最大权闭合子图的建模方法:把原图中的每一条边容量设为$+\infty$,对每个$v_x\gt0$的点,连边$(s,x,v_x)$,对每个$v_x\lt0$的点,连边$(x,t,|v_x|)$,所有正权点的权值之和减去$s\rightarrow t$的最小割就是答案
#include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> const int inf=1000000000; int min(int a,int b){return a<b?a:b;} int max(int a,int b){return a>b?a:b;} int h[110],cur[110],nex[810],to[810],cap[810],dis[110],q[110],M,S,T; void add(int a,int b,int c){ M++; to[M]=b; cap[M]=c; nex[M]=h[a]; h[a]=M; M++; to[M]=a; cap[M]=0; nex[M]=h[b]; h[b]=M; } bool bfs(){ int head,tail,i,x; head=tail=1; q[1]=S; memset(dis,-1,sizeof(dis)); dis[S]=0; while(head<=tail){ x=q[head]; head++; for(i=h[x];i;i=nex[i]){ if(cap[i]>0&&dis[to[i]]==-1){ dis[to[i]]=dis[x]+1; if(to[i]==T)return 1; tail++; q[tail]=to[i]; } } } return dis[T]>0; } int dfs(int x,int flow){ if(x==T)return flow; int i,f; for(i=cur[x];i;i=nex[i]){ if(cap[i]>0&&dis[to[i]]==dis[x]+1){ f=dfs(to[i],min(flow,cap[i])); if(f){ cap[i]-=f; cap[i^1]+=f; if(cap[i])cur[x]=i; return f; } } } dis[x]=-1; return 0; } int dicnic(){ int ans=0,tmp; while(bfs()){ memcpy(cur,h,sizeof(h)); while(tmp=dfs(S,inf))ans+=tmp; } return ans; } struct tree{ int h[110],nex[210],to[210],M; void reset(){ M=0; memset(h,0,sizeof(h)); } void add(int a,int b){ M++; to[M]=b; nex[M]=h[a]; h[a]=M; } void dfs(int f,int x){ for(int i=h[x];i;i=nex[i]){ if(to[i]!=f){ ::add(to[i],x,inf); dfs(x,to[i]); } } } }a,b; int v[110],n; int get(int x){ int i,sum; M=1; memset(h,0,sizeof(h)); a.dfs(0,x); b.dfs(0,x); sum=0; for(i=1;i<=n;i++){ if(v[i]>0){ sum+=v[i]; add(S,i,v[i]); } if(v[i]<0)add(i,T,-v[i]); } return sum-dicnic(); } int main(){ int T,i,x,y,ans; scanf("%d",&T); while(T--){ a.reset(); b.reset(); scanf("%d",&n); S=n+1; ::T=n+2; for(i=1;i<=n;i++)scanf("%d",v+i); for(i=1;i<n;i++){ scanf("%d%d",&x,&y); a.add(x,y); a.add(y,x); } for(i=1;i<n;i++){ scanf("%d%d",&x,&y); b.add(x,y); b.add(y,x); } ans=-inf; for(i=1;i<=n;i++)ans=max(ans,get(i)); printf("%d\n",ans); } }
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