
Common Caveats(常见注意事项)

Erlang/OTP R15B02

  Here we list a few modules and BIFs to watch out for, and not only from a performance point of view.


  1  The timer module


  Creating timers using erlang:send_after/3 and erlang:start_timer/3 is much more efficient than using the timers provided by the timer module. The timer module uses a separate process to manage the timers, and that process can easily become overloaded if many processes create and cancel timers frequently (especially when using the SMP emulator).

  使用 erlang:send_after/3和erlang:start_timer/3来生成定时器比用timer模块提供的定时器效率要高的多。 timer模块使用一个分离的进程来管理定时器,而且如果很多进程频繁地创建和取消这些计时器(特别是当使用SMP模拟器时),那个管理进程很容易负载过 重。

  The functions in the timer module that do not manage timers (such as timer:tc/3 ortimer:sleep/1), do not call the timer-server process and are therefore harmless.


  2  list_to_atom/1


  Atoms are not garbage-collected. Once an atom is created, it will never be removed. The emulator will terminate if the limit for the number of atoms (1048576 by default) is reached.


  Therefore, converting arbitrary input strings to atoms could be dangerous in a system that will run continuously. If only certain well-defined atoms are allowed as input, you can use list_to_existing_atom/1 to guard against a denial-of-service attack. (All atoms that are allowed must have been created earlier, for instance by simply using all of them in a module and loading that module.)

  因此,在一个 持续运转的系统中,将任意的字符串输入转换为原子是危险的。如果只允许输入某些良好定义的原子,你可以使用 list_to_existing_atom/1函数,来防范denial-of-service攻击(拒绝服务攻击)。(所有被允许的原子必须先创建 好,比如在一个模块中使用,然后再加载那个模块)

  Using list_to_atom/1 to construct an atom that is passed to apply/3 like this


apply(list_to_atom("some_prefix"++Var), foo, Args)

  is quite expensive and is not recommended in time-critical code.


  3  length/1


  The time for calculating the length of a list is proportional to the length of the list, as opposed to tuple_size/1, byte_size/1, and bit_size/1, which all execute in constant time.


  Normally you don't have to worry about the speed of length/1, because it is efficiently implemented in C. In time critical-code, though, you might want to avoid it if the input list could potentially be very long.


  Some uses of length/1 can be replaced by matching. For instance, this code


foo(L) when length(L) >= 3 ->

  can be rewritten to


foo([_,_,_|_]=L) ->

  (One slight difference is that length(L) will fail if the L is an improper list, while the pattern in the second code fragment will accept an improper list.)


  4  setelement/3


  setelement/3 copies the tuple it modifies. Therefore, updating a tuple in a loop usingsetelement/3 will create a new copy of the tuple every time.


  There is one exception to the rule that the tuple is copied. If the compiler clearly can see that destructively updating the tuple would give exactly the same result as if the tuple was copied, the call to setelement/3will be replaced with a special destructive setelement instruction. In the following code sequence


multiple_setelement(T0) ->
T1 = setelement(9, T0, bar),
T2 = setelement(7, T1, foobar),
setelement(5, T2, new_value).

  the first setelement/3 call will copy the tuple and modify the ninth element. The two following setelement/3 calls will modify the tuple in place.


  For the optimization to be applied, all of the followings conditions must be true:

  •   The indices must be integer literals, not variables or expressions.
  •   The indices must be given in descending order.
  •   There must be no calls to other function in between the calls to setelement/3.
  •   The tuple returned from onesetelement/3 call must only be used in the subsequent call to setelement/3.






  If it is not possible to structure the code as in the multiple_setelement/1 example, the best way to modify multiple elements in a large tuple is to convert the tuple to a list, modify the list, and convert the list back to a tuple.


  5  size/1


  size/1 returns the size for both tuples and binary.


  Using the new BIFs tuple_size/1 andbyte_size/1 introduced in R12B gives the compiler and run-time system more opportunities for optimization. A further advantage is that the new BIFs could help Dialyzer find more bugs in your program.


  6  split_binary/2


  It is usually more efficient to split a binary using matching instead of calling thesplit_binary/2 function. Furthermore, mixing bit syntax matching andsplit_binary/2 may prevent some optimizations of bit syntax matching.



        <<Bin1:Num/binary,Bin2/binary>> = Bin,


        {Bin1,Bin2} = split_binary(Bin, Num)

  7  The '--' operator


  Note that the '--' operator has a complexity proportional to the product of the length of its operands, meaning that it will be very slow if both of its operands are long lists:



        HugeList1 -- HugeList2

  Instead use the ordsets module:



        HugeSet1 = ordsets:from_list(HugeList1),
HugeSet2 = ordsets:from_list(HugeList2),
ordsets:subtract(HugeSet1, HugeSet2)

  Obviously, that code will not work if the original order of the list is important. If the order of the list must be preserved, do like this:



        Set = gb_sets:from_list(HugeList2),
[E || E <- HugeList1, not gb_sets:is_element(E, Set)]

  Subtle note 1: This code behaves differently from '--' if the lists contain duplicate elements. (One occurrence of an element in HugeList2 will remove all occurrences in HugeList1.)


  Subtle note 2: This code compares lists elements using the '==' operator, while '--' uses the '=:='. If that difference is important,sets can be used instead of gb_sets, but note that sets:from_list/1 is much slower than gb_sets:from_list/1 for long lists.

  细节事项2: 这块代码使用'=='来比较列表元素,而'--'操作符使用'=:='来比较列表元素。如果这个区别显得很重要,那么可以用sets模块来替代 gb_sets模块,但是记住,对于长列表,sets:from_list/1函数比gb_sets:from_list/1函数要慢得多。

  Using the '--' operator to delete an element from a list is not a performance problem:



        HugeList1 -- [Element]

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