A C compiler that parses this code will contain at least the following symbol table entries

Consider the following program written in C:

// Declare an external function
extern double bar(double x); // Define a public function
double foo(int count)
double sum = 0.0; // Sum all the values bar(1) to bar(count)
for (int i = 1; i <= count; i++)
sum += bar((double) i);
return sum;

A C compiler that parses this code will contain at least the following symbol table entries:

Symbol name Type Scope
bar function, double extern
x double function parameter
foo function, double global
count int function parameter
sum double block local
i int for-loop statement

In addition, the symbol table will also contain entries generated by the compiler for intermediate expression values (e.g., the expression that casts the i loop variable into a double, and the return value of the call to function bar()), statement labels, and so forth.


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