vim /etc/profile
export HIVE_HOME=/export/servers/hive...
export PATH=:$HIVE_HOME/bin:$PATH
hive --service hiveserver2
!connect jdbc:hive2://node03:10000
create database [if not exists] myhive location '/myhive2';
use myhive;
desc database myhive2;
desc database extended myhive2;
drop database myhive2 [cascade];
create table [if not exists] stu (sid string,sname string);
create table stu2 as select * from stu;
create table stu3 like stu;
desc [formatted] stu2;
create external table [if not exists] student (sid string,sname string,ssex string,sbirth string) partitioned by (year string,month string,day string) row format delimited fields terminated by '\t' stored as textfile location '/user/stu';
load data local inpath '/export/servers/hivedatas/score.csv' [overwrite] into table score;
load data inpath '/hivedatas/score.csv' into table score partition(year='2018',month='06',day='18');
insert overwrite table score5 partition(month='201801') select sid,sname,sscore from score; (注意不能使用select * from score,否则报错:Error: Error while compiling statement: FAILED: SemanticException [Error 10044]: Line 1:23 Cannot insert into target table because column number/types are different ''201902'': Table insclause-0 has 3 columns, but query has 4 columns. (state=42000,code=10044))
select * from score where month='201806'
union all
select * from score where month='201807';
show partitions score;
alter table score add partition(month='201808') partition(month='201809') ;
alter table score drop partition(month='201809');
msck repair table score4;
truncate table score6;(只能清空管理表)
from score
insert overwrite table score_fir partition(month='201806') select sid,cid
insert overwrite table score_sec partition(month='201806') select cid,sscore;
小结:create as select , insert select。
SELECT [ALL | DISTINCT] select_expr, select_expr, ...
FROM table_reference
[WHERE where_condition]
[GROUP BY col_list [HAVING condition]]
[CLUSTER BY col_list
| [DISTRIBUTE BY col_list] [SORT BY| ORDER BY col_list]
[LIMIT number]
select sid as myid, cid myid2 from score;
select count(distinct sid) from score;
select max(sscore),min(sscore),sum(sscore),avg(sscore) from score;
select * from score where sscore like '_9%';
select * from score where sscore rlike '9';
select sid,avg(sscore) from score group by sid;
select s_id ,avg(s_score) avgscore from score group by s_id having avgscore > 85;
select s.sid,s.sscore,stu.sname,stu.sbirth from score s left join student stu on s.sid = stu.sid;
select * from student s left | right | full [outer] join score b on s.sid = b.sid; 左右全 外连接
select sid, avg(sscore) avgScore from score group by sid order by sid, avgScore desc; 按照别名排序
set mapreduce.job.reduces=3;
select * from score sort by sscore;
insert overwrite local directory '/export/servers/hivedatas/sort' row format delimited fields terminated by '\t' select * from score sort by sscore;
set mapreduce.job.reduces=7;
insert overwrite local directory '/export/servers/hivedatas/sort' row format delimited fields terminated by '\t' select * from distribute by sid sort by sscore;
insert overwrite local directory '/export/servers/hivedatas/cluster' row format delimited fields terminated by '\t' select * from score cluster by sid;
bin/hive -hiveconf hive.root.logger=INFO,console
show functions;
show function [extended] split;
set hive.exec.compress.intermediate=true;
set hive.exec.compress.output=true;
set mapreduce.output.fileoutputformat.compress=true;
set mapreduce.output.fileoutputformat.compress.codec =;
set mapreduce.output.fileoutputformat.compress.type=BLOCK;
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