Simple and fast NodeJS internal caching.
A simple caching module that has set
, get
and delete
methods and works a little bit like memcached. Keys can have a timeout (ttl
) after which they expire and are deleted from the cache. All keys are stored in a single object so the practical limit is at around 1m keys.
Since 4.1.0
: Key-validation: The keys can be given as either string
or number
, but are casted to a string
internally anyway. All other types will either throw an error or call the callback with an error.
Or just require the node_cache.js
file to get the superclass
Initialize (INIT):
: (default:0
) the standard ttl as number in seconds for every generated cache element.0
= unlimitedcheckperiod
: (default:600
) The period in seconds, as a number, used for the automatic delete check interval.0
= no periodic check.errorOnMissing
: (default:false
) en/disable throwing or passing an error to the callback if attempting to.get
a missing or expired value.useClones
: (default:true
) en/disable cloning of variables. Iftrue
you'll get a copy of the cached variable. Iffalse
you'll save and get just the reference. Note:true
is recommended, because it'll behave like a server-based caching. You should setfalse
if you want to save mutable objects or other complex types with mutability involved and wanted. Here's a simple code exmaple showing the different behaviordeleteOnExpire
: (default:true
) whether variables will be deleted automatically when they expire. Iftrue
the variable will be deleted. Iffalse
the variable will remain. You are encouraged to handle the variable upon the eventexpired
by yourself.
Store a key (SET):
myCache.set( key, val, [ ttl ], [callback] )
Sets a key
pair. It is possible to define a ttl
(in seconds). Returns true
on success.
Note: If the key expires based on it's
it will be deleted entirely from the internal data object.
Since 1.0.0
: Callback is now optional. You can also use synchronous syntax.
Retrieve a key (GET):
myCache.get( key, [callback] )
Gets a saved value from the cache. Returns a undefined
if not found or expired. If the value was found it returns an object with the key
Since 1.0.0
: Callback is now optional. You can also use synchronous syntax.
Since 2.0.0
The return format changed to a simple value and a ENOTFOUND
error if not found ( as callback( err )
or on sync call as result instance of Error
Since 2.1.0
The return format changed to a simple value, but a due to discussion in #11 a miss shouldn't return an error. So after 2.1.0 a miss returns undefined
Since 3.1.0
option added
Get multiple keys (MGET):
myCache.mget( [ key1, key2, ... ,keyn ], [callback] )
Gets multiple saved values from the cache. Returns an empty object {}
if not found or expired. If the value was found it returns an object with the key
Since 1.0.0
: Callback is now optional. You can also use synchronous syntax.
Since 2.0.0
The method for mget changed from .get( [ "a", "b" ] )
to .mget( [ "a", "b" ] )
Delete a key (DEL):
myCache.del( key, [callback] )
Delete a key. Returns the number of deleted entries. A delete will never fail.
Since 1.0.0
: Callback is now optional. You can also use synchronous syntax.
Delete multiple keys (MDEL):
myCache.del( [ key1, key2, ... ,keyn ], [callback] )
Delete multiple keys. Returns the number of deleted entries. A delete will never fail.
Since 1.0.0
: Callback is now optional. You can also use synchronous syntax.
Change TTL (TTL):
myCache.ttl( key, ttl, [callback] )
Redefine the ttl of a key. Returns true if the key has been found and changed. Otherwise returns false. If the ttl-argument isn't passed the default-TTL will be used.
The key will be deleted when passing in a ttl < 0
Get TTL (getTTL):
myCache.getTtl( key, [callback] )
Receive the ttl of a key. You will get:
if the key does not exist0
if this key has no ttl- a timestamp in ms until the key expires
List keys (KEYS)
myCache.keys( [callback] )
Returns an array of all existing keys.
Statistics (STATS):
Returns the statistics.
Flush all data (FLUSH):
Flush all data.
Close the cache:
This will clear the interval timeout which is set on check period option.
Fired when a key has been added or changed. You will get the key
and the value
as callback argument.
Fired when a key has been removed manually or due to expiry. You will get the key
and the deleted value
as callback arguments.
Fired when a key expires. You will get the key
and value
as callback argument.
Fired when the cache has been flushed.
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