mysql中You can't specify target table for update in FROM clause错误的意思是说,不能先select出同一表中的某些值,再update这个表(在同一语句中)。

例:DELETE from sys_org_relation where pOrgid in (

select porgId from sys_org_relation   r  where  r.corgid='客户id' and relationType=1112

)  and  and relationType=1213;

该语句中要操作的sys_org_relation 表条件也是来自sys_org_relation 表查询的结果,此时会抛出 You can't specify target table 'sys_org_relation' for update in FROM clause异常




DELETE from sys_org_relation where pOrgid in (

  select a.corgidfrom (

    select corgidfrom sys_org_relation   r  where  r.porgid='客户id' and relationType=1112

  )  a

)  and  and relationType=1213;

mysql You can't specify target table 'sys_org_relation' for update in FROM clause 删除表条件不能直接包含该表的更多相关文章

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