We should also know that complied binary code is a data structure in itself,which the operating system operates on when code is loaded into memory for execution.For Win32 platforms,this data structure is called Portable Executable,or PE,file format.

Understanding the PE file format helps greatly with Windows program.It helps you understand how source code is turned into binary code,where global variables are stored,and how are they initialized,including how shared variables work.Every DLL in the Win32 system is in the PE format.So understanding the PE format helps you understand how dynamic linking works,how inport references are resolved,and how to avoid dynamic rebasing of DLLs.The basic technique of API hooking depends heavlly on kowledge of import table details.Understanding the PE format also helps you understand how virtual memory space is structured in the Win32 environment.There are a few places where knowledge of PE file format will be needed in this book,so we briefly discuss the PE file format and its loaded form in RAM here.


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