The contest’s message distribution is a big thing in prepare. Assuming N students stand in a row, from the row-head start transmit message, each person can transmit message to behind M personals, and how many ways could row-tail get the message?
InputInput may contain multiple test cases. Each case contains N and M in one line. (0<=M<N<=30)

When N=0 and M=0, terminates the input and this test case is not to be processed.

OutputOutput the ways of the Nth student get message.

Sample Input

4 1
4 2
0 0

Sample Output



4 1 : A->B->C->D
4 2 : A->B->C->D, A->C->D, A->B->D OJ-ID:
HDU-1723 author:
Caution_X date of submission:
20190930 tags:
DP description modelling:
给定N,M,表示有1~N个人排成一列,前一个人可以向后M个人传递消息,问第N个人有多少种方式接收第一个人传出的消息 major steps to solve it:
if(i-1<=M) dp[i]++;
dp[i+j]+=dp[i]; j∈{1,2,3......M}. AC CODE:
#include<string.h> int dp[],M,N; int main()
int i,j;
return ;

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