

01 总体概述



  • 关于solution的定义:ISolution抽象类
  • 关于bestSolution的管理:IBestSolutionManager(抽象类)、SimpleBestSolutionManager(派生类)


02 ISolution抽象类



class ISolution
virtual ~ISolution(){};
//! A getter for the value of the objective function.
//! \return the value of the objective function of this solution.
virtual double getObjectiveValue()=0;
//! \return a penalized version of the objective value if the solution
//! is infeasible.
virtual double getPenalizedObjectiveValue()=0;
//! A getter for the feasibility of the current solution.
//! \return true if the solution is feasible, false otherwise.
virtual bool isFeasible()=0;
//! A comparator.
//! \return true if this solution is "better" than the solution it is compared to.
virtual bool operator<(ISolution&)=0;
//! Compute the "distance" between solution.
//! This feature can be used as part of the ALNS to favor the
//! diversification process. If you do not plan to use this feature
//! just implement a method returning 0.
virtual int distance(ISolution&)=0;
//! This method create a copy of the solution.
virtual ISolution* getCopy()=0;
//! Compute a hash key of the solution.
virtual long long getHash()=0;

03 bestSolution的管理


3.1 IBestSolutionManager

IBestSolutionManager其实也是一个抽象类,它也只是起到提供接口的作用。其中isNewBestSolution(ISolution& sol)是判断sol是不是新的最优解。reloadBestSolution(ISolution* currSol, ALNS_Iteration_Status& status)则根据需要判断是否要将已知的最优解作为当前解。

class IBestSolutionManager
//! This method evaluate if a solution is a new best solution, and adds it to the
//! best solution pool in this case.
//! \param sol the solution to be tested.
//! \return true if the solution is a new best solution, false otherwise.
virtual bool isNewBestSolution(ISolution& sol)=0; //! Return a pointer to a best solution.
virtual std::list<ISolution*>::iterator begin()=0; //! Return a pointer to a best solution.
virtual std::list<ISolution*>::iterator end()=0; //! This function take care of reloading the best known
//! solution, as the current solution, if needed.
//! \param currSol a pointer to the current solution.
//! \param status the status of the current iteration.
//! \return a pointer to the current solution.
virtual ISolution* reloadBestSolution(ISolution* currSol, ALNS_Iteration_Status& status)=0;

3.2 SimpleBestSolutionManager


class SimpleBestSolutionManager: public IBestSolutionManager {
SimpleBestSolutionManager(ALNS_Parameters& param); virtual ~SimpleBestSolutionManager(); virtual bool isNewBestSolution(ISolution& sol); //! Return a pointer to a best solution.
std::list<ISolution*>::iterator begin(){return bestSols.begin();}; //! Return a pointer to a best solution.
std::list<ISolution*>::iterator end(){return bestSols.end();}; //! This function take care of reloading the best known
//! solution, as the current solution, if needed.
//! \param currSol a pointer to the current solution.
//! \param status the status of the current iteration.
//! \return a pointer to the current solution.
virtual ISolution* reloadBestSolution(ISolution* currSol, ALNS_Iteration_Status& status); //! Simple getter.
std::list<ISolution*>& getBestSols(){return bestSols;};
std::list<ISolution*> bestSols; ALNS_Parameters* parameters; };

再回过头来看看.cpp文件的实现代码,也很简单,讲讲两个函数的实现方式就好了。isNewBestSolution(ISolution& sol)做的可不只是简单判断这么简单:





而reloadBestSolution(ISolution* currSol, ALNS_Iteration_Status& status)根据status的状态,返回最优解集合中最后一个解或者返回当前解。

bool SimpleBestSolutionManager::isNewBestSolution(ISolution& sol)
for(list<ISolution*>::iterator it = bestSols.begin(); it != bestSols.end(); it++)
ISolution& currentSol = *(*it);
return false;
else if(sol<currentSol)
delete *it;
it = bestSols.erase(it);
if(it == bestSols.end())
else if(currentSol.getHash() == sol.getHash())
return false;
ISolution* copy = sol.getCopy();
return true;
} ISolution* SimpleBestSolutionManager::reloadBestSolution(ISolution* currSol, ALNS_Iteration_Status& status)
if(status.getNbIterationWithoutImprovementSinceLastReload() > 0 &&
((status.getNbIterationWithoutImprovementSinceLastReload() % parameters->getReloadFrequency()) == 0))
delete currSol;
return bestSols.back()->getCopy();
return currSol;

04 小结


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