百老汇著名音乐剧《窈窕淑女(My Fair Lady)》中脍炙人口的经典歌曲。

Bed, bed ,I couldn't go to bed床,床,我不能上床去
My head's too light to try to set it down 我的头太轻了,无法躺下
Sleep, sleep ,I couldn't sleep tonight睡觉,睡觉,我今晚睡不着
Not for all the jewels in the crown就算所有王冠上的珠宝也不成
I could have danced all night我可以整晚跳舞
I could have danced all night我可以整晚跳舞
And still have begged For more而且还想继续跳下去
I could have spread my wings我要展开翅膀飞翔
And done a thousand things I've never done before 做各式各样我没有做过的事
I'll never know What made it so exciting我不知道什么事让我如此兴奋
Why all at once My heart took flight突然间我的心像飞了起来
I only know When he began to dance with me 我只知道当他开始与我共舞
I could have danced danced, danced All night 我可以一直跳舞,跳舞,跳舞……整晚跳舞
-It's after 3:00 now 已经3点多了
-Don't you agree now 你该同意了吧
-She ought to be in bed她应该上床了
-She ought to be in bed她应该上床了
-I could have danced all night我可以整晚跳舞
-You're tired out
-ou must be dead
-I could have danced all night我可以整晚跳舞
-Your face is worn
-Your eyes are red
-And still have begged For more而且想一直跳下去
-Now say good night, please
-Turn out the light, please It's really time for you to be in bed
-I could have spread my wings 我要展开翅膀飞翔
-A good time ago Do as you're told
-And done a thousand things-I've never done before做各式各样我没有做过的事
-Or Mrs. Pearce is apt to scold
-You're up too late, Miss And sure as fate, Miss You'll catch a cold
I'll never know what made it So exciting我不知道什么事让我如此兴奋
Why all at once My heart took flight 突然间我的心像飞了起来
-I only know When he began to dance我只知道当他开始与我共舞
-Put down your book
-The work can keep
-Now settle down and go to sleep
-With me
I could have danced danced, danced All night 我可以一直跳舞,跳舞,跳舞……整晚跳舞
I understand, dear It's all been grand, dear ,But now it's time to sleep
I could have danced all night 我可以整晚跳舞
I could have danced all night 我可以整晚跳舞
And still have begged For more而且想一直跳下去
I could have spread my wings我要展开翅膀飞翔
And done a thousand things I've never done before 做各式各样我没有做过的事
I'll never know what made it So exciting 我不知道什么事让我如此兴奋
Why all at once My heart took flight突然间我的心像飞了起来
I only know When he began to dance with me我只知道当他开始与我共舞
I could have danced danced, danced All night我可以一直跳舞,跳舞,跳舞……整晚跳舞

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