
Operation that cancels any database changes made since the beginning of an LUW (Logical Unit of Work) - that is, since the last database commit - when an error occurs in that LUW. In the R/3 System, a database rollback is triggered automatically, or by the ABAP keyword ROLLBACK WORK, or by the appropriate Native SQL command for the database system.

分隔线上面是 SAP 标准文档中提供的说明
当在一个 LUW(Logic Unit of Work)中发生错误时,可以撤销从它开始以后做的任何数据库修改,就是说,从上次数据库提交之后。在 R/3 系统中,数据库回滚自动触发,或者通过 ABAP 关键字 ROLLBACK WORK,或者通过数据库系统的相关 Native SQL 命令。

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