Problem: unsupervised anomaly detection

for seasonal KPIs in web applications.

Donut: an unsupervised anomaly detection algorithm based on VAE.


有的time series data have seasonal patterns occurring at regular intervals.

Data: KPI shapes: seasonal patterns and local variations, noises.

"abnormal": anomalies and missing points; detect missing points is straightforward.

Existing methods suffer from: 这里面简直是胡说八道。

  1. the hassle麻烦 of algorithm picking
  2. parameter tuning
  3. heavy reliance on labels
  4. unsatisfying performance
  5. lack of theoretical foundations


VAE is not a sequential model!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thus they apply sliding windows.

在训练时,the anomalies and missing points in a testing window x can bring bias to the mapped z, and further make the reconstruction probability inaccurate.

如何避免anomalies and missing points对训练造成的biase:

  1. missing points. adopt the MCMC-based missing data imputation technique with the trained VAE. 即模拟出missing points的可能值,然后用可能值,代替missing points 的值。
  2. anomalies

All the algorithms evaluated in this paper compute one anomaly score for each point. A threshold can be chosen to do the decision: if the score for a point is greater than the threshold, an alert should be triggered

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