Task 1.  Use help

 1) What is the default switch for the redirect command?  -file

help -v redirect  # or redirect -help

 2) Use the very last example in the man page, can you use the -append switch when redirecting to a variable? Yes.

man  redirect


Task 2.  Count library cells

  Count the number of muxes and xor gates available in the technology library core_slow.db. Given that:

  - Library cells can be reported using the following command: report_lib core_slow.db

  - All mux cells begin with the letters mx (eg mx2a1)

  - All xor gates begin with the letters xor (eg xor3b15)

 1)  First method

 # Redirect library report to a variable and use regexp
redirect -variable rptstring {report_lib core_slow.db} regexp -all mx $rptstring
-> 36
regexp -all cor $rptstring
-> 24

 2)  Second method

 # Redirect the library report to a file and use the unix command grep
# This is the less desirable method due to the potentially large memory
# footprint required for the exec command
redirect tmp1212 {report_lib core_slow.db}
exec grep -c mx tmp1212
-> 36
exec grep -c xor tmp1212
-> 24 # Use grep without options to print each line containing a pattern
exec grep xor tmp1212
# Delete the file if desired
file delete tmp1212

Task 3.  Analyze an unfamiliar script

 proc clock_domain {args} {

 # This Tcl procedure identifies the clocks constraining input ports
foreach_in_collection each_port [get_ports -quiet $args] { set paths [get_timing_paths -from $each_port]
foreach_in_collection each_path $paths {
lappend port_array([get_object_name $each_port]) \
[get_object_name [get_attribute $each_path endpoint_clock]]
} foreach item [array names port_array] {
echo "$item $port_array($item)"

 1)  How many commands are in this script?  12 commands

    Use the aquare brackets to help identify the embeddd commands.

 2)  How many occurrences of variable substitution are there?  8 occurrences

    Use the $ to help identify the variable names. This procedure is using a type of variable called arrays.

 3)  How many arguments are required for the proc command (recall that {} are used to identify a single argument)?

    3 argumets.  proc clock_domain {args} {body}

 4)  What symbol designates a comment in a script?  #

 5)  What symbol will continute a command over several lines?  \



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