For example we have a feature reducer like this:

// selectCard :: String -> Action String
export const selectCard =
createAction(SELECT_CARD) // showFeedback :: String -> Action String
export const showFeedback =
createAction(SHOW_FEEDBACK) // reducer :: Action a -> (State AppState ()) | Null
const reducer = ({ type, payload }) => {
switch (type) {
return answer(payload) case SHOW_FEEDBACK:
return feedback(payload)
} return null
} export default reducer

First of all, we can replace 'swtich' statement with normal Object:

const actionReducer = {
SELECT_CARD: answer,
} // reducer :: Action a -> (State AppState ()) | Null
const reducer = ({ type, payload }) => (actionReducer[type] || Function.prototype)(payload)

In case of ´actionReducer[type]´ return undefined, we default a function by `Function.prototype`, ready to take a payload.

const reducer = ({ type, payload }) => (actionReducer[type] || Function.prototype)(payload)

This type of code is suitable for using 'Maybe'.

// createReducer :: ActionReducer -> Reducer
export const createReducer = actionReducer =>
({ type, payload }) =>
prop(type, actionReducer)


// showFeedback :: String -> Action String
export const showFeedback =
createAction(SHOW_FEEDBACK) const reducer = createReducer({
SELECT_CARD: answer,
}) // reducer :: Action a -> (State AppState ()) | Null
// const reducer = ({ type, payload }) =>
// (actionReducer[type] || Function.prototype)(payload) export default reducer

For this workflow, the following code should also be chagned to handle Maybe type:

// From
import turn from './turn' //reducer :: (AppState, Action a) -> AppState
const reducer = (prev, action) =>
const result = turn(action) return isSameType(State, result)
? result.execWith(prev)
: prev
} export default reducer // To
import turn from './turn' //reducer :: (AppState, Action a) -> AppState
const reducer = (prev, action) =>
// ? result.execWith(prev)
// : prev export default reducer

Here ´turn(action)´ return a Maybe type, we still need to check whether inside Maybe, it is `State` type,


If it is, then we call `execWith` otherwise we return previous state:

const reducer = (prev, action) =>

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