
CSS Property Description
fill Sets fill color of the shape.
fill-opacity Sets fill opacity of the shape.
fill-rule Sets fill rule of the shape.
marker Sets marker used along the lines (edges) of this shape.
marker-start Sets start marker used along the lines (edges) of this shape.
marker-mid Sets mid marker used along the lines (edges) of this shape.
marker-end Sets end marker used along the lines (edges) of this shape.
stroke Sets the stroke (line) color used to draw the outline of this shape.
stroke-dasharray Sets the stroke (line) dashing used to draw the outline of this shape.
stroke-dashoffset Sets the stroke (line) dash offset used to draw the outline of this shape.
stroke-linecap Sets the stroke (line) line cap used to draw the outline of this shape. Valid values are roundbutt and square.
stroke-miterlimit Sets the stroke (line) miter limit used to draw the outline of this shape.
stroke-opacity Sets the stroke (line) opacity used to draw the outline of this shape.
stroke-width Sets the stroke (line) width used to draw the outline of this shape.
text-rendering Sets the text-rendering used to draw the outline of this shape.


CSS Property Description
alignment-baseline Sets how the text is aligned to its x and y coordinates.
baseline-shift Sets the baseline shift used to render text.
dominant-baseline Sets the dominant baseline.
glyph-orientation-horizontal Sets horizontal glyph orientation.
glyph-orientation-vertical Sets vertical glyph orientation.
kerning Sets the kerning of the rendered text (kern



<circle stroke="#000000" fill="#00ff00" />


<circle style="stroke: #000000; fill:#00ff00;" />

使用inline stylesheets

<svg xmlns=""
xmlns:xlink=""> <style type="text/css" >
<![CDATA[ circle {
stroke: #006600;
fill: #00cc00;
} ]]>
</style> <circle cx="40" cy="40" r="24"/>


<svg xmlns=""
xmlns:xlink=""> <style type="text/css" >
<![CDATA[ circle.myGreen {
stroke: #006600;
fill: #00cc00;
circle.myRed {
stroke: #660000;
fill: #cc0000;
} ]]>
</style> <circle class="myGreen" cx="40" cy="40" r="24"/>
<circle class="myRed" cx="40" cy="100" r="24"/>

使用外部文件方式(注意存在兼容性问题,貌似firefox 3是不工作的)

<?xml-stylesheet type="text/css" href="svg-stylesheet.css" ?>
<svg xmlns=""
xmlns:xlink=""> <circle cx="40" cy="40" r="24"
style="stroke:#006600; fill:#00cc00"/> </svg>


<body> <style>
circle {
stroke: #006600;
fill : #00cc00;
</style> <svg>
<circle cx="40" cy="40" r="24" />
</svg> </body>

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