
看看updated, 处理方式是这么的好


" id="link-to-faq-35_1" style="color:rgb(59,102,153); background-color:transparent; text-decoration:none">What's
the idea behind templates?

35.2 What's
the syntax / semantics for a "class template"?

" id="link-to-faq-35_3" style="color:rgb(59,102,153); background-color:transparent; text-decoration:none">What's
the syntax / semantics for a "function template"?

35.4 How
do I explicitly select which version of a function template should get called?

35.5 What
is a "parameterized type"?

" id="link-to-faq-35_6" style="color:rgb(59,102,153); background-color:transparent; text-decoration:none">What
is "genericity"?

35.7 My
template function does something special when the template type T is int or std::string; how do I write my template so it uses the special code when T is
one of those specific types?

35.8 Huh?
Can you provide an example of template specialization that doesn't use foo and bar?


" id="link-to-faq-35_9" style="color:rgb(59,102,153); background-color:transparent; text-decoration:none">But
most of the code in my template function is the same; is there some way to get the benefits of template specialization without duplicating all that source code?


" id="link-to-faq-35_10" style="color:rgb(59,102,153); background-color:transparent; text-decoration:none">All
those templates and template specializations must slow down my program, right?


" id="link-to-faq-35_11" style="color:rgb(59,102,153); background-color:transparent; text-decoration:none">So
templates are overloading, right?


" id="link-to-faq-35_12" style="color:rgb(59,102,153); background-color:transparent; text-decoration:none">Why
can't I separate the definition of my templates class from its declaration and put it inside a .cpp file?

35.13 How
can I avoid linker errors with my template functions?



" id="link-to-faq-35_14" style="color:rgb(59,102,153); background-color:transparent; text-decoration:none">How
does the C++ keyword export help with template linker errors? Updated!

35.15 How
can I avoid linker errors with my template classes? Updated!

" id="link-to-faq-35_16" style="color:rgb(59,102,153); background-color:transparent; text-decoration:none">Why
do I get linker errors when I use template friends?

35.17 How
can any human hope to understand these overly verbose template-based error messages?
35.18 Why
am I getting errors when my template-derived-class uses a nested type it inherits from its template-base-class?

35.19 Why
am I getting errors when my template-derived-class uses a member it inherits from its template-base-class?

35.20 Can
the previous problem hurt me silently?

Is it possible that the compiler will silently generate the wrong code?


" id="link-to-faq-35_21" style="color:rgb(59,102,153); background-color:transparent; text-decoration:none">How
can I create a container-template that allows my users to supply the type of the underlying container that actually stores the values?

35.22 Follow-up
to previous: can I pass in the underlying structure and the element-type separately?
35.23 Related:
all those proxies must negatively reflect on the speed of my program. Don't they?

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