
查询表达式可以查询数据源并将数据是一种预期形式。             查询表达式提供 F# 中支持 LINQ。

query { expression }


查询表达式是计算表达式的类型类似于序列表达式。               就象通过提供代码指定顺序在序列表达式中,可以在查询表达式指定设置数据通过提供代码。  在序列表达式,yield 关键字标识要返回的数据为产生的序列的一部分。  在查询表达式中,select 关键字执行相同的功能。  除了 select 关键字以外,F# 还支持十分类似于 SQL SELECT 语句的大量查询运算符。  这是一个简单的查询表达式的示例,与连接到 Northwind OData 源的代码。

// Use the OData type provider to create types that can be used to access the Northwind database.
// Add References to FSharp.Data.TypeProviders and System.Data.Services.Client
open Microsoft.FSharp.Data.TypeProviders type Northwind = ODataService<"http://services.odata.org/Northwind/Northwind.svc">
let db = Northwind.GetDataContext() // A query expression.
let query1 = query { for customer in db.Customers do
select customer } query1
|> Seq.iter (fun customer -> printfn "Company: %s Contact: %s" customer.CompanyName customer.ContactName)

在前面的代码示例中,查询表达式在大括号。  代码的含义在表达式的是,返回每个客户在 customers 表在查询结果的数据库中。  查询表达式返回实现 IQueryable<T>IEnumerable<T>的类型,并且,因此可重复使用 序列模块,当此示例显示。

每个计算表达式类型从生成器选件类生成。  查询计算表达式的生成器选件类是 QueryBuilder。  有关更多信息,请参见计算表达式 (F#)Linq.QueryBuilder 类 (F#)



查询运算符在要返回的记录可以指定查询的详细信息,例如放置 standard 或指定结果排序顺序。               查询源必须支持查询运算符。  如果尝试使用不支持的查询运算符,NotSupportedException 将引发异常。

可以转换为 SQL 只的表达式在查询表达式中允许的。               例如,那么,当您使用 where 查询运算符时,在表达式不允许函数调用。

表 1 显示可用的查询运算符。               此外,请参见 Table2 后,比较 SQL 查询和等效的 F# 查询表达式本主题。  某些查询运算符不是由某些类型提供程序支持。  具体而言,OData 类型提供程序在查询运算符绑定到 OData 支持由于限制。  有关更多信息,请参见 ODataService 类型提供程序 (f#)



代码还在下表中假定下列数据库连接代码。               项目应添加对 System.Data、要求和 FSharp.Data.TypeProviders 程序集。  创建此数据库的代码是组成的本主题末尾的。

open System
open Microsoft.FSharp.Data.TypeProviders
open System.Data.Linq.SqlClient
open System.Linq
open Microsoft.FSharp.Linq type schema = SqlDataConnection<"Data Source=SERVER\INSTANCE;Initial Catalog=MyDatabase;Integrated Security=SSPI;"> let db = schema.GetDataContext() // Needed for some query operator examples:
let data = [ 1; 5; 7; 11; 18; 21]
表 1。查询运算符





let isStudent11 =
query {
    for student in db.Student do
    select student.Age.Value
    contains 11



let countOfStudents =
query {
    for student in db.Student do
    select student



let number =
query {
     for number in data do



let number =
query {
        for number in data do
where (number < 0)


到目前为止选定的一个,特定元素。  如果多个元素存在,则将引发。

let student =
query {
     for student in db.Student do
     where (student.StudentID = 1)
     select student



let student =
query {
     for student in db.Student do
     where (student.StudentID = 1)
     select student



let student =
query {
     for student in db.Student do
     select student



query {
    for student in db.Student do
    select student



query {
    for student in db.Student do
    where (student.StudentID > 4)
    select student



let student =
    query {
        for student in db.Student do
        minBy student.StudentID



let student =
    query {
        for student in db.Student do
        maxBy student.StudentID



query {
    for student in db.Student do
    groupBy student.Age into g
    select (g.Key, g.Count())



query {
    for student in db.Student do
    sortBy student.Name
    select student



query {
    for student in db.Student do
    sortByDescending student.Name
    select student


在升序到目前为止执行特定排序的键选择哪个后续排序元素。  此运算符只能在 sortBy、sortByDescending、thenBy或 thenByDescending之后只使用。

query {
    for student in db.Student do
    where student.Age.HasValue
    sortBy student.Age.Value
    thenBy student.Name
    select student


按降序到目前为止执行特定排序的键选择哪个后续排序元素。  此运算符只能在 sortBy、sortByDescending、thenBy或 thenByDescending之后只使用。

query {
    for student in db.Student do
    where student.Age.HasValue
    sortBy student.Age.Value
    thenByDescending student.Name
    select student



query {
    for student in db.Student do
    groupValBy student.Name student.Age into g
    select (g, g.Key, g.Count())


相互关系两个基于匹配的键的设置选定的值。  请注意键的顺序在周围的 = 签名连接表达式是有意义的。  在连接,因此,如果行。-> 符号后拆分,缩进的缩进距离必须至少在关键字 for。

query {
    for student in db.Student do
    join selection in db.CourseSelection on
(student.StudentID = selection.StudentID)
    select (student, selection)


相互关系两个基于匹配的键和组的设置选定的值结果。  请注意键的顺序在周围的 = 签名连接表达式是有意义的。

query {
    for student in db.Student do
    groupJoin courseSelection in db.CourseSelection on
(student.StudentID = courseSelection.StudentID) into g
    for courseSelection in g do
    join course in db.Course on (courseSelection.CourseID = course.CourseID)
    select (student.Name, course.CourseName)


相互关系两个基于匹配的键和组的设置选定的值结果。  如果任何组为空,使用一组具有一个默认值。  请注意键的顺序在周围的 = 签名连接表达式是有意义的。

query {
    for student in db.Student do
    leftOuterJoin selection in db.CourseSelection on
(student.StudentID = selection.StudentID) into result
    for selection in result.DefaultIfEmpty() do
    select (student, selection)


为选定的每个元素到目前为止选择一个可以为 null 的值并返回这些值的总和。  如果有可以为 null,可不具有值,它将被忽略。

query {
    for student in db.Student do
    sumByNullable student.Age


为选定的每个元素到目前为止选择一个可以为 null 的值并返回这些值最小位数。  如果有可以为 null,可不具有值,它将被忽略。

query {
    for student in db.Student do
    minByNullable student.Age


为选定的每个元素到目前为止选择一个可以为 null 的值并返回这些值最大次数。  如果有可以为 null,可不具有值,它将被忽略。

query {
    for student in db.Student do
    maxByNullable student.Age


为选定的每个元素到目前为止选择一个可以为 null 的值并返回平均值这些值。  如果有可以为 null,可不具有值,它将被忽略。

query {
    for student in db.Student do
    averageByNullable (Nullable.float student.Age)



query {
    for student in db.Student do
    averageBy (float student.StudentID)



query {
    for student in db.Student do
    join selection in db.CourseSelection on
(student.StudentID = selection.StudentID)



query {
    for student in db.Student do
    where (query { for courseSelection in db.CourseSelection do
                   exists (courseSelection.StudentID = student.StudentID) })
    select student



query {
    for student in db.Student do
    find (student.Name = "Abercrombie, Kim")



query {
    for student in db.Student do
    all (SqlMethods.Like(student.Name, "%,%"))



query {
    for student in db.Student do



query {
    for numbers in data do
    nth 3



query {
    for student in db.Student do
    skip 1


在序列中的元素,只要一个指定的条件为 true 的然后选择剩余的元素。

query {
    for number in data do
    skipWhile (number < 3)
    select student



query {
   for student in db.Student do
   sumBy student.StudentID



query {
   for student in db.Student do
   select student
   take 2


选择元素序列,只要一个指定条件为 true,则跳过剩余的元素。

query {
    for number in data do
    takeWhile (number < 10)



query {
    for student in db.Student do
    sortByNullable student.Age
    select student



query {
    for student in db.Student do
    sortByNullableDescending student.Age
    select student


在升序到目前为止执行特定的排序的键选择哪个后续排序元素。  此运算符只能在 sortBy之后只使用、sortByDescending、thenBy或 thenByDescending,也可以为 null 的变量。

query {
    for student in db.Student do
    sortBy student.Name
    thenByNullable student.Age
    select student


按降序到目前为止执行特定的排序的键选择哪个后续排序元素。  此运算符只能在 sortBy之后只使用、sortByDescending、thenBy或 thenByDescending,也可以为 null 的变量。

query {
    for student in db.Student do
    sortBy student.Name
    thenByNullableDescending student.Age
    select student

下表显示了 F# 的一些常见 Transact-SQL 查询与其等效项。               代码此表还假定数据库和上表与同一初始代码相同的设置类型提供程序。

表 2。Transact-SQL 和 F# 查询表达式

Transact-SQL (不区分大小写)

F# 查询表达式 (区分大小写)


// All students.
query {
    for student in db.Student do
    select student


// Count of students.
query {
    for student in db.Student do       


(SELECT * FROM CourseSelection
WHERE CourseSelection.StudentID = Student.StudentID)
// Find students who have signed up at least one course.
query {
    for student in db.Student do
    where (query { for courseSelection in db.CourseSelection do
                   exists (courseSelection.StudentID = student.StudentID) })
    select student


SELECT Student.Age, COUNT(*) FROM Student
GROUP BY Student.Age
// Group by age and count.
query {
    for n in db.Student do
    groupBy n.Age into g
    select (g.Key, g.Count())
// OR
query {
    for n in db.Student do
    groupValBy n.Age n.Age into g
    select (g.Key, g.Count())


SELECT Student.Age, COUNT(*)
FROM Student
GROUP BY Student.Age
HAVING student.Age > 10
// Group students by age where age > 10.
query {
    for student in db.Student do
    groupBy student.Age into g
    where (g.Key.HasValue && g.Key.Value > 10)
    select (g.Key, g.Count())


SELECT Student.Age, COUNT(*)
FROM Student
GROUP BY Student.Age
// Group students by age and count number of students
// at each age with more than 1 student.
query {
    for student in db.Student do
    groupBy student.Age into group
    where (group.Count() > 1)
    select (group.Key, group.Count())


SELECT Student.Age, COUNT(*), SUM(Student.Age) as total
FROM Student
GROUP BY Student.Age
// Group students by age and sum ages.
query {
    for student in db.Student do
    groupBy student.Age into g       
    let total = query { for student in g do
sumByNullable student.Age }
    select (g.Key, g.Count(), total)


SELECT Student.Age, COUNT(*) as myCount
FROM Student
GROUP BY Student.Age
// Group students by age, count number of students
// at each age, and display all with count > 1
// in descending order of count.
query {
    for student in db.Student do
    groupBy student.Age into g
    where (g.Count() > 1)       
    sortByDescending (g.Count())
    select (g.Key, g.Count())

IN     设置指定值

FROM Student
WHERE Student.StudentID IN (1, 2, 5, 10)
// Select students where studentID is one of a given list.
let idQuery = query { for id in [1; 2; 5; 10] do
select id }
query {
for student in db.Student do
where (idQuery.Contains(student.StudentID))
select student


-- '_e%' matches strings where the second character is 'e'
WHERE Student.Name LIKE '_e%'
// Look for students with Name match _e% pattern and take first two.
query {
    for student in db.Student do
    where (SqlMethods.Like( student.Name, "_e%") )
    select student
    take 2  


-- '[abc]%' matches strings where the first character is
-- 'a', 'b', 'c', 'A', 'B', or 'C'
WHERE Student.Name LIKE '[abc]%'
open System.Data.Linq.SqlClient;

printfn "\nLook for students with Name matching [abc]%% pattern."
query {
    for student in db.Student do
    where (SqlMethods.Like( student.Name, "[abc]%") )
    select student 


-- '[^abc]%' matches strings where the first character is
-- not 'a', 'b', 'c', 'A', 'B', or 'C'
WHERE Student.Name LIKE '[^abc]%'
// Look for students with name matching [^abc]%% pattern.
query {
    for student in db.Student do
    where (SqlMethods.Like( student.Name, "[^abc]%") )
    select student 


WHERE Student.Name LIKE '[^abc]%'
open System.Data.Linq.SqlClient;

printfn "\nLook for students with name matching [^abc]%% pattern and select ID."
query {
    for n in db.Student do
    where (SqlMethods.Like( n.Name, "[^abc]%") )
    select n.StudentID   
|> Seq.iter (fun id -> printfn "%d" id)

LIKE   ,将子字符串搜索。

WHERE Student.Name like '%A%'
// Using Contains as a query filter.
query {
    for student in db.Student do
    where (student.Name.Contains("a"))
    select student

只有两个表的简单 JOIN。

JOIN CourseSelection
ON Student.StudentID = CourseSelection.StudentID
// Join Student and CourseSelection tables.
query {
    for student in db.Student do
    join selection in db.CourseSelection on
(student.StudentID = selection.StudentID)
    select (student, selection)

只有 两个表的LEFT JOIN。

Student LEFT JOIN CourseSelection
ON Student.StudentID = CourseSelection.StudentID
//Left Join Student and CourseSelection tables.
query {
    for student in db.Student do
    leftOuterJoin selection in db.CourseSelection on
(student.StudentID = selection.StudentID) into result
    for selection in result.DefaultIfEmpty() do
    select (student, selection)


Student JOIN CourseSelection
ON Student.StudentID = CourseSelection.StudentID
// Join with count.
query {
    for n in db.Student do
    join e in db.CourseSelection on
(n.StudentID = e.StudentID)


SELECT DISTINCT StudentID FROM CourseSelection
// Join with distinct.
query {
    for student in db.Student do
    join selection in db.CourseSelection on
(student.StudentID = selection.StudentID)


// Join with distinct and count.
query {
    for n in db.Student do
    join e in db.CourseSelection on
n.StudentID = e.StudentID)


WHERE Student.Age BETWEEN 10 AND 15
// Selecting students with ages between 10 and 15.
query {
    for student in db.Student do
    where (student.Age ?>= 10 && student.Age ?< 15)
    select student


WHERE Student.Age =11 OR Student.Age = 12
// Selecting students with age that's either 11 or 12.
query {
    for student in db.Student do
    where (student.Age.Value = 11 || student.Age.Value = 12)
    select student


WHERE Student.Age =12 OR Student.Age = 13
// Selecting students in a certain age range and sorting.
query {
    for n in db.Student do
    where (n.Age.Value = 12 || n.Age.Value = 13)
    sortByNullableDescending n.Age
    select n

TOP   ,OR和排序。

SELECT TOP 2 student.Name FROM Student
WHERE Student.Age = 11 OR Student.Age = 12
ORDER BY Student.Name DESC
// Selecting students with certain ages,
// taking account of the possibility of nulls.
query {
    for student in db.Student do
    where ((student.Age.HasValue && student.Age.Value = 11) ||
(student.Age.HasValue && student.Age.Value = 12))
sortByDescending student.Name
    select student.Name
    take 2


SELECT * FROM lastStudent
// Union of two queries.
module Queries =
    let query1 = query {
            for n in db.Student do
            select (n.Name, n.Age)
        }     let query2 = query {
            for n in db.LastStudent do
            select (n.Name, n.Age)
            }     query2.Union (query1)


SELECT * FROM LastStudent
// Intersect of two queries.
module Queries2 =
    let query1 = query {
           for n in db.Student do
           select (n.Name, n.Age)
        }     let query2 = query {
            for n in db.LastStudent do
            select (n.Name, n.Age)
            }     query1.Intersect(query2)

CASE   情况。

SELECT student.StudentID,
CASE Student.Age
WHEN -1 THEN 100
ELSE Student.Age
from Student
// Using if statement to alter results for special value.
query {
    for student in db.Student do
    select (if student.Age.HasValue && student.Age.Value = -1 then
(student.StudentID, System.Nullable<int>(100), student.Age)
else (student.StudentID, student.Age, student.Age))


SELECT Student.StudentID,
CASE Student.Age
WHEN -1 THEN 100
WHEN 0 THEN 1000
ELSE Student.Age
FROM Student
// Using if statement to alter results for special values.
query {
    for student in db.Student do
    select (if student.Age.HasValue && student.Age.Value = -1 then
             (student.StudentID, System.Nullable<int>(100), student.Age)
            elif student.Age.HasValue && student.Age.Value = 0 then
               (student.StudentID, System.Nullable<int>(1000), student.Age)
            else (student.StudentID, student.Age, student.Age))


SELECT * FROM Student, Course
// Multiple table select.
query {
        for student in db.Student do
        for course in db.Course do
        select (student, course)


SELECT Student.Name, Course.CourseName
FROM Student
JOIN CourseSelection
ON CourseSelection.StudentID = Student.StudentID
JOIN Course
ON Course.CourseID = CourseSelection.CourseID
 // Multiple joins.
query {
    for student in db.Student do
    join courseSelection in db.CourseSelection on
        (student.StudentID = courseSelection.StudentID)
    join course in db.Course on
          (courseSelection.CourseID = course.CourseID)
    select (student.Name, course.CourseName)


SELECT Student.Name, Course.CourseName
FROM Student
LEFT OUTER JOIN CourseSelection
ON CourseSelection.StudentID = Student.StudentID
ON Course.CourseID = CourseSelection.CourseID
// Using leftOuterJoin with multiple joins.
query {
    for student in db.Student do
    leftOuterJoin courseSelection in db.CourseSelection on
(student.StudentID = courseSelection.StudentID) into g1
    for courseSelection in g1.DefaultIfEmpty() do
    leftOuterJoin course in db.Course on
(courseSelection.CourseID = course.CourseID) into g2
    for course in g2.DefaultIfEmpty() do
    select (student.Name, course.CourseName)


GO USE [master];
GO IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.databases WHERE name = 'MyDatabase')
                DROP DATABASE MyDatabase;
GO -- Create the MyDatabase database.
GO -- Specify a simple recovery model
-- to keep the log growth to a minimum.
                SET RECOVERY SIMPLE;
GO USE MyDatabase;
GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Course] (
    [CourseID]   INT           NOT NULL,
    [CourseName] NVARCHAR (50) NOT NULL,
); CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Student] (
    [StudentID] INT           NOT NULL,
    [Name]      NVARCHAR (50) NOT NULL,
    [Age]       INT           NULL,
); CREATE TABLE [dbo].[CourseSelection] (
    [ID]        INT NOT NULL,
    [StudentID] INT NOT NULL,
    [CourseID]  INT NOT NULL,
    CONSTRAINT [FK_CourseSelection_ToTable] FOREIGN KEY ([StudentID]) REFERENCES [dbo].[Student] ([StudentID]) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
    CONSTRAINT [FK_CourseSelection_Course_1] FOREIGN KEY ([CourseID]) REFERENCES [dbo].[Course] ([CourseID]) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
); CREATE TABLE [dbo].[LastStudent] (
    [StudentID] INT           NOT NULL,
    [Name]      NVARCHAR (50) NOT NULL,
    [Age]       INT           NULL,
); -- Insert data into the tables.
USE MyDatabase
INSERT INTO Course (CourseID, CourseName)
VALUES(1, 'Algebra I');
INSERT INTO Course (CourseID, CourseName)
VALUES(2, 'Trigonometry');
INSERT INTO Course (CourseID, CourseName)
VALUES(3, 'Algebra II');
INSERT INTO Course (CourseID, CourseName)
VALUES(4, 'History');
INSERT INTO Course (CourseID, CourseName)
VALUES(5, 'English');
INSERT INTO Course (CourseID, CourseName)
VALUES(6, 'French');
INSERT INTO Course (CourseID, CourseName)
VALUES(7, 'Chinese'); INSERT INTO Student (StudentID, Name, Age)
VALUES(1, 'Abercrombie, Kim', 10);
INSERT INTO Student (StudentID, Name, Age)
VALUES(2, 'Abolrous, Hazen', 14);
INSERT INTO Student (StudentID, Name, Age)
VALUES(3, 'Hance, Jim', 12);
INSERT INTO Student (StudentID, Name, Age)
VALUES(4, 'Adams, Terry', 12);
INSERT INTO Student (StudentID, Name, Age)
VALUES(5, 'Hansen, Claus', 11);
INSERT INTO Student (StudentID, Name, Age)
VALUES(6, 'Penor, Lori', 13);
INSERT INTO Student (StudentID, Name, Age)
VALUES(7, 'Perham, Tom', 12);
INSERT INTO Student (StudentID, Name, Age)
VALUES(8, 'Peng, Yun-Feng', NULL); INSERT INTO CourseSelection (ID, StudentID, CourseID)
VALUES(1, 1, 2);
INSERT INTO CourseSelection (ID, StudentID, CourseID)
VALUES(2, 1, 3);
INSERT INTO CourseSelection (ID, StudentID, CourseID)
VALUES(3, 1, 5);
INSERT INTO CourseSelection (ID, StudentID, CourseID)
VALUES(4, 2, 2);
INSERT INTO CourseSelection (ID, StudentID, CourseID)
VALUES(5, 2, 5);
INSERT INTO CourseSelection (ID, StudentID, CourseID)
VALUES(6, 2, 6);
INSERT INTO CourseSelection (ID, StudentID, CourseID)
VALUES(7, 2, 3);
INSERT INTO CourseSelection (ID, StudentID, CourseID)
VALUES(8, 3, 2);
INSERT INTO CourseSelection (ID, StudentID, CourseID)
VALUES(9, 3, 1);
INSERT INTO CourseSelection (ID, StudentID, CourseID)
VALUES(10, 4, 2);
INSERT INTO CourseSelection (ID, StudentID, CourseID)
VALUES(11, 4, 5);
INSERT INTO CourseSelection (ID, StudentID, CourseID)
VALUES(12, 4, 2);
INSERT INTO CourseSelection (ID, StudentID, CourseID)
VALUES(13, 5, 3);
INSERT INTO CourseSelection (ID, StudentID, CourseID)
VALUES(14, 5, 2);
INSERT INTO CourseSelection (ID, StudentID, CourseID)
VALUES(15, 7, 3);


#r "FSharp.Data.TypeProviders.dll"
#r "System.Data.dll"
#r "System.Data.Linq.dll"
open System
open Microsoft.FSharp.Data.TypeProviders
open System.Data.Linq.SqlClient
open System.Linq [<Generate>]
type schema = SqlDataConnection<"Data Source=SERVER\INSTANCE;Initial Catalog=MyDatabase;Integrated Security=SSPI;"> let db = schema.GetDataContext() let student = db.Student let data = [1; 5; 7; 11; 18; 21] open System
type Nullable<'T when 'T : ( new : unit -> 'T) and 'T : struct and 'T :> ValueType > with
    member this.Print() =
        if (this.HasValue) then this.Value.ToString()
        else "NULL" printfn "\ncontains query operator"
query {
    for student in db.Student do
    select student.Age.Value
    contains 11
|> printfn "Is at least one student age 11? %b" printfn "\ncount query operator"
query {
    for student in db.Student do
    select student
|> printfn "Number of students: %d" printfn "\nlast query operator."
let num =
    query {
        for number in data do
        sortBy number
printfn "Last number: %d" num open Microsoft.FSharp.Linq printfn "\nlastOrDefault query operator."
query {
        for number in data do
        sortBy number
|> printfn "lastOrDefault: %d" printfn "\nexactlyOne query operator."
let student2 =
    query {
        for student in db.Student do
        where (student.StudentID = 1)
        select student
printfn "Student with StudentID = 1 is %s" student2.Name printfn "\nexactlyOneOrDefault query operator."
let student3 =
    query {
        for student in db.Student do
        where (student.StudentID = 1)
        select student
printfn "Student with StudentID = 1 is %s" student3.Name printfn "\nheadOrDefault query operator."
let student4 =
    query {
        for student in db.Student do
        select student
printfn "head student is %s" student4.Name printfn "\nselect query operator."
query {
    for student in db.Student do
    select student
|> Seq.iter (fun student -> printfn "StudentID, Name: %d %s" student.StudentID student.Name) printfn "\nwhere query operator."
query {
    for student in db.Student do
    where (student.StudentID > 4)
    select student
|> Seq.iter (fun student -> printfn "StudentID, Name: %d %s" student.StudentID student.Name) printfn "\nminBy query operator."
let student5 =
    query {
        for student in db.Student do
        minBy student.StudentID
    } printfn "\nmaxBy query operator."
let student6 =
    query {
        for student in db.Student do
        maxBy student.StudentID
    } printfn "\ngroupBy query operator."
query {
    for student in db.Student do
    groupBy student.Age into g
    select (g.Key, g.Count())
|> Seq.iter (fun (age, count) -> printfn "Age: %s Count at that age: %d" (age.Print()) count) printfn "\nsortBy query operator."
query {
    for student in db.Student do
    sortBy student.Name
    select student
|> Seq.iter (fun student -> printfn "StudentID, Name: %d %s" student.StudentID student.Name) printfn "\nsortByDescending query operator."
query {
    for student in db.Student do
    sortByDescending student.Name
    select student
|> Seq.iter (fun student -> printfn "StudentID, Name: %d %s" student.StudentID student.Name) printfn "\nthenBy query operator."
query {
    for student in db.Student do
    where student.Age.HasValue
    sortBy student.Age.Value
    thenBy student.Name
    select student
|> Seq.iter (fun student -> printfn "StudentID, Name: %d %s" student.Age.Value student.Name) printfn "\nthenByDescending query operator."
query {
    for student in db.Student do
    where student.Age.HasValue
    sortBy student.Age.Value
    thenByDescending student.Name
    select student
|> Seq.iter (fun student -> printfn "StudentID, Name: %d %s" student.Age.Value student.Name) printfn "\ngroupValBy query operator."
query {
    for student in db.Student do
    groupValBy student.Name student.Age into g
    select (g, g.Key, g.Count())
|> Seq.iter (fun (group, age, count) ->
    printfn "Age: %s Count at that age: %d" (age.Print()) count
    group |> Seq.iter (fun name -> printfn "Name: %s" name)) printfn "\n sumByNullable query operator"
query {
    for student in db.Student do
    sumByNullable student.Age
|> (fun sum -> printfn "Sum of ages: %s" (sum.Print())) printfn "\n minByNullable"
query {
    for student in db.Student do
    minByNullable student.Age
|> (fun age -> printfn "Minimum age: %s" (age.Print())) printfn "\n maxByNullable"
query {
    for student in db.Student do
    maxByNullable student.Age
|> (fun age -> printfn "Maximum age: %s" (age.Print())) printfn "\n averageBy"
query {
    for student in db.Student do
    averageBy (float student.StudentID)
|> printfn "Average student ID: %f" printfn "\n averageByNullable"
query {
    for student in db.Student do
    averageByNullable (Nullable.float student.Age)
|> (fun avg -> printfn "Average age: %s" (avg.Print())) printfn "\n find query operator"
query {
    for student in db.Student do
    find (student.Name = "Abercrombie, Kim")
|> (fun student -> printfn "Found a match with StudentID = %d" student.StudentID) printfn "\n all query operator"
query {
    for student in db.Student do
    all (SqlMethods.Like(student.Name, "%,%"))
|> printfn "Do all students have a comma in the name? %b" printfn "\n head query operator"
query {
    for student in db.Student do
|> (fun student -> printfn "Found the head student with StudentID = %d" student.StudentID) printfn "\n nth query operator"
query {
    for numbers in data do
    nth 3
|> printfn "Third number is %d" printfn "\n skip query operator"
query {
    for student in db.Student do
    skip 1
|> Seq.iter (fun student -> printfn "StudentID = %d" student.StudentID) printfn "\n skipWhile query operator"
query {
    for number in data do
    skipWhile (number < 3)
    select number
|> Seq.iter (fun number -> printfn "Number = %d" number) printfn "\n sumBy query operator"
query {
   for student in db.Student do
   sumBy student.StudentID
|> printfn "Sum of student IDs: %d" printfn "\n take query operator"
query {
   for student in db.Student do
   select student
   take 2
|> Seq.iter (fun student -> printfn "StudentID = %d" student.StudentID) printfn "\n takeWhile query operator"
query {
    for number in data do
    takeWhile (number < 10)
|> Seq.iter (fun number -> printfn "Number = %d" number) printfn "\n sortByNullable query operator"
query {
    for student in db.Student do
    sortByNullable student.Age
    select student
|> Seq.iter (fun student ->
    printfn "StudentID, Name, Age: %d %s %s" student.StudentID student.Name (student.Age.Print())) printfn "\n sortByNullableDescending query operator"
query {
    for student in db.Student do
    sortByNullableDescending student.Age
    select student
|> Seq.iter (fun student ->
    printfn "StudentID, Name, Age: %d %s %s" student.StudentID student.Name (student.Age.Print())) printfn "\n thenByNullable query operator"
query {
    for student in db.Student do
    sortBy student.Name
    thenByNullable student.Age
    select student
|> Seq.iter (fun student ->
    printfn "StudentID, Name, Age: %d %s %s" student.StudentID student.Name (student.Age.Print())) printfn "\n thenByNullableDescending query operator"
query {
    for student in db.Student do
    sortBy student.Name
    thenByNullableDescending student.Age
    select student
|> Seq.iter (fun student ->
    printfn "StudentID, Name, Age: %d %s %s" student.StudentID student.Name (student.Age.Print())) printfn "All students: "
query {
        for student in db.Student do
        select student
    |> Seq.iter (fun student -> printfn "%s %d %s" student.Name student.StudentID (student.Age.Print())) printfn "\nCount of students: "
query {
        for student in db.Student do       
|>  (fun count -> printfn "Student count: %d" count) printfn "\nExists."
query {
        for student in db.Student do
        where (query { for courseSelection in db.CourseSelection do
                       exists (courseSelection.StudentID = student.StudentID) })
        select student }
|> Seq.iter (fun student -> printfn "%A" student.Name) printfn "\n Group by age and count"
query {
        for n in db.Student do
        groupBy n.Age into g
        select (g.Key, g.Count())
|> Seq.iter (fun (age, count) -> printfn "%s %d" (age.Print()) count) printfn "\n Group value by age."
query {
        for n in db.Student do
        groupValBy n.Age n.Age into g
        select (g.Key, g.Count())
|> Seq.iter (fun (age, count) -> printfn "%s %d" (age.Print()) count) printfn "\nGroup students by age where age > 10."
query {
        for student in db.Student do
        groupBy student.Age into g
       where (g.Key.HasValue && g.Key.Value > 10)
        select (g, g.Key)
|> Seq.iter (fun (students, age) ->
    printfn "Age: %s" (age.Value.ToString())
    |> Seq.iter (fun student -> printfn "%s" student.Name)) printfn "\nGroup students by age and print counts of number of students at each age with more than 1 student."
query {
        for student in db.Student do
        groupBy student.Age into group
        where (group.Count() > 1)
        select (group.Key, group.Count())
|> Seq.iter (fun (age, ageCount) ->
     printfn "Age: %s Count: %d" (age.Print()) ageCount) printfn "\nGroup students by age and sum ages."
query {
        for student in db.Student do
        groupBy student.Age into g       
        let total = query { for student in g do sumByNullable student.Age }
        select (g.Key, g.Count(), total)
|> Seq.iter (fun (age, count, total) ->
    printfn "Age: %d" (age.GetValueOrDefault())
    printfn "Count: %d" count
    printfn "Total years: %s" (total.ToString())) printfn "\nGroup students by age and count number of students at each age, and display all with count > 1 in descending order of count."
query {
        for student in db.Student do
        groupBy student.Age into g
        where (g.Count() > 1)       
        sortByDescending (g.Count())
        select (g.Key, g.Count())
|> Seq.iter (fun (age, myCount) ->
    printfn "Age: %s" (age.Print())
    printfn "Count: %d" myCount) printfn "\n Select students from a set of IDs"
let idList = [1; 2; 5; 10]
let idQuery = query { for id in idList do
                      select id }
query {
        for student in db.Student do
        where (idQuery.Contains(student.StudentID))
        select student
|> Seq.iter (fun student ->
    printfn "Name: %s" student.Name) printfn "\nLook for students with Name match _e%% pattern and take first two."
query {
    for student in db.Student do
    where (SqlMethods.Like( student.Name, "_e%") )
    select student
    take 2  
|> Seq.iter (fun student -> printfn "%s" student.Name) printfn "\nLook for students with Name matching [abc]%% pattern."
query {
    for student in db.Student do
    where (SqlMethods.Like( student.Name, "[abc]%") )
    select student 
|> Seq.iter (fun student -> printfn "%s" student.Name) printfn "\nLook for students with name matching [^abc]%% pattern."
query {
    for student in db.Student do
    where (SqlMethods.Like( student.Name, "[^abc]%") )
    select student 
|> Seq.iter (fun student -> printfn "%s" student.Name) printfn "\nLook for students with name matching [^abc]%% pattern and select ID."
query {
    for n in db.Student do
    where (SqlMethods.Like( n.Name, "[^abc]%") )
    select n.StudentID   
|> Seq.iter (fun id -> printfn "%d" id) printfn "\n Using Contains as a query filter."
query {
        for student in db.Student do
        where (student.Name.Contains("a"))
        select student
|> Seq.iter (fun student -> printfn "%s" student.Name) printfn "\nSearching for names from a list."
let names = [|"a";"b";"c"|]
query {
    for student in db.Student do
    if names.Contains (student.Name) then select student }
|> Seq.iter (fun student -> printfn "%s" student.Name) printfn "\nJoin Student and CourseSelection tables."
query {
        for student in db.Student do
        join (for selection in db.CourseSelection ->
              student.StudentID = selection.StudentID)
        select (student, selection)
|> Seq.iter (fun (student, selection) -> printfn "%d %s %d" student.StudentID student.Name selection.CourseID) printfn "\nLeft Join Student and CourseSelection tables."
query {
    for student in db.Student do
    leftOuterJoin (for selection in db.CourseSelection ->
                   student.StudentID = selection.StudentID) into result
    for selection in result.DefaultIfEmpty() do
    select (student, selection)
|> Seq.iter (fun (student, selection) ->
    let selectionID, studentID, courseID =
        match selection with
        | null -> "NULL", "NULL", "NULL"
        | sel -> (sel.ID.ToString(), sel.StudentID.ToString(), sel.CourseID.ToString())
    printfn "%d %s %d %s %s %s" student.StudentID student.Name (student.Age.GetValueOrDefault()) selectionID studentID courseID) printfn "\nJoin with count"
query {
        for n in db.Student do
        join (for e in db.CourseSelection -> n.StudentID = e.StudentID)
|>  printfn "%d" printfn "\n Join with distinct."
query {
        for student in db.Student do
        join (for selection in db.CourseSelection ->
              student.StudentID = selection.StudentID)
|> Seq.iter (fun (student, selection) -> printfn "%s %d" student.Name selection.CourseID) printfn "\n Join with distinct and count."
query {
        for n in db.Student do
        join (for e in db.CourseSelection -> n.StudentID = e.StudentID)
|> printfn "%d" printfn "\n Selecting students with age between 10 and 15."
query {
        for student in db.Student do
        where (student.Age.Value >= 10 && student.Age.Value < 15)
        select student
|> Seq.iter (fun student -> printfn "%s" student.Name) printfn "\n Selecting students with age either 11 or 12."
query {
        for student in db.Student do
        where (student.Age.Value = 11 || student.Age.Value = 12)
        select student
|> Seq.iter (fun student -> printfn "%s" student.Name) printfn "\n Selecting students in a certain age range and sorting."
query {
        for n in db.Student do
        where (n.Age.Value = 12 || n.Age.Value = 13)
        sortByNullableDescending n.Age
        select n
|> Seq.iter (fun student -> printfn "%s %s" student.Name (student.Age.Print())) printfn "\n Selecting students with certain ages, taking account of possibility of nulls."
query {
        for student in db.Student do
        where ((student.Age.HasValue && student.Age.Value = 11) ||
               (student.Age.HasValue && student.Age.Value = 12))
        sortByDescending student.Name
select student.Name
        take 2
|> Seq.iter (fun name -> printfn "%s" name) printfn "\n Union of two queries."
module Queries =
    let query1 = query {
            for n in db.Student do
            select (n.Name, n.Age)
        }     let query2 = query {
            for n in db.LastStudent do
            select (n.Name, n.Age)
            }     query2.Union (query1)
    |> Seq.iter (fun (name, age) -> printfn "%s %s" name (age.Print())) printfn "\n Intersect of two queries."
module Queries2 =
    let query1 = query {
           for n in db.Student do
           select (n.Name, n.Age)
        }     let query2 = query {
            for n in db.LastStudent do
            select (n.Name, n.Age)
            }     query1.Intersect(query2)
    |> Seq.iter (fun (name, age) -> printfn "%s %s" name (age.Print())) printfn "\n Using if statement to alter results for special value."
query {
        for student in db.Student do
        select (if student.Age.HasValue && student.Age.Value = -1 then
                   (student.StudentID, System.Nullable<int>(100), student.Age)
                else (student.StudentID, student.Age, student.Age))
|> Seq.iter (fun (id, value, age) -> printfn "%d %s %s" id (value.Print()) (age.Print())) printfn "\n Using if statement to alter results special values."
query {
        for student in db.Student do
        select (if student.Age.HasValue && student.Age.Value = -1 then
                   (student.StudentID, System.Nullable<int>(100), student.Age)
                elif student.Age.HasValue && student.Age.Value = 0 then
                    (student.StudentID, System.Nullable<int>(100), student.Age)
                else (student.StudentID, student.Age, student.Age))
|> Seq.iter (fun (id, value, age) -> printfn "%d %s %s" id (value.Print()) (age.Print())) printfn "\n Multiple table select."
query {
        for student in db.Student do
        for course in db.Course do
        select (student, course)
|> Seq.iteri (fun index (student, course) ->
    if (index = 0) then printfn "StudentID Name Age CourseID CourseName"
    printfn "%d %s %s %d %s" student.StudentID student.Name (student.Age.Print()) course.CourseID course.CourseName) printfn "\nMultiple Joins"
query {
    for student in db.Student do
    join courseSelection in db.CourseSelection on
        (student.StudentID = courseSelection.StudentID)
    join course in db.Course on
          (courseSelection.CourseID = course.CourseID)
    select (student.Name, course.CourseName)
    } |> Seq.iter (fun (studentName, courseName) -> printfn "%s %s" studentName courseName) printfn "\nMultiple Left Outer Joins"
query {
   for student in db.Student do
    leftOuterJoin (for courseSelection in db.CourseSelection ->
                   student.StudentID = courseSelection.StudentID) into g1
    for courseSelection in g1.DefaultIfEmpty() do
    leftOuterJoin (for course in db.Course ->
                   courseSelection.CourseID = course.CourseID) into g2
    for course in g2.DefaultIfEmpty() do
    select (student.Name, course.CourseName)
|> Seq.iter (fun (studentName, courseName) -> printfn "%s %s" studentName courseName)

对于完全的输出,当此代码在 F# interactive 时运行。

--> Referenced 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\FSharp\3.0\Runtime\v4.0\Type Providers\FSharp.Data.TypeProviders.dll'

--> Referenced 'C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\System.Data.dll'

--> Referenced 'C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\System.Data.Linq.dll'

contains query operator
Binding session to 'C:\Users\ghogen\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp5E3C.dll'... Binding session to 'C:\Users\ghogen\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp611A.dll'... Is at least one student age 11? true count query operator
Number of students: 8 last query operator. Last number: 21 lastOrDefault query operator. lastOrDefault: 21 exactlyOne query operator. Student with StudentID = 1 is Abercrombie, Kim exactlyOneOrDefault query operator. Student with StudentID = 1 is Abercrombie, Kim headOrDefault query operator. head student is Abercrombie, Kim select query operator. StudentID, Name: 1 Abercrombie, Kim
StudentID, Name: 2 Abolrous, Hazen
StudentID, Name: 3 Hance, Jim
StudentID, Name: 4 Adams, Terry
StudentID, Name: 5 Hansen, Claus
StudentID, Name: 6 Penor, Lori
StudentID, Name: 7 Perham, Tom
StudentID, Name: 8 Peng, Yun-Feng where query operator. StudentID, Name: 5 Hansen, Claus
StudentID, Name: 6 Penor, Lori
StudentID, Name: 7 Perham, Tom
StudentID, Name: 8 Peng, Yun-Feng minBy query operator. maxBy query operator. groupBy query operator. Age: NULL Count at that age: 1
Age: 10 Count at that age: 1
Age: 11 Count at that age: 1
Age: 12 Count at that age: 3
Age: 13 Count at that age: 1
Age: 14 Count at that age: 1 sortBy query operator. StudentID, Name: 1 Abercrombie, Kim
StudentID, Name: 2 Abolrous, Hazen
StudentID, Name: 4 Adams, Terry
StudentID, Name: 3 Hance, Jim
StudentID, Name: 5 Hansen, Claus
StudentID, Name: 8 Peng, Yun-Feng
StudentID, Name: 6 Penor, Lori
StudentID, Name: 7 Perham, Tom sortByDescending query operator. StudentID, Name: 7 Perham, Tom
StudentID, Name: 6 Penor, Lori
StudentID, Name: 8 Peng, Yun-Feng
StudentID, Name: 5 Hansen, Claus
StudentID, Name: 3 Hance, Jim
StudentID, Name: 4 Adams, Terry
StudentID, Name: 2 Abolrous, Hazen
StudentID, Name: 1 Abercrombie, Kim thenBy query operator. StudentID, Name: 10 Abercrombie, Kim
StudentID, Name: 11 Hansen, Claus
StudentID, Name: 12 Adams, Terry
StudentID, Name: 12 Hance, Jim
StudentID, Name: 12 Perham, Tom
StudentID, Name: 13 Penor, Lori
StudentID, Name: 14 Abolrous, Hazen thenByDescending query operator. StudentID, Name: 10 Abercrombie, Kim
StudentID, Name: 11 Hansen, Claus
StudentID, Name: 12 Perham, Tom
StudentID, Name: 12 Hance, Jim
StudentID, Name: 12 Adams, Terry
StudentID, Name: 13 Penor, Lori
StudentID, Name: 14 Abolrous, Hazen groupValBy query operator. Age: NULL Count at that age: 1
Name: Peng, Yun-Feng
Age: 10 Count at that age: 1
Name: Abercrombie, Kim
Age: 11 Count at that age: 1
Name: Hansen, Claus
Age: 12 Count at that age: 3
Name: Hance, Jim
Name: Adams, Terry
Name: Perham, Tom
Age: 13 Count at that age: 1
Name: Penor, Lori
Age: 14 Count at that age: 1
Name: Abolrous, Hazen sumByNullable query operator
Sum of ages: 84 minByNullable
Minimum age: 10 maxByNullable
Maximum age: 14 averageBy
Average student ID: 4.500000 averageByNullable
Average age: 12 find query operator
Found a match with StudentID = 1 all query operator
Do all students have a comma in the name? true head query operator
Found the head student with StudentID = 1 nth query operator
Third number is 11 skip query operator
StudentID = 2
StudentID = 3
StudentID = 4
StudentID = 5
StudentID = 6
StudentID = 7
StudentID = 8 skipWhile query operator
Number = 5
Number = 7
Number = 11
Number = 18
Number = 21 sumBy query operator
Sum of student IDs: 36 take query operator
StudentID = 1
StudentID = 2 takeWhile query operator
Number = 1
Number = 5
Number = 7 sortByNullable query operator
StudentID, Name, Age: 8 Peng, Yun-Feng NULL
StudentID, Name, Age: 1 Abercrombie, Kim 10
StudentID, Name, Age: 5 Hansen, Claus 11
StudentID, Name, Age: 7 Perham, Tom 12
StudentID, Name, Age: 3 Hance, Jim 12
StudentID, Name, Age: 4 Adams, Terry 12
StudentID, Name, Age: 6 Penor, Lori 13
StudentID, Name, Age: 2 Abolrous, Hazen 14 sortByNullableDescending query operator
StudentID, Name, Age: 2 Abolrous, Hazen 14
StudentID, Name, Age: 6 Penor, Lori 13
StudentID, Name, Age: 7 Perham, Tom 12
StudentID, Name, Age: 3 Hance, Jim 12
StudentID, Name, Age: 4 Adams, Terry 12
StudentID, Name, Age: 5 Hansen, Claus 11
StudentID, Name, Age: 1 Abercrombie, Kim 10
StudentID, Name, Age: 8 Peng, Yun-Feng NULL thenByNullable query operator
StudentID, Name, Age: 1 Abercrombie, Kim 10
StudentID, Name, Age: 2 Abolrous, Hazen 14
StudentID, Name, Age: 4 Adams, Terry 12
StudentID, Name, Age: 3 Hance, Jim 12
StudentID, Name, Age: 5 Hansen, Claus 11
StudentID, Name, Age: 8 Peng, Yun-Feng NULL
StudentID, Name, Age: 6 Penor, Lori 13
StudentID, Name, Age: 7 Perham, Tom 12 thenByNullableDescending query operator
StudentID, Name, Age: 1 Abercrombie, Kim 10
StudentID, Name, Age: 2 Abolrous, Hazen 14
StudentID, Name, Age: 4 Adams, Terry 12
StudentID, Name, Age: 3 Hance, Jim 12
StudentID, Name, Age: 5 Hansen, Claus 11
StudentID, Name, Age: 8 Peng, Yun-Feng NULL
StudentID, Name, Age: 6 Penor, Lori 13
StudentID, Name, Age: 7 Perham, Tom 12
All students:
Abercrombie, Kim 1 10
Abolrous, Hazen 2 14
Hance, Jim 3 12
Adams, Terry 4 12
Hansen, Claus 5 11
Penor, Lori 6 13
Perham, Tom 7 12
Peng, Yun-Feng 8 NULL Count of students:
Student count: 8 Exists.
" Abercrombie, Kim"
"Abolrous, Hazen"
"Hance, Jim"
"Adams, Terry"
"Hansen, Claus"
"Perham, Tom" Group by age and count
10 1
11 1
12 3
13 1
14 1 Group value by age. NULL 1
10 1
11 1
12 3
13 1
14 1 Group students by age where age > 10. Age: 11
Hansen, Claus
Age: 12
Hance, Jim
Adams, Terry
Perham, Tom
Age: 13
Penor, Lori
Age: 14
Abolrous, Hazen Group students by age and print counts of number of students at each age with more than 1 student. Age: 12 Count: 3 Group students by age and sum ages. Age: 0
Count: 1
Total years:
Age: 10
Count: 1
Total years: 10
Age: 11
Count: 1
Total years: 11
Age: 12
Count: 3
Total years: 36
Age: 13
Count: 1
Total years: 13
Age: 14
Count: 1
Total years: 14 Group students by age and count number of students at each age, and display all with count > 1 in descending order of count. Age: 12
Count: 3 Select students from a set of IDs
Name: Abercrombie, Kim
Name: Abolrous, Hazen
Name: Hansen, Claus Look for students with Name match _e% pattern and take first two. Penor, Lori
Perham, Tom Look for students with Name matching [abc]% pattern. Abercrombie, Kim
Abolrous, Hazen
Adams, Terry Look for students with name matching [^abc]% pattern. Hance, Jim
Hansen, Claus
Penor, Lori
Perham, Tom
Peng, Yun-Feng Look for students with name matching [^abc]% pattern and select ID. 3
8 Using Contains as a query filter. Abercrombie, Kim
Abolrous, Hazen
Hance, Jim
Adams, Terry
Hansen, Claus
Perham, Tom Searching for names from a list. Join Student and CourseSelection tables. 2 Abolrous, Hazen 2
3 Hance, Jim 3
5 Hansen, Claus 5
2 Abolrous, Hazen 2
5 Hansen, Claus 5
6 Penor, Lori 6
3 Hance, Jim 3
2 Abolrous, Hazen 2
1 Abercrombie, Kim 1
2 Abolrous, Hazen 2
5 Hansen, Claus 5
2 Abolrous, Hazen 2
3 Hance, Jim 3
2 Abolrous, Hazen 2
3 Hance, Jim 3 Left Join Student and CourseSelection tables. 1 Abercrombie, Kim 10 9 3 1
2 Abolrous, Hazen 14 1 1 2
2 Abolrous, Hazen 14 4 2 2
2 Abolrous, Hazen 14 8 3 2
2 Abolrous, Hazen 14 10 4 2
2 Abolrous, Hazen 14 12 4 2
2 Abolrous, Hazen 14 14 5 2
3 Hance, Jim 12 2 1 3
3 Hance, Jim 12 7 2 3
3 Hance, Jim 12 13 5 3
3 Hance, Jim 12 15 7 3
4 Adams, Terry 12 NULL NULL NULL
5 Hansen, Claus 11 3 1 5
5 Hansen, Claus 11 5 2 5
5 Hansen, Claus 11 11 4 5
6 Penor, Lori 13 6 2 6
7 Perham, Tom 12 NULL NULL NULL
8 Peng, Yun-Feng 0 NULL NULL NULL Join with count
15 Join with distinct. Abercrombie, Kim 2
Abercrombie, Kim 3
Abercrombie, Kim 5
Abolrous, Hazen 2
Abolrous, Hazen 5
Abolrous, Hazen 6
Abolrous, Hazen 3
Hance, Jim 2
Hance, Jim 1
Adams, Terry 2
Adams, Terry 5
Adams, Terry 2
Hansen, Claus 3
Hansen, Claus 2
Perham, Tom 3 Join with distinct and count. 15 Selecting students with age between 10 and 15. Abercrombie, Kim
Abolrous, Hazen
Hance, Jim
Adams, Terry
Hansen, Claus
Penor, Lori
Perham, Tom Selecting students with age either 11 or 12. Hance, Jim
Adams, Terry
Hansen, Claus
Perham, Tom Selecting students in a certain age range and sorting. Penor, Lori 13
Perham, Tom 12
Hance, Jim 12
Adams, Terry 12 Selecting students with certain ages, taking account of possibility of nulls. Hance, Jim
Adams, Terry Union of two queries. Abercrombie, Kim 10
Abolrous, Hazen 14
Hance, Jim 12
Adams, Terry 12
Hansen, Claus 11
Penor, Lori 13
Perham, Tom 12
Peng, Yun-Feng NULL Intersect of two queries. Using if statement to alter results for special value. 1 10 10
2 14 14
3 12 12
4 12 12
5 11 11
6 13 13
7 12 12
8 NULL NULL Using if statement to alter results special values. 1 10 10
2 14 14
3 12 12
4 12 12
5 11 11
6 13 13
7 12 12
8 NULL NULL Multiple table select. StudentID Name Age CourseID CourseName
1 Abercrombie, Kim 10 1 Algebra I
2 Abolrous, Hazen 14 1 Algebra I
3 Hance, Jim 12 1 Algebra I
4 Adams, Terry 12 1 Algebra I
5 Hansen, Claus 11 1 Algebra I
6 Penor, Lori 13 1 Algebra I
7 Perham, Tom 12 1 Algebra I
8 Peng, Yun-Feng NULL 1 Algebra I
1 Abercrombie, Kim 10 2 Trigonometry
2 Abolrous, Hazen 14 2 Trigonometry
3 Hance, Jim 12 2 Trigonometry
4 Adams, Terry 12 2 Trigonometry
5 Hansen, Claus 11 2 Trigonometry
6 Penor, Lori 13 2 Trigonometry
7 Perham, Tom 12 2 Trigonometry
8 Peng, Yun-Feng NULL 2 Trigonometry
1 Abercrombie, Kim 10 3 Algebra II
2 Abolrous, Hazen 14 3 Algebra II
3 Hance, Jim 12 3 Algebra II
4 Adams, Terry 12 3 Algebra II
5 Hansen, Claus 11 3 Algebra II
6 Penor, Lori 13 3 Algebra II
7 Perham, Tom 12 3 Algebra II
8 Peng, Yun-Feng NULL 3 Algebra II
1 Abercrombie, Kim 10 4 History
2 Abolrous, Hazen 14 4 History
3 Hance, Jim 12 4 History
4 Adams, Terry 12 4 History
5 Hansen, Claus 11 4 History
6 Penor, Lori 13 4 History
7 Perham, Tom 12 4 History
8 Peng, Yun-Feng NULL 4 History
1 Abercrombie, Kim 10 5 English
2 Abolrous, Hazen 14 5 English
3 Hance, Jim 12 5 English
4 Adams, Terry 12 5 English
5 Hansen, Claus 11 5 English
6 Penor, Lori 13 5 English
7 Perham, Tom 12 5 English
8 Peng, Yun-Feng NULL 5 English
1 Abercrombie, Kim 10 6 French
2 Abolrous, Hazen 14 6 French
3 Hance, Jim 12 6 French
4 Adams, Terry 12 6 French
5 Hansen, Claus 11 6 French
6 Penor, Lori 13 6 French
7 Perham, Tom 12 6 French
8 Peng, Yun-Feng NULL 6 French
1 Abercrombie, Kim 10 7 Chinese
2 Abolrous, Hazen 14 7 Chinese
3 Hance, Jim 12 7 Chinese
4 Adams, Terry 12 7 Chinese
5 Hansen, Claus 11 7 Chinese
6 Penor, Lori 13 7 Chinese
7 Perham, Tom 12 7 Chinese
8 Peng, Yun-Feng NULL 7 Chinese Multiple Joins
Abercrombie, Kim Trigonometry
Abercrombie, Kim Algebra II
Abercrombie, Kim English
Abolrous, Hazen Trigonometry
Abolrous, Hazen English
Abolrous, Hazen French
Abolrous, Hazen Algebra II
Hance, Jim Trigonometry
Hance, Jim Algebra I
Adams, Terry Trigonometry
Adams, Terry English
Adams, Terry Trigonometry
Hansen, Claus Algebra II
Hansen, Claus Trigonometry
Perham, Tom Algebra II Multiple Left Outer Joins
Abercrombie, Kim Trigonometry
Abercrombie, Kim Algebra II
Abercrombie, Kim English
Abolrous, Hazen Trigonometry
Abolrous, Hazen English
Abolrous, Hazen French
Abolrous, Hazen Algebra II
Hance, Jim Trigonometry
Hance, Jim Algebra I
Adams, Terry Trigonometry
Adams, Terry English
Adams, Terry Trigonometry
Hansen, Claus Algebra II
Hansen, Claus Trigonometry
Penor, Lori
Perham, Tom Algebra II
Peng, Yun-Feng type schema
val db : schema.ServiceTypes.SimpleDataContextTypes.MyDatabase1
val student : System.Data.Linq.Table<schema.ServiceTypes.Student>
val data : int list = [1; 5; 7; 11; 18; 21]
type Nullable<'T
                when 'T : (new : unit ->  'T) and 'T : struct and
                     'T :> System.ValueType> with
  member Print : unit -> string
val num : int = 21
val student2 : schema.ServiceTypes.Student
val student3 : schema.ServiceTypes.Student
val student4 : schema.ServiceTypes.Student
val student5 : int = 1
val student6 : int = 8
val idList : int list = [1; 2; 5; 10]
val idQuery : seq<int>
val names : string [] = [|"a"; "b"; "c"|]
module Queries = begin
  val query1 : System.Linq.IQueryable<string * System.Nullable<int>>
  val query2 : System.Linq.IQueryable<string * System.Nullable<int>>
module Queries2 = begin
  val query1 : System.Linq.IQueryable<string * System.Nullable<int>>
  val query2 : System.Linq.IQueryable<string * System.Nullable<int>>



Linq.QueryBuilder 类 (F#)                       


F# 语言参考                       
计算表达式 (F#)            

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