




using namespace std;
const int MAXN = ; int n,q,l,r,opt,size = ,root = ;
struct Node {
int lc,rc,tag,sum;
} Tree[MAXN]; template <typename T> inline void read(T &x) {
int f = ; x = ;
char c = getchar();
for (; !isdigit(c); c = getchar()) { if (c == '-') f = -f; }
for (; isdigit(c); c = getchar()) x = (x << ) + (x << ) + c - '';
x *= f;
template <typename T> inline void write(T x) {
if (x < ) { putchar('-'); x = -x; }
if (x > ) write(x/);
template <typename T> inline void writeln(T x) {
} inline void push_up(int root) {
Tree[root].sum = Tree[Tree[root].lc].sum + Tree[Tree[root].rc].sum;
inline void push_down(int l,int r,int root) {
int mid = (l + r) >> ;
if (Tree[root].tag != -) {
if (!Tree[root].lc) Tree[root].lc = ++size;
if (!Tree[root].rc) Tree[root].rc = ++size;
Tree[Tree[root].lc].tag = Tree[Tree[root].rc].tag = Tree[root].tag;
Tree[Tree[root].lc].sum = Tree[root].tag * (mid - l + );
Tree[Tree[root].rc].sum = Tree[root].tag * (r - mid);
Tree[root].tag = -;
inline void modify(int &root,int l,int r,int ql,int qr,int val) {
int mid;
if (!root) root = ++size;
if (l == ql && r == qr) {
Tree[root].sum = val * (r - l + );
Tree[root].tag = val;
mid = (l + r) >> ;
if (mid >= qr) modify(Tree[root].lc,l,mid,ql,qr,val);
else if (mid + <= ql) modify(Tree[root].rc,mid+,r,ql,qr,val);
else {
} int main() { read(n); read(q);
while (q--) {
read(l); read(r); read(opt);
if (opt == ) modify(root,,n,l,r,);
else modify(root,,n,l,r,);
writeln(n - Tree[].sum);
} return ; }

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