





Custom entity icons

Icons for custom Ribbon controls and SiteMap   subareas

Decorative graphics for entity forms and Web   page Web resources.

Background images that are used by CSS Web   resources

Web   Page:

<img   src="../Images/image1.png" />


Form Editor

Rebbion   element & Sitemap subarea:

<Button Id="MyISV.opportunity.form.actions.FlyoutAnchor.Button.1"




Html   pages

An   HTML web resource cannot contain any code that must be executed on the   server. ASP.NET pages cannot be uploaded as HTML web resources.

HTML   web resources can only accept one custom query string parameter called   "data".





<title>No Border Web   Resource</title>


<body   style="border-width: 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-top: 0px;   margin-left: 0px; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-right:   0px">


This Web resource will display with no   border</p>




Microsoft   Dynamics CRM 2011 support adding Silverlight 4.0 web resources to entity   forms. You can display Silverlight 5.0 web resources within an HTML web   resource using a hosting <object> element that is configured for that   version.

Microsoft   Silverlight web resources cannot be viewed in the 64-bit version of Microsoft   Office Outlook.

To   display a Silverlight web resource outside an entity form or chart, create an   HTML web resource to be the host page for the Silverlight web resource. Then   use the $webresource:  directive to   open the HTML web resource.

If   you do require contextual information, you must either:

1.   Add your Silverlight web resource to an entity form.

2.   View your Silverlight web resource using an HTML web resource configured to   provide context information.

If   your Silverlight web resource is designed to be viewed in an entity form, the   form has an Xrm.Page.context object you can use to access contextual information.

If   you need your Silverlight application to appear outside the context of the   form you must configure an HTML web resource to provide this context   information by adding a reference to the ClientGlobalContext.js.aspx page.   After this reference is added, your Silverlight application can access   contextual information in the same way it can in an entity form. The   following sample shows how to call the getServerUrl function from the   Xrm.Page.context object.



private   string serverUrl = "";

ScriptObject   xrm = (ScriptObject)HtmlPage.Window.GetProperty("Xrm");

ScriptObject   page = (ScriptObject)xrm.GetProperty("Page");

ScriptObject   pageContext = (ScriptObject)page.GetProperty("context");

serverUrl   = (string)pageContext.Invoke("getServerUrl");

string   entityTypeName = App.Current.Host.InitParams["typename"];


With   Script Web resources, you can more efficiently manage code used in form   scripts, Web page (HTML) Web resources, or Ribbon commands by linking   them to shared library of JScript functions.


Use   XSL Web resources to transform XML data used by your solution


An   XML Web resource does not represent a robust solution for data that is frequently   updated by multiple users. While one user is updating an XML Web resource,   another user (or automated process) could update the Web resource and that   data would be lost when the first user saves their changes.

All   XML files must use the .xml file name extension. Files that use XML data but   do not use the .xml file name extension cannot be uploaded as Web resources   unless the file name extension is changed.

Use   XML Web resources to cache data that you want to use in your solution.


only available in the Microsoft Dynamics CRM   security context

manage   the appearance of Web page Web resources by linking them to a shared library   of CSS styles

<link   rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"   href="../styles/styles.css" />

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