Coursera Algorithms week1 查并集 练习测验:1 Social network connectivity
Given a social network containing. n members and a log file containing m timestamps at which times pairs of members formed friendships, design an algorithm to determine the earliest time at which all members are connected (i.e., every member is a friend of a friend of a friend ... of a friend). Assume that the log file is sorted by timestamp and that friendship is an equivalence relation. The running time of your algorithm should be mlogn or better and use extra space proportional to n.
import java.util.Scanner; import edu.princeton.cs.algs4.StdOut;
import edu.princeton.cs.algs4.WeightedQuickUnionUF; public class SocialNetworkConnUF {
private FileInputStream ins;
private WeightedQuickUnionUF uf;
public SocialNetworkConnUF(int num, FileInputStream ins){
this.ins = ins;
uf = new WeightedQuickUnionUF(num);
} @SuppressWarnings("resource")
public String getEarliestConTime(){
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(ins,"utf-8");
String earliestConTime = null;
String line = scanner.nextLine();
if(line != null && !line.trim().equals("")){
String[] lineArray = line.split(" ");
if(lineArray.length == 3){
String timestamp = lineArray[0];
int p = Integer.parseInt(lineArray[1]);
int q = Integer.parseInt(lineArray[2]);
if(uf.connected(p, q)) continue;
if(uf.count() == 1) {
earliestConTime = timestamp;
} }
return earliestConTime;
public static void main(String[] args){
FileInputStream ins;
try {
ins = new FileInputStream("socialNetworkLog.txt");
SocialNetworkConnUF socialNet = new SocialNetworkConnUF(10, ins);
String earliestConnTime = socialNet.getEarliestConTime();
StdOut.println(" the earliest connected time is :" + earliestConnTime);
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
} }
* socialNetworkLog.txt
* 20170714001 0 1
* 20170714002 4 5
* 20170714003 8 9
* 20170714004 2 4
* 20170714005 5 6
* 20170714006 7 8
* 20170714007 2 5
* 20170714008 6 7
* 20170714009 1 2
* 20170714010 0 3
* 20170714011 1 9
* 20170714012 3 7
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