K2 Community – Market – Smatform Controls

l   K2 blackpearl

  1. 1.    Drag and Drop Upload Control


Custom Smartform Control that allows you to drag and drop attachment to your smartform

  1. 2.    Custom Validation TextBox


A custom textbox linked to a javascript function that validate its content, well integrated in the the smartforms validation features.(Form validation, layout changes...)

  1. 3.    Full Calendar Control


The K2 smartforms Full Calendar Control provides a full size , drag & drop calendar which can use any K2 SmartObject which has a start and end date as a data source. It features 3 views: a Month View, a Week View and a Day View. It also supports multiple data sources for displaying events from various different sources.

  1. 4.    Auto-Complete Control


This control offers Search-As-You-Type functionality and can be hooked up to any SmartObject as the Data Source


  1. 5.    K2 smartforms Theme Builder


Windows Application for Creating Custom K2 smartforms Themes, Quickly

  1. 6.    HTML5 Input and Progress bar


The code and video recording (coming soon) from a webinar for building an HTML5 Input and Progress bar control.

  1. 7.    K2 Actions Service Broker


Allows users to pass a SN and user to either release, redirect or delegate a worklist item. Especially useful when using smartforms and requiring users to open a form to see data.

  1. 8.    HighCharts


Interactive JavaScript charts for k2 smartforms These controls use a third party library from http://www.highcharts.com/ and requires a license for commercial use. This pack contains 3 controls.

  1. 9.    HTML5


A set of control for HTML5 compatible browsers

  1. 10.  Dynamic Image


Dynamically change images based on configurable criteria

  1. 11.  Common


A cookie control and custom error box handler

  1. 12.  Facebook control


A control that allows the user to ‘Like’ a Smartform or other webpage.

  1. 13.  HTML Editor


The control is a WYSIWYG HTML editor for K2 smartforms

  1. 14.  Web to PDF Service


Service object that allows you to convert your smartforms to a PDF document.

  1. 15.  Twitter Feed Viewer


Enable the display of twitter feeds against defined hash tags in your K2 forms.

  1. 16.  Timer Control


This Timer Control will raise a “Tick” event at specified intervals which will then execute any configured actions linked to the event.

  1. 17.  Multilingual


Current Version V1.8 Below is a link to a video that will help you create Multilingual forms. http://www.k2.com/multilingualsmartforms_video V1.8 Translates tab header text. V1.7.1 Translates both normal and data labels. V1.7 If you used the resource editor to generate a language file from a webpage, any words ending with three dots ‘…’ would cause a smartform the break. This has now been resolved. V1.5 Changes made to work with k2 smartforms 1.0.2. (use V1.4 for k2 smartforms)

  1. 18.  K2 smartforms Extension Service


K2 smartforms Extension Service

  1. 19.  Image Button


An image button for k2 smartforms version 2.1 (05/08/2013) Hide/show and enable/disable not working properly. Fix minimum width. Previously the min width was 60px. version 2.0 (23/05/2013) - Rewritten to work with k2 smartforms 1.0.2 version 1.1 (16/01/2013) Enable/disabled and show/hide now work at runtime You can now specify JavaScript to run for the onclick event You can now specify the padding for the button version 1.01 added a dropdown for the icon position. Left, Right or Top Can specify.


  1. 20.  HTML Literal control


Add HTML to your smartforms. You can dynamically set the html and even invoke a smartform event from your HTML.

  1. 21.  Google Visualization


this control uses the Google Visualization API to display charts. follow the link to see examples on what can be created https://developers.google.com/chart/interactive/do​cs/gallery Please make sure you consent to the terms and conditions at https://developers.google.com/chart/terms V 1.2 - Changes made to work with k2 smartforms 1.0.2 V 1.1 of the control fixes an issue K2 smartforms V1.1 where additional textbox is displayed.

  1. 22.  Iframe


Iframe control for K2 smartforms.

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