
struct dhcpMessage报文里uint8_t options[308]字段,在整个DHCP过程中是报文的一个很重要的字段,博文的系列(二)有讲解该字段的数据组织方式,CLV(Code + Len + Value),现在来讲解下怎么把选项信息添加进该字段,以及怎么从该字段取到相应的选项信息。


a).  DHCP_PADDING           填充字节, 没有任何意义,填充 0x00

b).  DHCP_END                   potions字段结束的标志              0xFF

c).  选项信息<CLV>          对于DHCP过程真正有价值的信息,承载了选项数据(V)

对于选options字段的操作主要就是read/write value:


  1. 1: /*
  1. 2: * 参数struct dhcpMessage *packet DHCP报文
  1. 3: * int code需要获得什么选项信息(选项信息的标识)
  1. 4: *
  1. 5: * 返回指向选项信息的指针(去除了 OPT_CODE,OPT_LEN
  1. 6: * 未找到返回NULL
  1. 7: */
  1. 8: uint8_t *get_option(struct dhcpMessage *packet, int code)
  1. 9: {
  1. 10: int i, length;
  1. 11: uint8_t *optionptr;
  1. 12: int over = 0, done = 0, curr = OPTION_FIELD;
  1. 13:  
  1. 14: optionptr = packet->options;
  1. 15: i = 0;
  1. 16: length = 308; /* 整个options字段的长度308 */
  1. 17:  
  1. 18: /* 在options字段里查找code选项标识信息*/
  1. 19: while (!done) {
  1. 20: if (i >= length) { /* 查找完所有字段都未找到code标识的信息,返回NULL */
  1. 21: LOG(LOG_WARNING, "bogus packet, option fields too long.");
  1. 22: return NULL;
  1. 23: }
  1. 24:  
  1. 25: //CLV方式存储数据
  1. 26: //这里与struct option_set的data存储相似
  1. 27: //OPT_CODE字节上存储code标识
  1. 28: //OPT_LEN 字节上存储信息长度
  1. 29: //OPT_LEN后就是存储信息
  1. 30:  
  1. 31: if (optionptr[i + OPT_CODE] == code) { //Found
  1. 32: if (i + 1 + optionptr[i + OPT_LEN] >= length) { //检查选项信息长度
  1. 33: LOG(LOG_WARNING, "bogus packet, option fields too long.");
  1. 34: return NULL;
  1. 35: }
  1. 36: return optionptr + i + 2; //Found,返回选项信息的首地址
  1. 37: }
  1. 38:
  1. 39: switch (optionptr[i + OPT_CODE]) {
  1. 40: case DHCP_PADDING: //DHCP_PADING(填充)字节,直接 i++;
  1. 41: i++;
  1. 42: break;
  1. 44: if (i + 1 + optionptr[i + OPT_LEN] >= length) {
  1. 45: LOG(LOG_WARNING, "bogus packet, option fields too long.");
  1. 46: return NULL;
  1. 47: }
  1. 48:  
  1. 49: /*
  1. 50: optionptr[i + OPT_CODE] == DHCP_OPTION_OVER选项过载;
  1. 51: optionptr[i + 3]存放了采用哪个字段来存储过载的选项
  1. 52: 可能存储过载选项的字段:
  1. 53: uint8_t sname[64]; //server host name (ASCIZ)
  1. 54: uint8_t file[128]; // boot file name (ASCIZ)
  1. 55:
  1. 56: over = optionptr[i + 3];记录下使用那个字段存储过载选项
  1. 57: */
  1. 58:  
  1. 59:  
  1. 60: /*
  1. 61: *
  1. 62: The code for this option is 52, and its length is 1. Legal values
  1. 63: for this option are:
  1. 64:
  1. 65: Value Meaning
  1. 66: ----- --------
  1. 67: 1 the 'file' field is used to hold options
  1. 68: 2 the 'sname' field is used to hold options
  1. 69: 3 both fields are used to hold options
  1. 70:
  1. 71: Code Len Value
  1. 72: +-----+-----+-----+
  1. 73: | 52 | 1 |1/2/3|
  1. 74: +-----+-----+-----+
  1. 75: */
  1. 76:  
  1. 77: over = optionptr[i + OPT_DATA];
  1. 78: i += optionptr[i + OPT_LEN] + 2;
  1. 79:
  1. 80: // over = optionptr[i + 3]; /* Error */
  1. 81: // i += optionptr[OPT_LEN] + 2; /* Error */
  1. 82: break;
  1. 83: case DHCP_END: //选项字段结束标志 DHCP_END 0xff
  1. 84:  
  1. 85: /*
  1. 86: * 当选项过载的时候(curr == OPTION_FILE允许选项过载)
  1. 87: * 首先用file字段,不够的话再用sname字段
  1. 88: * 使用file字段的时候:
  1. 89: * over的右起的第0位必须为1
  1. 90: * 使用sname字段:
  1. 91: * over的右起的第一位必须为1
  1. 92: */
  1. 93: if (curr == OPTION_FIELD && over & FILE_FIELD) {
  1. 94: optionptr = packet->file;
  1. 95: i = 0;
  1. 96: length = 128;
  1. 97: curr = FILE_FIELD;
  1. 98: } else if (curr == FILE_FIELD && over & SNAME_FIELD) {
  1. 99: optionptr = packet->sname;
  1. 100: i = 0;
  1. 101: length = 64;
  1. 102: curr = SNAME_FIELD;
  1. 103:  
  1. 104: //没有或不允许选项过载或over(options[i + 3])标志不允许,结束查找返回NULL
  1. 105: } else done = 1;
  1. 106: break;
  1. 107:  
  1. 108:  
  1. 109: /*
  1. 110: * 不是填充信息:DHCP_PADDING
  1. 111: * 选项过载:DHCP_OPTION_OVER
  1. 112: * 选项结束:DHCP_END
  1. 113: *
  1. 114: * 表明是属于选项信息,所以可以直接改变偏移量:
  1. 115: * i += option[OPT_LEN + i] + 2;
  1. 116: */
  1. 117: default:
  1. 118: i += optionptr[OPT_LEN + i] + 2;
  1. 119: }
  1. 120: }
  1. 121: return NULL;
  1. 122: }

在源码busybox 1.2的udhcp源码中,对于从options字段取出选项信息,在对选项过载的处理是存在错误的,

  1. 2: if (i + 1 + optionptr[i + OPT_LEN] >= length) {
  1. 3: LOG(LOG_WARNING, "bogus packet, option fields too long.");
  1. 4: return NULL;
  1. 5: }
  1. 6: /*
  1. 7: * Code Len Value
  1. 8: * +-----+-----+-----+
  1. 9: * | 52 | 1 |1/2/3|
  1. 10: * +-----+-----+-----+
  1. 11: */
  1. 12: over = optionptr[i + OPT_DATA];
  1. 13: i += optionptr[i + OPT_LEN] + 2;
  1. 14:
  1. 15: // over = optionptr[i + 3]; /* 未改动源码 */
  1. 16: // i += optionptr[OPT_LEN] + 2; /* 未改动源码 */
  1. 17: break;


a).  写入是添加在options字段中最后的选项后面,即DHCP_END标志之前


  1. 1: /* return the position of the 'end' option (no bounds checking) */
  1. 2: int end_option(uint8_t *optionptr)
  1. 3: {
  1. 4: int i = 0;
  1. 5:  
  1. 6: /* 在选项字段里找到DHCP_END的偏移 */
  1. 7: /* 在选项字段里面里三类信息:
  1. 8: 1.DHCP_PADDING 填充字节
  1. 9: 2.DHCP_END 选项结束字节
  1. 10: 3.选项信息<CLV> code + length + value
  1. 11: */
  1. 12: while (optionptr[i] != DHCP_END) {
  1. 13: if (optionptr[i] == DHCP_PADDING) i++; //填充字节DHCP_PADDING
  1. 14: else i += optionptr[i + OPT_LEN] + 2; //选项信息
  1. 15: }
  1. 16: return i;
  1. 17: }

b).   选项信息已经在一个字符串里以CLV方式组织好,直接copy到DHCP_END标志位置,DHCP_END向后移动:

  1. 1: /* add an option string to the options (an option string contains an option code,
  1. 2: * length, then data) */
  1. 3: int add_option_string(uint8_t *optionptr, uint8_t *string)
  1. 4: {
  1. 5: int end = end_option(optionptr);//找到DHCP_END在选项字段里偏移
  1. 6:  
  1. 7: /* end position + string length + option code/length + end option */
  1. 8: //检查需要添加的选项信息后的长度是否大于选项字段的最大长度
  1. 9: if (end + string[OPT_LEN] + 2 + 1 >= 308) {
  1. 10: LOG(LOG_ERR,"Option 0x%02x did not fit into packet!",string[OPT_CODE]);
  1. 11: return 0;
  1. 12: }
  1. 13: DEBUG(LOG_INFO, "adding option 0x%02x", string[OPT_CODE]);
  1. 14: memcpy(optionptr + end, string, string[OPT_LEN] + 2);
  1. 15: optionptr[end + string[OPT_LEN] + 2] = DHCP_END;//在<CLV>的最后添加上DHCP_END
  1. 16: return string[OPT_LEN] + 2; //返回<CLV>长度
  1. 17: }

c).  把选项信息按CLV的方式组织好存放到一个字符串里,最后调用add_option_string把在字符串内组织好的选项信息添加进options字段:

  1. 1: /* add a one to four byte option to a packet */
  1. 2: /* add_simple_option函数只能想选项字段添加OPT_LEN = 4 bytes的选项 */
  1. 3: /* optionptr: 报文选项字段的首地址
  1. 4: code: 选项code
  1. 5: data: 选项value
  1. 6:
  1. 7: 返回值是 <CLV>的长度
  1. 8: 返回0 表示添加失败
  1. 9: */
  1. 10: int add_simple_option(uint8_t *optionptr, uint8_t code, uint32_t data)
  1. 11: {
  1. 12: struct dhcp_option *dh;
  1. 13:  
  1. 14: /* 检查需要添加的选项是否符合标准的选项 */
  1. 15: /* 在dhcp_options数组里查找 */
  1. 16: for (dh=dhcp_options; dh->code; dh++) {
  1. 17: if (dh->code == code) { //Found
  1. 18: uint8_t option[6], len;
  1. 19:  
  1. 20: option[OPT_CODE] = code; //添加code
  1. 21: len = option_lengths[dh->flags & TYPE_MASK];//计算length
  1. 22: option[OPT_LEN] = len; //添加length
  1. 23:  
  1. 24: /*
  1. 25: * 假设data长度是一个字节,但在大端字节序的机器里
  1. 26: * 但存放在uint32_t里的放在最高地址的地方,
  1. 27: * 所以data << 8 * (4 - len) 把她移到低位
  1. 28: */
  1. 29: if (BB_BIG_ENDIAN) data <<= 8 * (4 - len);
  1. 30:  
  1. 31: /* This memcpy is for broken processors which can't
  1. 32: * handle a simple unaligned 32-bit assignment */
  1. 33: memcpy(&option[OPT_DATA], &data, 4);
  1. 34: return add_option_string(optionptr, option);
  1. 35: }
  1. 36: }
  1. 37:  
  1. 38: DEBUG(LOG_ERR, "Could not add option 0x%02x", code);
  1. 39: return 0;
  1. 40: }

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