Most of the time, your components respond to events that occur within the component tree by defining their own handler or by accepting a handler defined by a parent component via props. Sometimes, this isn't enough. In this lesson, we'll rely on lifecycle hooks and good old fashioned DOM events to update state in a React component in response to an event that occurs outside of the component tree.

class Menu extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
isVisible: false
this.handleClickOutside = this.handleClickOutside.bind(this)
this.toggleOptions = this.toggleOptions.bind(this)
this.handleClick = this.handleClick.bind(this)
componentDidMount() {
document.addEventListener('click', this.handleClickOutside)
} componentWillUnmount() {
document.removeEventListener('click', this.handleClickOutside)
} handleClickOutside(evt) {
if (!this.node.contains( {
this.setState({ isVisible: false })
} toggleOptions(evt) {
this.setState(state => ({ isVisible: !state.isVisible }))
} handleClick(choice, evt) {
this.setState({ isVisible: false })
} render() {
return (
<div className="menu" ref={el => (this.node = el)}>
<a href="#" onClick={this.toggleOptions}>
? <div className="menuContents">
<a href="#" onClick={this.handleClick.bind(null, 'one')}>
<a href="#" onClick={this.handleClick.bind(null, 'two')}>
<a href="#" onClick={this.handleClick.bind(null, 'three')}>
<a href="#" onClick={this.handleClick.bind(null, '')}>
Clear Selection
: null}

The most important thing is how to detect whether user click outside the menu or not.

To do that, we use 'ref':

<div className="menu" ref={el => (this.node = el)}>

We assign the elememt to vairable 'this.node'.

console log the node:

<div class="menu">
<a href="#">options</a>

When we click inside the menu, the '' is the 'a' tag.

If we click outside the menu, then then '' is the whole html tag.

Therefore, we can check:

if (!this.node.contains( {

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