原创文章,转载请注明出处:server非业余研究http://blog.csdn.net/erlib 作者Sunface

。To connect to the node, you use the to_erl program: 你能够使用 to_erl程序连接到节点上:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
$ to_erl /tmp/erl_pipe
Attaching to /tmp/erl_pipe (^D to exit)
And the shell is connected. Closing stdio (with ˆD) will disconnect from the shell while leaving it running. 连接上后,你能够使用ctrl+D来断开远程节点(仅仅是断开,不会终结远程节点).[5] "erl" is the command being run. Additional arguments can be added after it. For example "erl +K true" will turn kernel polling on.
[6] Using this method ends up calling fsync for each piece of output, which may give quite a performance hit if a lot of IO is taking place over standard output.
[注5]:“erl”就是要执行的命令,你也能够其次是其他启动选项,如"erl +K ture"它会打开内核kernel调查。
[注意6] :这种方法最终调用fsync每件作品将同步输出,假设你有大量的IO经营产品,性能急剧下降。


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