参考教程 https://blog.csdn.net/liuphahaha/article/details/50719275
- //pts_src和pts_dst是源图像和目标图像中的点矢量。它们是vector <Point2f>类型。我们需要至少4个对应点。
- Mat h = findHomography(pts_src, pts_dst);
- //计算出的单应性可用于将源图像扭曲到目标。 im_src和im_dst属于Mat类型。大小是im_dst的大小(宽度,高度)。
- warpPerspective(im_src, im_dst, h, size);
OpenCV C++ Homography的一个简单例子:
- #include "opencv2/opencv.hpp"
- using namespace cv;
- using namespace std;
- int main( int argc, char** argv)
- {
- // Read source image.
- Mat im_src = imread("book2.jpg");
- // Four corners of the book in source image
- vector<Point2f> pts_src;
- pts_src.push_back(Point2f(141, 131));
- pts_src.push_back(Point2f(480, 159));
- pts_src.push_back(Point2f(493, 630));
- pts_src.push_back(Point2f(64, 601));
- // Read destination image.
- Mat im_dst = imread("book1.jpg");
- // Four corners of the book in destination image.
- vector<Point2f> pts_dst;
- pts_dst.push_back(Point2f(318, 256));
- pts_dst.push_back(Point2f(534, 372));
- pts_dst.push_back(Point2f(316, 670));
- pts_dst.push_back(Point2f(73, 473));
- // Calculate Homography
- Mat h = findHomography(pts_src, pts_dst);
- // Output image
- Mat im_out;
- // Warp source image to destination based on homography
- warpPerspective(im_src, im_out, h, im_dst.size());
- // Display images
- imshow("Source Image", im_src);
- imshow("Destination Image", im_dst);
- imshow("Warped Source Image", im_out);
- waitKey(0);
- }
1.首先获取书本四个顶点的坐标 pts_src
2.然后我们需要知道书本的宽高比,此书的宽高比是3/4,所以可使输出图像的size 为300*400,就可设其四个点的坐标为(0,0),(299,0),(299,399),(0,399)保存在pts_dst中
3.通过pts_src和pts_dst 获取homography
4.对原图应用homography 得到输出
- #include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
- using namespace cv;
- using namespace std;
- struct userdata{
- Mat im;
- vector<Point2f> points;
- };
- void mouseHandler(int event, int x, int y, int flags, void* data_ptr)
- {
- if ( event == EVENT_LBUTTONDOWN )
- {
- userdata *data = ((userdata *) data_ptr);
- circle(data->im, Point(x,y),3,Scalar(0,0,255), 5, CV_AA);
- imshow("Image", data->im);
- if (data->points.size() < 4)
- {
- data->points.push_back(Point2f(x,y));
- }
- }
- }
- void main()
- {
- // Read source image.
- Mat im_src = imread("book1.jpg");
- // Destination image. The aspect ratio of the book is 3/4
- Size size(300,400);
- Mat im_dst = Mat::zeros(size,CV_8UC3);
- // Create a vector of destination points.
- vector<Point2f> pts_dst;
- pts_dst.push_back(Point2f(0,0));
- pts_dst.push_back(Point2f(size.width - 1, 0));
- pts_dst.push_back(Point2f(size.width - 1, size.height -1));
- pts_dst.push_back(Point2f(0, size.height - 1 ));
- // Set data for mouse event
- Mat im_temp = im_src.clone();
- userdata data;
- data.im = im_temp;
- cout << "Click on the four corners of the book -- top left first and" << endl
- << "bottom left last -- and then hit ENTER" << endl;
- // Show image and wait for 4 clicks.
- imshow("Image", im_temp);
- // Set the callback function for any mouse event
- setMouseCallback("Image", mouseHandler, &data);
- waitKey(0);
- // Calculate the homography
- Mat h = findHomography(data.points, pts_dst);
- // Warp source image to destination
- warpPerspective(im_src, im_dst, h, size);
- // Show image
- imshow("Image", im_dst);
- waitKey(0);
- }
- #include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
- using namespace cv;
- using namespace std;
- struct userdata{
- Mat im;
- vector<Point2f> points;
- };
- void mouseHandler(int event, int x, int y, int flags, void* data_ptr)
- {
- if ( event == EVENT_LBUTTONDOWN )
- {
- userdata *data = ((userdata *) data_ptr);
- circle(data->im, Point(x,y),3,Scalar(0,255,255), 5, CV_AA);
- imshow("Image", data->im);
- if (data->points.size() < 4)
- {
- data->points.push_back(Point2f(x,y));
- }
- }
- }
- int main( int argc, char** argv)
- {
- // Read in the image.
- Mat im_src = imread("first-image.jpg");
- Size size = im_src.size();
- // Create a vector of points.
- vector<Point2f> pts_src;
- pts_src.push_back(Point2f(0,0));
- pts_src.push_back(Point2f(size.width - 1, 0));
- pts_src.push_back(Point2f(size.width - 1, size.height -1));
- pts_src.push_back(Point2f(0, size.height - 1 ));
- // Destination image
- Mat im_dst = imread("times-square.jpg");
- // Set data for mouse handler
- Mat im_temp = im_dst.clone();
- userdata data;
- data.im = im_temp;
- //show the image
- imshow("Image", im_temp);
- cout << "Click on four corners of a billboard and then press ENTER" << endl;
- //set the callback function for any mouse event
- setMouseCallback("Image", mouseHandler, &data);
- waitKey(0);
- // Calculate Homography between source and destination points
- Mat h = findHomography(pts_src, data.points);
- // Warp source image
- warpPerspective(im_src, im_temp, h, im_temp.size());
- // Extract four points from mouse data
- Point pts_dst[4];
- for( int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
- {
- pts_dst[i] = data.points[i];
- }
- // Black out polygonal area in destination image.
- fillConvexPoly(im_dst, pts_dst, 4, Scalar(0), CV_AA);
- // Add warped source image to destination image.
- im_dst = im_dst + im_temp;
- // Display image.
- imshow("Image", im_dst);
- waitKey(0);
- return 0;
- }
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