java.sql.SQLException: Zero date value prohibited
java.sql.SQLException: Zero date value prohibited
Datetimes with all-zero components (0000-00-00 ...
): These values cannot be represented reliably in Java. Connector/J 3.0.x always converted them to NULL
when being read from a ResultSet.
Connector/J 3.1 throws an exception by default when these values are encountered, as this is the most correct behavior according to the JDBC and SQL standards.
This behavior can be modified using the zeroDateTimeBehavior
configuration property. The permissible values are:
(the default), which throws an SQLException with an SQLState ofS1009
, which returnsNULL
instead of the date.
, which rounds the date to the nearest closest value which is0001-01-01
java.sql.SQLException: Zero date value prohibited的更多相关文章
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