
npm install orm

Node.js Version Support

Supported: 0.12 - 6.0 +

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DBMS Support

  • MySQL & MariaDB
  • PostgreSQL
  • Amazon Redshift
  • SQLite
  • MongoDB (beta, missing aggregation for now)


  • Create Models, sync, drop, bulk create, get, find, remove, count, aggregated functions
  • Create Model associations, find, check, create and remove
  • Define custom validations (several builtin validations, check instance properties before saving - see enforce for details)
  • Model instance caching and integrity (table rows fetched twice are the same object, changes to one change all)
  • Plugins: MySQL FTS , Pagination , TransactionTimestampsMigrations


This is a node.js object relational mapping module.

An example:

var orm = require("orm");
orm.connect("mysql://username:password@host/database", function (err, db) {
  if (err) throw err;
    var Person = db.define("person", {
        name      : String,
        surname   : String,
        age       : Number, // FLOAT 
        male      : Boolean,
        continent : [ "Europe", "America", "Asia", "Africa", "Australia", "Antartica" ], // ENUM type 
        photo     : Buffer, // BLOB/BINARY 
        data      : Object // JSON encoded 
    }, {
        methods: {
            fullName: function () {
                return + ' ' + this.surname;
        validations: {
            age: orm.enforce.ranges.number(18, undefined, "under-age")
    // add the table to the database 
    db.sync(function(err) {
        if (err) throw err;
        // add a row to the person table 
        Person.create({ id: 1, name: "John", surname: "Doe", age: 27 }, function(err) {
            if (err) throw err;
                // query the person table by surname 
                Person.find({ surname: "Doe" }, function (err, people) {
                    // SQL: "SELECT * FROM person WHERE surname = 'Doe'" 
                 if (err) throw err;
                    console.log("People found: %d", people.length);
                    console.log("First person: %s, age %d", people[0].fullName(), people[0].age);
                    people[0].age = 16;
                    people[0].save(function (err) {
                        // err.msg = "under-age"; 


You can use the promise enabled wrapper library.


If you're using Express, you might want to use the simple middleware to integrate more easily.

var express = require('express');
var orm = require('orm');
var app = express();
app.use("mysql://username:password@host/database", {
    define: function (db, models, next) {
        models.person = db.define("person", { ... });
app.get("/", function (req, res) {
    // req.models is a reference to models used above in define() 

You can call more than once to have multiple database connections. Models defined across connections will be joined together in req.modelsDon't forget to use it before app.use(app.router), preferably right after your assets public folder(s).


See examples/anontxt for an example express based app.


Documentation is moving to the wiki.


See information in the wiki.


See information in the wiki.


A Model is an abstraction over one or more database tables. Models support associations (more below). The name of the model is assumed to match the table name.

Models support behaviours for accessing and manipulating table data.

Defining Models

See information in the wiki.


See information in the wiki.

Instance Methods

Are passed in during model definition.

var Person = db.define('person', {
    name    : String,
    surname : String
}, {
    methods: {
        fullName: function () {
            return + ' ' + this.surname;
Person.get(4, function(err, person) {
    console.log( person.fullName() );

Model Methods

Are defined directly on the model.

var Person = db.define('person', {
    name    : String,
    height  : { type: 'integer' }
Person.tallerThan = function(height, callback) {
    this.find({ height: }, callback);
Person.tallerThan( 192, function(err, tallPeople) { ... } );

Loading Models

Models can be in separate modules. Simply ensure that the module holding the models uses module.exports to publish a function that accepts the database connection, then load your models however you like.

Note - using this technique you can have cascading loads.

// your main file (after connecting) 
db.load("./models", function (err) {
    // loaded! 
    var Person = db.models.person;
    var Pet    =;
// models.js 
module.exports = function (db, cb) {
    db.load("./models-extra", function (err) {
        if (err) {
            return cb(err);
        db.define('person', {
            name : String
        return cb();
// models-extra.js 
module.exports = function (db, cb) {
    db.define('pet', {
        name : String
    return cb();

Synchronizing Models

See information in the wiki.

Dropping Models

See information in the wiki.

Advanced Options

ORM2 allows you some advanced tweaks on your Model definitions. You can configure these via settings or in the call to define when you setup the Model.

For example, each Model instance has a unique ID in the database. This table column is added automatically, and called "id" by default.
If you define your own key: true column, "id" will not be added:

var Person = db.define("person", {
    personId : { type: 'serial', key: true },
    name     : String
// You can also change the default "id" property name globally: 
db.settings.set("properties.primary_key", "UID");
// ..and then define your Models 
var Pet = db.define("pet", {
    name : String

Pet model will have 2 columns, an UID and a name.

It's also possible to have composite keys:

var Person = db.define("person", {
    firstname : { type: 'text', key: true },
    lastname  : { type: 'text', key: true }

Other options:

  • identityCache : (default: false) Set it to true to enable identity cache (Singletons) or set a timeout value (in seconds);
  • autoSave : (default: false) Set it to true to save an Instance right after changing any property;
  • autoFetch : (default: false) Set it to true to fetch associations when fetching an instance from the database;
  • autoFetchLimit : (default: 1) If autoFetch is enabled this defines how many hoops (associations of associations) you want it to automatically fetch.


See information in the wiki.

Finding Items

Model.get(id, [ options ], cb)

To get a specific element from the database use Model.get.

Person.get(123, function (err, person) {
    // finds person with id = 123 

Model.find([ conditions ] [, options ] [, limit ] [, order ] [, cb ])

Finding one or more elements has more options, each one can be given in no specific parameter order. Only options has to be after conditions (even if it's an empty object).

Person.find({ name: "John", surname: "Doe" }, 3, function (err, people) {
    // finds people with name='John' AND surname='Doe' and returns the first 3 

If you need to sort the results because you're limiting or just because you want them sorted do:

Person.find({ surname: "Doe" }, "name", function (err, people) {
    // finds people with surname='Doe' and returns sorted by name ascending 
Person.find({ surname: "Doe" }, [ "name", "Z" ], function (err, people) {
    // finds people with surname='Doe' and returns sorted by name descending 
    // ('Z' means DESC; 'A' means ASC - default) 

There are more options that you can pass to find something. These options are passed in a second object:

Person.find({ surname: "Doe" }, { offset: 2 }, function (err, people) {
    // finds people with surname='Doe', skips the first 2 and returns the others 

You can also use raw SQL when searching. It's documented in the Chaining section below.

Model.count([ conditions, ] cb)

If you just want to count the number of items that match a condition you can just use .count()instead of finding all of them and counting. This will actually tell the database server to do a count (it won't be done in the node process itself).

Person.count({ surname: "Doe" }, function (err, count) {
    console.log("We have %d Does in our db", count);

Model.exists([ conditions, ] cb)

Similar to .count(), this method just checks if the count is greater than zero or not.

Person.exists({ surname: "Doe" }, function (err, exists) {
    console.log("We %s Does in our db", exists ? "have" : "don't have");

Aggregating Functions

If you need to get some aggregated values from a Model, you can use Model.aggregate(). Here's an example to better illustrate:

Person.aggregate({ surname: "Doe" }).min("age").max("age").get(function (err, min, max) {
    console.log("The youngest Doe guy has %d years, while the oldest is %d", min, max);

An Array of properties can be passed to select only a few properties. An Object is also accepted to define conditions.

Here's an example to illustrate how to use .groupBy():

//The same as "select avg(weight), age from person where country='someCountry' group by age;" 
Person.aggregate(["age"], { country: "someCountry" }).avg("weight").groupBy("age").get(function (err, stats) {
    // stats is an Array, each item should have 'age' and 'avg_weight' 

Base .aggregate() methods

  • .limit(): you can pass a number as a limit, or two numbers as offset and limit respectively
  • .order(): same as Model.find().order()

Additional .aggregate() methods

  • min
  • max
  • avg
  • sum
  • count (there's a shortcut to this - Model.count)

There are more aggregate functions depending on the driver (Math functions for example).


If you prefer less complicated syntax you can chain .find() by not giving a callback parameter.

Person.find({ surname: "Doe" }).limit(3).offset(2).only("name", "surname").run(function (err, people) {
    // finds people with surname='Doe', skips first 2 and limits to 3 elements, 
    // returning only 'name' and 'surname' properties 

If you want to skip just one or two properties, you can call .omit() instead of .only.

Chaining allows for more complicated queries. For example, we can search by specifying custom SQL:

Person.find({ age: 18 }).where("LOWER(surname) LIKE ?", ['dea%']).all( ... );

It's bad practice to manually escape SQL parameters as it's error prone and exposes your application to SQL injection. The ? syntax takes care of escaping for you, by safely substituting the question mark in the query with the parameters provided. You can also chain multiple where clauses as needed.

.find.where & .all do the same thing; they are all interchangeable and chainable.

You can also order or orderRaw:

Person.find({ age: 18 }).order('-name').all( ... );
// see the 'Raw queries' section below for more details 
Person.find({ age: 18 }).orderRaw("?? DESC", ['age']).all( ... );

You can also chain and just get the count in the end. In this case, offset, limit and order are ignored.

Person.find({ surname: "Doe" }).count(function (err, people) {
    // people = number of people with surname="Doe" 

Also available is the option to remove the selected items. Note that a chained remove will not run any hooks.

Person.find({ surname: "Doe" }).remove(function (err) {
    // Does gone.. 

You can also make modifications to your instances using common Array traversal methods and save everything in the end.

Person.find({ surname: "Doe" }).each(function (person) {
    person.surname = "Dean";
}).save(function (err) {
    // done! 
Person.find({ surname: "Doe" }).each().filter(function (person) {
    return person.age >= 18;
}).sort(function (person1, person2) {
    return person1.age < person2.age;
}).get(function (people) {
    // get all people with at least 18 years, sorted by age 

Of course you could do this directly on .find(), but for some more complicated tasks this can be very usefull.

Model.find() does not return an Array so you can't just chain directly. To start chaining you have to call .each() (with an optional callback if you want to traverse the list). You can then use the common functions .filter().sort() and .forEach() more than once.

In the end (or during the process..) you can call:

  • .count() if you just want to know how many items there are;
  • .get() to retrieve the list;
  • .save() to save all item changes.


Conditions are defined as an object where every key is a property (table column). All keys are supposed to be concatenated by the logical AND. Values are considered to match exactly, unless you're passing an Array. In this case it is considered a list to compare the property with.

{ col1: 123, col2: "foo" } // `col1` = 123 AND `col2` = 'foo' 
{ col1: [ 1, 3, 5 ] } // `col1` IN (1, 3, 5) 

If you need other comparisons, you have to use a special object created by some helper functions. Here are a few examples to describe it:

{ col1: orm.eq(123) } // `col1` = 123 (default) 
{ col1: } // `col1` <> 123 
{ col1: } // `col1` > 123 
{ col1: orm.gte(123) } // `col1` >= 123 
{ col1: } // `col1` < 123 
{ col1: orm.lte(123) } // `col1` <= 123 
{ col1: orm.between(123, 456) } // `col1` BETWEEN 123 AND 456 
{ col1: orm.not_between(123, 456) } // `col1` NOT BETWEEN 123 AND 456 
{ col1: + "%") } // `col1` LIKE '12%' 
{ col1: orm.not_like(12 + "%") } // `col1` NOT LIKE '12%' 
{ col1: orm.not_in([1, 4, 8]) } // `col1` NOT IN (1, 4, 8) 

Raw queries

db.driver.execQuery("SELECT id, email FROM user", function (err, data) { ... })
// You can escape identifiers and values. 
// For identifier substitution use: ?? 
// For value substitution use: ? 
  "SELECT user.??, user.?? FROM user WHERE user.?? LIKE ? AND user.?? > ?",
  ['id', 'name', 'name', 'john', 'id', 55],
  function (err, data) { ... }
// Identifiers don't need to be scaped most of the time 
  ['john', 55],
  function (err, data) { ... }

Identity pattern

You can use the identity pattern (turned off by default). If enabled, multiple different queries will result in the same result - you will get the same object. If you have other systems that can change your database or you need to call some manual SQL queries, you shouldn't use this feature. It is also know to cause some problems with complex autofetch relationships. Use at your own risk.

It can be enabled/disabled per model:

var Person = db.define('person', {
    name          : String
}, {
    identityCache : true

and also globally:

orm.connect('...', function(err, db) {
  db.settings.set('instance.identityCache', true);

The identity cache can be configured to expire after a period of time by passing in a number instead of a boolean. The number will be considered the cache timeout in seconds (you can use floating point).

Note: One exception about Caching is that it won't be used if an instance is not saved. For example, if you fetch a Person and then change it, while it doesn't get saved it won't be passed from Cache.

Creating Items

Model.create(items, cb)

To insert new elements to the database use Model.create.

        name: "John",
        surname: "Doe",
        age: 25,
        male: true
        name: "Liza",
        surname: "Kollan",
        age: 19,
        male: false
], function (err, items) {
    // err - description of the error or null 
    // items - array of inserted items 

Updating Items

Every item returned has the properties that were defined to the Model and also a couple of methods you can use to change each item.

Person.get(1, function (err, John) { = "Joe";
    John.surname = "Doe"; (err) {

Updating and then saving an instance can be done in a single call:

Person.get(1, function (err, John) {{ name: "Joe", surname: "Doe" }, function (err) {

If you want to remove an instance, just do:

// you could do this without even fetching it, look at Chaining section above 
Person.get(1, function (err, John) {
    John.remove(function (err) {


See information in the wiki.


An association is a relation between one or more tables.


Is a many to one relationship. It's the same as belongs to.
Eg: Animal.hasOne('owner', Person).
Animal can only have one owner, but Person can have many animals.
Animal will have the owner_id property automatically added.

The following functions will become available:

animal.getOwner(function..)         // Gets owner 
animal.setOwner(person, function..) // Sets owner_id 
animal.hasOwner(function..)         // Checks if owner exists 
animal.removeOwner()                // Sets owner_id to 0 

Chain Find

The hasOne association is also chain find compatible. Using the example above, we can do this to access a new instance of a ChainFind object:

Animal.findByOwner({ /* options */ })

Reverse access

Animal.hasOne('owner', Person, {reverse: 'pets'})

will add the following:

// Instance methods 
person.setPets(cat, function..)
// Model methods 
Person.findByPets({ /* options */ }) // returns ChainFind object 


Is a many to many relationship (includes join table).
Eg: Patient.hasMany('doctors', Doctor, { why: String }, { reverse: 'patients', key: true }).
Patient can have many different doctors. Each doctor can have many different patients.

This will create a join table patient_doctors when you call Patient.sync():

column name type
patient_id Integer (composite key)
doctor_id Integer (composite key)
why varchar(255)

The following functions will be available:

patient.getDoctors(function..)           // List of doctors 
patient.addDoctors(docs, function...)    // Adds entries to join table 
patient.setDoctors(docs, function...)    // Removes existing entries in join table, adds new ones 
patient.hasDoctors(docs, function...)    // Checks if patient is associated to specified doctors 
patient.removeDoctors(docs, function...) // Removes specified doctors from join table 
// You can also do: 
patient.doctors = [doc1, doc2];

To associate a doctor to a patient:

patient.addDoctor(surgeon, {why: "remove appendix"}, function(err) { ... } )

which will add {patient_id: 4, doctor_id: 6, why: "remove appendix"} to the join table.


This accessor in this type of association returns a ChainFind if not passing a callback. This means you can do things like:

patient.getDoctors().order("name").offset(1).run(function (err, doctors), {
    // ... all doctors, ordered by name, excluding first one 


If you want to split maybe optional properties into different tables or collections. Every extension will be in a new table, where the unique identifier of each row is the main model instance id. For example:

var Person = db.define("person", {
    name : String
var PersonAddress = Person.extendsTo("address", {
    street : String,
    number : Number

This will create a table person with columns id and name. The extension will create a table person_address with columns person_idstreet and number. The methods available in the Person model are similar to an hasOne association. In this example you would be able to call .getAddress(cb).setAddress(Address, cb), ..

Note: you don't have to save the result from Person.extendsTo. It returns an extended model. You can use it to query directly this extended table (and even find the related model) but that's up to you. If you only want to access it using the original model you can just discard the return.

Examples & options

If you have a relation of 1 to n, you should use hasOne (belongs to) association.

var Person = db.define('person', {
    name : String
var Animal = db.define('animal', {
    name : String
Animal.hasOne("owner", Person); // creates column 'owner_id' in 'animal' table 
// get animal with id = 123 
Animal.get(123, function (err, animal) {
    // animal is the animal model instance, if found 
    animal.getOwner(function (err, person) {
        // if animal has really an owner, person points to it 

You can mark the owner_id field as required in the database by specifying the required option:

Animal.hasOne("owner", Person, { required: true });

If a field is not required, but should be validated even if it is not present, then specify the alwaysValidate option. (this can happen, for example when validation of a null field depends on other fields in the record)

Animal.hasOne("owner", Person, { required: false, alwaysValidate: true });

If you prefer to use another name for the field (owner_id) you can change this parameter in the settings.

db.settings.set("properties.association_key", "{field}_{name}"); // {name} will be replaced by 'owner' and {field} will be replaced by 'id' in this case 

Note: This has to be done before the association is specified.

The hasMany associations can have additional properties in the association table.

var Person = db.define('person', {
    name : String
Person.hasMany("friends", {
    rate : Number
}, {}, { key: true });
Person.get(123, function (err, John) {
    John.getFriends(function (err, friends) {
        // assumes rate is another column on table person_friends 
        // you can access it by going to friends[N].extra.rate 

If you prefer you can activate autoFetch. This way associations are automatically fetched when you get or find instances of a model.

var Person = db.define('person', {
  name : String
Person.hasMany("friends", {
    rate : Number
}, {
    key       : true, // Turns the foreign keys in the join table into a composite key 
    autoFetch : true
Person.get(123, function (err, John) {
    // no need to do John.getFriends() , John already has John.friends Array 

You can also define this option globally instead of a per association basis.

var Person = db.define('person', {
    name : String
}, {
    autoFetch : true
Person.hasMany("friends", {
    rate : Number
}, {
  key: true

Associations can make calls to the associated Model by using the reverse option. For example, if you have an association from ModelA to ModelB, you can create an accessor in ModelB to get instances from ModelA. Confusing? Look at the next example.

var Pet = db.define('pet', {
    name : String
var Person = db.define('person', {
    name : String
Pet.hasOne("owner", Person, {
    reverse : "pets"
Person(4).getPets(function (err, pets) {
    // although the association was made on Pet, 
    // Person will have an accessor (getPets) 
    // In this example, ORM will fetch all pets 
    // whose owner_id = 4 

This makes even more sense when having hasMany associations since you can manage the many to many associations from both sides.

var Pet = db.define('pet', {
    name : String
var Person = db.define('person', {
    name : String
Person.hasMany("pets", Pet, {
    bought  : Date
}, {
    key     : true,
    reverse : "owners"

Adding external database adapters

To add an external database adapter to orm, call the addAdapter method, passing in the alias to use for connecting with this adapter, along with the constructor for the adapter:

require('orm').addAdapter('cassandra', CassandraAdapter);

See the documentation for creating adapters for more details.


  1. ASP.NET MVC 使用 Petapoco 微型ORM框架+NpgSql驱动连接 PostgreSQL数据库

    前段时间在园子里看到了小蝶惊鸿 发布的有关绿色版的Linux.NET——“Jws.Mono”.由于我对.Net程序跑在Linux上非常感兴趣,自己也看了一些有关mono的资料,但是一直没有时间抽出时间 ...

  2. 最好的5个Android ORM框架

    在开发Android应用时,保存数据有这么几个方式, 一个是本地保存,一个是放在后台(提供API接口),还有一个是放在开放云服务上(如 SyncAdapter 会是一个不错的选择). 对于第一种方式, ...

  3. [Android]Android端ORM框架——RapidORM(v2.1)

    以下内容为原创,欢迎转载,转载请注明 来自天天博客: [Android]Android端ORM ...

  4. [Android]Android端ORM框架——RapidORM(v2.0)

    以下内容为原创,欢迎转载,转载请注明 来自天天博客: [Android]Android端ORM ...

  5. 轻量级ORM框架——第一篇:Dapper快速学习

    我们都知道ORM全称叫做Object Relationship Mapper,也就是可以用object来map我们的db,而且市面上的orm框架有很多,其中有一个框架 叫做dapper,而且被称为th ...

  6. ORM之殇,我们需要什么样的ORM框架?

    最近在研究ORM,究竟什么样的框架才是我们想要的 开发框架的意义在于 开发更标准,更统一,不会因为不同人写的代码不一样 开发效率更高,无需重新造轮子,重复无用的代码,同时简化开发流程 运行效率得到控制 ...

  7. 轻量级ORM框架初探-Dapper与PetaPoco的基本使用

    一.EntityFramework EF是传统的ORM框架,也是一个比较重量级的ORM框架.这里仍然使用EF的原因在于为了突出轻量级ORM框架的性能,所谓有对比才有更优的选择. 1.1 准备一张数据库 ...

  8. ORM框架示例及查询测试,上首页修改版(11种框架)

    继上次ORM之殇,我们需要什么样的ORM框架? 整理了11个ORM框架测试示例,通过示例代码和结果,能很容易了解各种框架的特性,优缺点,排名不分先后 EF PDF XCODE CRL NHiberna ...

  9. [Android]Android端ORM框架——RapidORM(v1.0)

    以下内容为原创,欢迎转载,转载请注明 来自天天博客:  Android上主流的ORM框架有很多 ...

  10. 吉特仓库管理系统-ORM框架的使用

    最近在园子里面连续看到几篇关于ORM的文章,其中有两个印象比较深刻<<SqliteSugar>>,另外一篇文章是<<我的开发框架之ORM框架>>, 第一 ...


  1. 《挑战程序设计竞赛》2.5 最小生成树 POJ3723 3169 1258 2377 2395 AOJ2224(1)

    POJ3723 题意 windy要组建一支军队,召集了N个女孩和M个男孩,每个人要付10000RMB,但是如果一个女孩和一个男孩有关系d的 ...

  2. Spring 体系结构 体系结构 Spring 有可能成为所有企业应用程序的一站式服务点,然而,Spring 是模块化的,允许你 ...

  3. Database Sharding Challenges DATABASE SHARDING

    w分布式查询.数据聚合.跨碎片join是可且应避免的.自增主键管理.基于-会话/事务/语句-选择碎片.通过-主键/模块/碎片索引-碎片化数据 ...

  4. Andrew Ng机器学习公开课笔记 -- 朴素贝叶斯算法

    网易公开课,第5,6课 notes, 前面讨论了高斯判别分析,是一种生成学习算法,其中x是连续值 这里要 ...

  5. SpringMVC—概述

    mvc容器的实例化: Spring的启动过程: 1: 对于一个web应用,其部署 ...

  6. 一个很大的文件,存放了10G个整数的乱序数列,如何用程序找出中位数。

    一.梳理审题 一.看清题目: 注意这个题目的量词,这个文件中有10G个整数,而不是这个文件占了10G的内存空间. 二.一些疑问: 在计算机中我们讲的G.M等都是存储容量的概念,但是一般都会在会面加上B ...

  7. hdu6158 The Designer

    地址: 题目: The Designer Time Limit: 8000/4000 MS (J ...

  8. 没的选择时,存在就是合理的::与李旭科书法字QQ聊天记录

    2015,8,11,晚上,与李旭科书法字作者,在Q上聊了下 有些资料 涉及到字库设计.字库产业,对大家也有益处 按惯例 没细整理,直接发blog了 ps,9.11 靠,今天是911,早上查资料,在 f ...

  9. 常用技巧之JS判断数组中某元素出现次数

    先上代码:function arrCheck(arr){  var newArr = [];  for(var i=0;i<arr.length;i++){    var temp=arr[i] ...

  10. 20145322何志威《网络对抗》Exp2 后门原理与实践

    基础问题回答 1 例举你能想到的一个后门进入到你系统中的可能方式? 在网上下载盗版软件时捆绑的后门程序. 不小心进入钓鱼网站. 2 例举你知道的后门如何启动起来(win及linux)的方式? Wind ...