b69b8dd \
  4. > --publicurl=\(tenant_id\)s \
  5. > --internalurl=\(tenant_id\)s \
  6. > --adminurl=\(tenant_id\)s
  7. +-------------+---------------------------------------------+
  8. | Property | Value |
  9. +-------------+---------------------------------------------+
  10. | adminurl | |
  11. | id | 340328a8661148bc800b061179335560 |
  12. | internalurl | |
  13. | publicurl | |
  14. | region | regionOne |
  15. | service_id | 980f3b2fe7164491aa84935c4b69b8dd |
  16. +-------------+---------------------------------------------+


  1. yum install nfs-utils rpcbind

vi /etc/exports

  1. /data/nfs,no_root_squash)


  1. service rpcbind restart
  2. service nfs restart





  1. baseurl=http://buildlogs.centos.org/centos/6/storage/x86_64/gluster-3.7/
  2. baseurl=http://mirrors.163.com/centos/6.8/storage/x86_64/gluster-3.7/


  1. service glusterd start


  1. gluster volume create cinder-01 replica 2 force


  1. gluster volume info


  1. gluster volume start cinder-01

修改cinder.conf文件, 指明使用clusterfsDriver

  1. volume_driver=cinder.volume.drivers.glusterfs.GlusterfsDriver
  2. glusterfs_shares_config=/etc/cinder/glusterfs_shares
  3. glusterfs_mount_point_base=$state_path/mnt




部署nova-compute和neutron-linuxbridge-agent即可 思科的三层交换. 核心层交换: 防火墙. 汇聚层交换: 交换机 接入层交换: Server与交换机的连接


flume fluentd logstash flume + stom + kafka + hdfs + rundesk


http://docs.openstack.org/image-guide/index.html 创建虚拟磁盘文件

  1. qemu-img create -f qcow2 /tmp/centos.qcow2 10G


  1. virt-install --virt-type kvm --name centos --ram 1024 \
  2. --disk /tmp/centos.qcow2,format=qcow2 \
  3. --network network=default \
  4. --graphics vnc,listen= --noautoconsole \
  5. --os-type=linux --os-variant=rhel7 \
  6. --location=/data/isos/CentOS-7-x86_64-NetInstall-1511.iso


  1. virsh dumpxml centos

使用cloud-init 获取公钥

  1. yum install cloud-init


  1. user: admin


  1. if [ ! -d /root/.ssh ]; then
  2. mkdir -p /root/.ssh
  3. chmod 700 /root/.ssh
  4. fi
  6. # Fetch public key using HTTP
  7. ATTEMPTS=30
  8. FAILED=0
  9. while [ ! -f /root/.ssh/authorized_keys ]; do
  10. curl -f \
  11. > /tmp/metadata-key 2>/dev/null
  12. if [ \$? -eq 0 ]; then
  13. cat /tmp/metadata-key >> /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
  14. chmod 0600 /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
  15. restorecon /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
  16. rm -f /tmp/metadata-key
  17. echo "Successfully retrieved public key from instance metadata"
  18. echo "*****************"
  19. echo "AUTHORIZED KEYS"
  20. echo "*****************"
  21. cat /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
  22. echo "*****************"
  23. fi
  24. done

禁止zeroconf 路由

  1. echo "NOZEROCONF=yes" >>/etc/sysconfig/network


RHEL6, grub

  1. serial --unit=0 --speed=115200
  2. terminal --timeout=10 console serial
  3. kernel ... console=tty, console=ttyS0, 115200n8

RHEL7, grub2 编辑/etc/default/grub并配置GRUP_CMDLINE_LINUX选项, 并且删除rhgb quiet的内核参数

  1. GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="crashkernel=auto console=tty0 console=ttyS0,115200n8"


  1. grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg

清理mac 地址的详细信息

  1. virt-sysprep -d centos


  1. virsh undefine centos






  1. rabbitmqctl change_password guest guest

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