关于命令,还可以查看《Java 7程序设计》一书后面的附录A

As per javac source docs, there are 4 kinds of options:

  • standard public options, e.g. -classpath

  • extended public options, beginning -X, e.g. -Xlint

  • hidden options -- not public or documented, e.g. -fullversion

  • even more hidden options -- typically for debugging the compiler, beginning -XD, e.g. -XDrawDiagnostics 

1、G("-g") 在生成的class文件中包含所有调试信息(行号、变量、源文件)

2、G_NONE("-g:none") 在生成的class文件中不包含任何调试信息。


-g:{keyword list}
Generate only some kinds of debugging information, specified by a comma separated list of keywords. Valid keywords are:
(1)source Source file debugging information
(2)lines Line number debugging information
(3)vars Local variable debugging information


5、NOWARN("-nowarn")  不生成任何警告

6、VERBOSE("-verbose")  输出有关编译器正在执行的操作的消息


Show a description of each use or override of a deprecated member or class. Without -deprecation,
javac shows a summary of the source files that use or override deprecated members or classes.
-deprecation is shorthand for -Xlint:deprecation.


java.util.Date myDate = new java.util.Date();
int currentDay = myDate.getDay();



Specify the directory where to place generated source files. The directory must already exist; javac will not create it.
If a class is part of a package, the compiler puts the source file in a subdirectory reflecting the package name,
creating directories as needed. For example, if you specify -s C:\mysrc and the class is called com.mypackage.MyClass,
then the source file will be placed in C:\mysrc\com\mypackage\MyClass.java.

10、IMPLICIT("-implicit:")  指定是否为隐式引用文件生成类文件

11、ENCODING("-encoding")  指定源文件使用的字符编码



12、SOURCE("-source")  提供与指定版本的源兼容性
13、TARGET("-target")  生成特定 VM 版本的类文件 

-source 指定用哪个版本的编译器对java源码进行编译
-target 指定生成的class文件将保证和哪个版本的虚拟机进行兼容。我们可以通过-target 1.2来保证生成的class文件能在1.2虚拟机上进行运行,但是1.1的虚拟机就不能保证了。



16、HELP("-help") 输出标准选项的提要

17、X("-X")  列出非标准选项

18、J("-J") 直接将<标记>传递给运行时系统,如javac -J-Xms48m   Test.java // set the startup memory to 48M.

 -J 将选项传给执行用 Java 编写的应用程序的虚拟机是一种公共约定。

19、XSTDOUT("-Xstdout")  将编译器信息输出到文件中。缺省情况下,编译器信息送到 System.err 中

20、-Xmaxerrs numberSet the maximum number of errors to print.

21、-Xmaxwarns numberSet the maximum number of warnings to print.


Specify which file to read when both a source file and class file are found for a type. (See Searching For Types). If -Xprefer:newer is used, it reads the newer of the source or class file for a type (default). If the -Xprefer:source option is used, it reads source file. Use -Xprefer:source when you want to be sure that any annotation processors can access annotations declared with a retention policy of SOURCE.

23、WERROR("-Werror") 出现警告时终止编译


24、XD("-XD") 可以参考:




package test;

public class Test {

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		String[] s = null;
		for(String k:s){



package test;

public class Test {

    public Test() {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String[] s = null;
        for (String[] arr$ = s, len$ = arr$.length, i$ = 0; i$ < len$; ++i$) {
            String k = arr$[i$];


25、XJCOV("-Xjcov") 为Java Code Coverage Tools准备的命令




(2)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OAglQAb2bBY  视频案例


Control whether javac generates package-info.class files from package-info.java files. Possible mode arguments for this option include the following.


Always generate a package-info.class file for every package-info.java file. This option may be useful if you use a build system such as Ant, which checks that each .java file has a corresponding .class file.


Generate a package-info.class file only if package-info.java contains annotations. Don't generate a package-info.class file if package-info.java only contains comments.

Note: A package-info.class file might be generated but be empty if all the annotations in the package-info.java file have RetentionPolicy.SOURCE.


Generate a package-info.class file only if package-info.java contains annotations with RetentionPolicy.CLASS or RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME.






32、O("-O")  优化代码以缩短执行时间。使用 -O 选项可能使编译速度下降、生成更大的类文件并使程序难以调试


(1) http://www.cnblogs.com/xiazdong/p/3216220.html?utm_source=tuicool&utm_medium=referral

(2)-Xlint http://www.javaworld.com/article/2073587/javac-s--xlint-options.html





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