
Ubuntu 14.04




询问及解答的地址:When I fellow the step in ReadMe: ./autogen.sh, I found a problem



参考我的前一篇博文:Git 使用ssh密钥



Important: git submodules

We often update the submodules for this repo. This is why we recommend that you run the following command whenever pulling the latest version of master:

git submodule update --init --recursive




To install all the Ubuntu 14.04 dependencies, run


Before running the simulator, you need to create veth interfaces that the simulator can connect to. To create them, you need to run:

sudo p4factory/tools/veth_setup.sh

We use autoconf tools to generate makefiles. Run the following commands to prepare your workspace.

cd p4factory


To validate your installation and test the simulator on a simple P4 target, do the following:

cd p4factory/targets/basic_routing/
make bm
sudo ./behavioral-model

To run a simple test, run this in a different terminal:

cd p4factory/targets/basic_routing/
sudo python run_tests.py --test-dir tests/ptf-tests/




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