题意:一个无向树的度数为 2的结点称为假结点,其它结点称为真结点。一个无向树的简化树

cas<=20 n<=10000



删除假节点并连边:先按输入构图并统计每个点的度数 找一个度不为2的点做一遍dfs

if d[v]=2 f[find(u)]=f[find(v)]




  1. const mo=;
  2. var head,vet,next,d,b,x,y,e1,q,f:array[..]of longint;
  3. hash,s,c,h:array[..]of int64;
  4. cas,v1,e,v,i,tot,len,n,j,k,ans:longint;
  5. tmp:int64;
  6. p:boolean;
  8. procedure qsort(l,r:longint);
  9. var i,j:longint;
  10. t,mid:int64;
  11. begin
  12. i:=l; j:=r; mid:=q[(l+r)>>];
  13. repeat
  14. while mid>q[i] do inc(i);
  15. while mid<q[j] do dec(j);
  16. if i<=j then
  17. begin
  18. t:=q[i]; q[i]:=q[j]; q[j]:=t;
  19. inc(i); dec(j);
  20. end;
  21. until i>j;
  22. if l<j then qsort(l,j);
  23. if i<r then qsort(i,r);
  24. end;
  26. function find(k:longint):longint;
  27. begin
  28. if f[k]<>k then f[k]:=find(f[k]);
  29. find:=f[k];
  30. end;
  32. procedure add(a,b:longint);
  33. begin
  34. inc(tot);
  35. next[tot]:=head[a];
  36. vet[tot]:=b;
  37. head[a]:=tot;
  38. end;
  40. procedure dfs(u,fa:longint);
  41. var e,v:longint;
  42. begin
  43. e:=head[u];
  44. while e<> do
  45. begin
  46. v:=vet[e];
  47. if v<>fa then
  48. begin
  49. if d[v]= then f[find(v)]:=f[find(u)];
  50. dfs(v,u);
  51. end;
  52. e:=next[e];
  53. end;
  54. end;
  56. begin
  58. readln(cas);
  60. for v1:= to cas do
  61. begin
  62. read(n);
  63. fillchar(head,sizeof(head),);
  64. fillchar(b,sizeof(b),);
  65. fillchar(d,sizeof(d),);
  66. for i:= to n do hash[i]:=;
  67. for i:= to n do f[i]:=i;
  68. tot:=;
  69. for i:= to n- do
  70. begin
  71. read(x[i],y[i]);
  72. inc(d[x[i]]); inc(d[y[i]]);
  73. add(x[i],y[i]);
  74. add(y[i],x[i]);
  75. end;
  76. for i:= to n do
  77. if d[i]<> then
  78. begin
  79. dfs(i,-);
  80. break;
  81. end;
  82. tot:=;
  83. fillchar(head,sizeof(head),);
  85. for i:= to n- do
  86. if f[x[i]]<>f[y[i]] then
  87. begin
  88. b[f[x[i]]]:=; b[f[y[i]]]:=;
  89. add(f[x[i]],f[y[i]]);
  90. add(f[y[i]],f[x[i]]);
  91. end;
  92. for i:= to n do
  93. if d[i]<> then inc(e1[v1]);
  94. for i:= to do
  95. begin
  96. for j:= to n do h[j]:=hash[j];
  97. for j:= to n do
  98. if b[j]= then
  99. begin
  100. e:=head[j];
  101. len:=;
  102. while e<> do
  103. begin
  104. v:=vet[e];
  105. inc(len); q[len]:=h[v];
  106. e:=next[e];
  107. end;
  108. if len> then qsort(,len);
  109. tmp:=;
  110. for k:= to len do tmp:=(tmp*+q[k]) mod mo;
  111. hash[j]:=tmp;
  113. end;
  114. end;
  115. len:=;
  116. for i:= to n do
  117. if b[i]= then begin inc(len); q[len]:=hash[i]; end;
  118. if len> then qsort(,len);
  119. tmp:=;
  120. for i:= to len do tmp:=(tmp*+q[i]) mod mo;
  122. s[v1]:=tmp;
  123. end;
  124. for i:= to cas do
  125. begin
  126. p:=true;
  127. for j:= to i- do
  128. if s[i]=s[j] then
  129. begin
  130. p:=false; break;
  131. end;
  132. if p then begin inc(ans); c[ans]:=e1[i]; end;
  133. end;
  134. for i:= to ans do q[i]:=c[i];
  135. qsort(,ans);
  136. writeln(ans);
  137. for i:= to ans- do write(q[i],' ');
  138. write(q[ans]);
  140. end.


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