The Game



One morning, you wake up and think: “I am such a good programmer. Why not make some money?” So you decide to write a computer game.


The game takes place on a rectangular board consisting of w * h squares. Each square might or might not contain a game piece, as shown in the picture.


One important aspect of the game is whether two game pieces can be connected by a path which satisfies the two following properties:


It consists of straight segments, each one being either horizontal or vertical.


It does not cross any other game pieces.


(It is allowed that the path leaves the board temporarily.)


Here is an example:

下面 举个例子。

The game pieces at (1,3) and at (4, 4) can be connected. The game pieces at (2, 3) and (3, 4) cannot be connected; each path would cross at least one other game piece.


The part of the game you have to write now is the one testing whether two game pieces can be connected according to the rules above.

游戏的一部分 是你必须写一个程序证明两个木块是否能够被连接起来。




The input contains descriptions of several different game situations. The first line of each description contains two integers w and h (1 <= w,h <= 75), the width and the height of the board. The next h lines describe the contents of the board; each of these lines contains exactly w characters: a “X” if there is a game piece at this location, and a space if there is no game piece.


Each description is followed by several lines containing four integers x1, y1, x2, y2 each satisfying 1 <= x1,x2 <= w, 1 <= y1,y2 <= h. These are the coordinates of two game pieces. (The upper left corner has the coordinates (1, 1).) These two game pieces will always be different. The list of pairs of game pieces for a board will be terminated by a line containing “0 0 0 0”.

每种情况后包括几行询问,每行包括4个整数X1,Y1,X2,Y2(1<=X1,X2<=w;I<=Y1,Y2<=h)。这是2个游戏片段的坐标。(左上角为坐标(1,1)。) 这两个坐标将永远是不同的。“0 0 0 0”表示输入结束。

The entire input is terminated by a test case starting with w=h=0. This test case should not be procesed.

整个输入结束 是输入了(0,0) 这个case不用考虑。



For each board, output the line “Board #n:”, where n is the number of the board. Then, output one line for each pair of game pieces associated with the board description. Each of these lines has to start with “Pair m: “, where m is the number of the pair (starting the count with 1 for each board). Follow this by “ksegments.”, where k is the minimum number of segments for a path connecting the two game pieces, or “impossible.”, if it is not possible to connect the two game pieces as described above.

每个板,输出一行“Board #n:”,n是第n块板。然后输出一行为每对坐标是否相关联。如果关联,输出“Pair m: k segments.”m为这块板的第m次询问,k为路径包括几个部分。否则输出“Pair m: impossible.”

Output a blank line after each board.


Sample Input样例输入

5 4





2 3 5 3

1 3 4 4

2 3 3 4

0 0 0 0

0 0

Sample Output样例输出

Board #1:

Pair 1: 4 segments.

Pair 2: 3 segments.

Pair 3: impossible.

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