
The U.S. is still out in front of global rivals when it comes to innovation, but American universities—where new ideas often percolate—have reason to look over their shoulder.
That's especially true for technologies like 5G phone networks and artificial intelligence. They're exactly the fields where President Donald Trump recently insisted the U.S. has to lead—and also the ones where Asia, especially China, has caught up.
Universities from China get more patents than their U.S. peers in wireless communications, according to research firm GreyB Services. In AI, 17 of the top 20 universities and public research organizations are in China, with the Chinese Academy of Sciences topping the list, says the World Intellectual Property Organization in Geneva.
There's a special place for universities in the ecosystem of research. Universities groom future scientists and can be incubators for pie-in-the-sky ideas—some of which turn out to be game-changers. The list ranges from Google's search engine to DNA technology that's behind a whole industry of gene-manipulating treatments.
However, government grants to universities have been stagnant for more than a decade, meaning they've declined in real terms and as a share of the economy.
"If you look at the federal dollars, they've not really changed substantially," says Stephen Susalka, head of AUTM, a technology transfer association whose members include 800 universities. "Other countries are catching up. We can't sit on our laurels."


adjective, necessary for the success or continued existence of something; extremely important
noun, an advantage over other people
noun, a person, group, etc. competing with others for the same thing or in the same area
look over your shoulder
to behave in a way that shows you feel nervous about something that might happen
verb, If a liquid percolates, it moves slowly through a substance with very small holes in it
noun, the official legal right to make or sell an invention for a particular number of years 专利
noun, a person who is the same age or has the same social position or the same abilities as other people in a group
noun, a company offering a professional service, for example a company of lawyers
noun, 日内瓦
noun, 生态系统
[T] to prepare someone for a special job or activity
noun, 育成中心;培养器
pie in the sky
something that you hope will happen but is very unlikely to happen:
e.g. Their plans to set up their own business are just pie in the sky
verb, to give or allow someone something, usually in an official way
adjective, not growing or developing
verb, to gradually become less, worse, or lower
in real terms
adverb, to a large degree
e.g. The new rules will substantially change how we do things.
noun, praise for a person because of something they have done, usually in sport, the arts, or politics

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