软件定义网络基础---REST API概述
软件定义网络基础---REST API的设计规范
(二) REST应用样例:app/
# # Retrieve the switch stats
# get the list of all switches
# GET /stats/switches
# get the desc stats of the switch
# GET /stats/desc/<dpid>
# get flows desc stats of the switch
# GET /stats/flowdesc/<dpid>
# get flows desc stats of the switch filtered by the fields
# POST /stats/flowdesc/<dpid>
# get flows stats of the switch
# GET /stats/flow/<dpid>
# get flows stats of the switch filtered by the fields
# POST /stats/flow/<dpid>
# get aggregate flows stats of the switch
# GET /stats/aggregateflow/<dpid>
# get aggregate flows stats of the switch filtered by the fields
# POST /stats/aggregateflow/<dpid>
# get table stats of the switch
# GET /stats/table/<dpid>
# get table features stats of the switch
# GET /stats/tablefeatures/<dpid>
# get ports stats of the switch
# GET /stats/port/<dpid>[/<port>]
# Note: Specification of port number is optional
# get queues stats of the switch
# GET /stats/queue/<dpid>[/<port>[/<queue_id>]]
# Note: Specification of port number and queue id are optional
# If you want to omitting the port number and setting the queue id,
# please specify the keyword "ALL" to the port number
# e.g. GET /stats/queue//ALL/
# get queues config stats of the switch
# GET /stats/queueconfig/<dpid>[/<port>]
# Note: Specification of port number is optional
# get queues desc stats of the switch
# GET /stats/queuedesc/<dpid>[/<port>[/<queue_id>]]
# Note: Specification of port number and queue id are optional
# If you want to omitting the port number and setting the queue id,
# please specify the keyword "ALL" to the port number
# e.g. GET /stats/queuedesc//ALL/
# get meter features stats of the switch
# GET /stats/meterfeatures/<dpid>
# get meter config stats of the switch
# GET /stats/meterconfig/<dpid>[/<meter_id>]
# Note: Specification of meter id is optional
# get meter desc stats of the switch
# GET /stats/meterdesc/<dpid>[/<meter_id>]
# Note: Specification of meter id is optional
# get meters stats of the switch
# GET /stats/meter/<dpid>[/<meter_id>]
# Note: Specification of meter id is optional
# get group features stats of the switch
# GET /stats/groupfeatures/<dpid>
# get groups desc stats of the switch
# GET /stats/groupdesc/<dpid>[/<group_id>]
# Note: Specification of group id is optional (OpenFlow 1.5 or later)
# get groups stats of the switch
# GET /stats/group/<dpid>[/<group_id>]
# Note: Specification of group id is optional
# get ports description of the switch
# GET /stats/portdesc/<dpid>[/<port_no>]
# Note: Specification of port number is optional (OpenFlow 1.5 or later) # Update the switch stats
# add a flow entry
# POST /stats/flowentry/add
# modify all matching flow entries
# POST /stats/flowentry/modify
# modify flow entry strictly matching wildcards and priority
# POST /stats/flowentry/modify_strict
# delete all matching flow entries
# POST /stats/flowentry/delete
# delete flow entry strictly matching wildcards and priority
# POST /stats/flowentry/delete_strict
# delete all flow entries of the switch
# DELETE /stats/flowentry/clear/<dpid>
# add a meter entry
# POST /stats/meterentry/add
# modify a meter entry
# POST /stats/meterentry/modify
# delete a meter entry
# POST /stats/meterentry/delete
# add a group entry
# POST /stats/groupentry/add
# modify a group entry
# POST /stats/groupentry/modify
# delete a group entry
# POST /stats/groupentry/delete
# modify behavior of the physical port
# POST /stats/portdesc/modify
# modify role of controller
# POST /stats/role
# send a experimeter message
# POST /stats/experimenter/<dpid>
ryu-manager --observe-links --verbose #除了使用RESTAPI之外,我们还要保证ryu控制器正常处理交换机逻辑
sudo mn --controller=remote --mac --topo=tree,,
1.获取到所有交换机Get the list of all switches which connected to the controller.
$ curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/stats/switches
2.获取交换机的描述信息Get the desc stats of the switch which specified with Datapath ID in URI.
$ curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/stats/desc/1
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