
rotatelogs 是 Apache 自带的管道日志程序,可以完美的实现日志的轮转功能。


Usage: rotatelogs [-v] [-l] [-L linkname] [-p prog] [-f] [-t] [-e] [-c] <logfile> {<rotation time in seconds>|<rotation size>(B|K|M|G)} [offset minutes from UTC]

Add this:

TransferLog "|rotatelogs /some/where 86400"


TransferLog "|rotatelogs /some/where 5M"

to httpd.conf. By default, the generated name will be
<logfile>.nnnn where nnnn is the system time at which the log
nominally starts (N.B. if using a rotation time, the time will
always be a multiple of the rotation time, so you can synchronize
cron scripts with it). If <logfile> contains strftime conversion
specifications, those will be used instead. At the end of each
rotation time or when the file size is reached a new log is
started. Options:
-v Verbose operation. Messages are written to stderr.
-l Base rotation on local time instead of UTC.
-L path Create hard link from current log to specified path.
-p prog Run specified program after opening a new log file. See below.
-f Force opening of log on program start.
-t Truncate logfile instead of rotating, tail friendly.
-e Echo log to stdout for further processing.
-c Create log even if it is empty. The program is invoked as "[prog] <curfile> [<prevfile>]"
where <curfile> is the filename of the newly opened logfile, and
<prevfile>, if given, is the filename of the previously used logfile.


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