

默认的本地目录是home。 输入help即可获得所有命令的帮助。

  1. 连接ftp服务器

    man ftp 可以看到有这些信息。

    ftp -- Internet file transfer program SYNOPSIS
    ftp [-46AadefginpRtvV] [-N netrc] [-o output] [-P port] [-q quittime]
    [-s srcaddr] [-r retry] [-T dir,max[,inc]] [[user@]host [port]]
    [[user@]host:[path][/]] [file:///path]
    [http://[user[:password]@]host[:port]/path] [...]
    ftp -u URL file [...]


     ftp port


  2. 浏览文件


     ftp> cd Documents
    ftp> ls
    ftp> dir
  3. 下载上传文件

     put filename - Upload a file to the server
     get filename - Download a file from the server
     mput filename - Put multiple files on the server
     mget filename - Get multiple files on the server
  4. 断开连接


     ftp> bye
  5. 大部分的命令如下,可敲入man ftp获得

     ls – list the contents of a directory on the FTP server
    cd – change the working directory on the FTP server
    pwd – show the current directory on the FTP server
    get – download files from the FTP server
    put – upload files to the FTP server
    account – include a password with your login information
    bye – terminate an ftp session and close ftp (or use disconnect to simply terminate a session)
    bell – make a cute sound after each file transfer is done
    chmod – change permissions
    delete – your guess is as good as mine (OK, you got me, it’s to delete a file off the server)
    glob – enable globbing
    hash – only functional in Amsterdam
    help – get help
    lpwd – print the local working directory for transfers
    mkdir – create folders on the FTP server
    rmdir – delete folders from the FTP server
    newer – only get a file if it’s newer (great for scripting synchronizations)
    nmap – use positional parameters to set filenames
    passive – use FTP passive mode
    prompt – allows the use of letters to automate answers to prompts
    rate – limit the speed of an upload or download


ftp -d << ftpEnd
cd /Library/WebServer/Documents
put “*.html”
put “*.php”
cd /Library/WebServer/Documents
put “*.png”
ftpEnd #!/bin/bash
ftp -d << ftpEnd
cd /My/Documents
get “*.doc”


%/ – the current working directory of the FTP server
%M – the hostname of the FTP server
%m – the hostname only up to the .
%n – the username used for the FTP server

最后有一个问题,为什么老是有不明的人/机器想登陆我的FTP?= =不过自己也是只有使用的时候才会开。

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