What is an airless pump bottle?
Unlike conventional dispensers that use a tube or
suction tube to draw the product out, the airless pump bottle has a vacuum

pump bottles are divided into three parts:

There is a small hole in the base, which can enhance the vacuum effect and make
air intake possible

Inside the bottle, there is a plate (or plate) on which your skin care products
are placed.

creates a vacuum effect by suction to extract the product.

each pumping action, the product located on the plate (in the bottle) is pushed
up by vacuum, air enters the hole at the bottom of the bottle, pushes the plate
holding the product, and then pushes it up.

use: Filling airless pump bottles
As with any new cosmetic bottle, you will
need to "fill" the airless pump bottle for the first time. Pumping slowly for
about 10-15 times ("strokes") will create the

required to dispense the product and essentially activate the vacuum pump

If your dispenser stops working at any time, simply repeat the startup process
to restart the airless pump system.

switch to airless pump bottles?

question for many reasons. continue reading:

air pollution

the air, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals begin to break down and
deteriorate. good news? These airless pumps have automatic air lock nozzles to
prevent your skincare products from unnecessarily coming into contact with air
and pollutants, reducing product contamination.

products fresh and effective

lack of straws and straws can prevent the growth of bacteria and thus maintain
the integrity and efficacy of skin care products.


reasons 1 and 2, clean, natural skin care products can be stored without the use
of conventional chemical preservatives. Enough said.


sounds obsessive-compulsive, but all of us are in an unexpected situation: too
much milk is accidentally drawn out, there is nowhere else to go, and we waste
it. Well, not in the absence of an air pump, the dosage of each pump is the
same. In addition, with vacuum systems, these pumps are able to extract all

friendly and lower cost

pump bottles are refillable and reusable, minimizing packaging waste and
reducing costs for you (the consumer). great!

product at any angle

feel like you need to keep the bottle upright to pull the product out, or wait
for it to settle after bouncing in your luggage. Pump out the product at any
angle at any time.

cosmetic and skin care packaging, Airless Pump
are a beautiful and practical choice, providing a high-end,
luxurious look while also keeping the product properly. Ningbo Ruiying Commodity
Packaging Co., Ltd. is a professional Chinese manufacturer and supplier of
vacuum pump bottles. Welcome to visit: https://www.ruichangpacking.com/product/airless-bottle

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