  1. function (file, ignoreBlanks = TRUE, handlers = NULL, replaceEntities = FALSE,
  2. asText = FALSE, trim = TRUE, validate = FALSE, getDTD = TRUE,
  3. isURL = FALSE, asTree = FALSE, addAttributeNamespaces = FALSE,
  4. useInternalNodes = FALSE, isSchema = FALSE, fullNamespaceInfo = FALSE,
  5. encoding = character(), useDotNames = length(grep("^\\.",
  6. names(handlers)))>0, xinclude = TRUE, addFinalizer = TRUE,
  7. error = htmlErrorHandler, isHTML = TRUE, options = integer(),
  8. parentFirst = FALSE)
  9. {
  10. #asText=T则file作为XML文本处理
  11. isMissingAsText = missing(asText)
  12. #地址大于一个时要中止程序并抛出异常
  13. if(length(file)>1){
  14. file = paste(file, collapse ="\n")
  15. if(!missing(asText)&&!asText)
  16. stop(structure(list(message ="multiple URLs passed to xmlTreeParse. If this is the content of the file, specify asText = TRUE"),
  17. class= c("MultipleURLError","XMLParserError",
  18. "simpleError","error","condition")))
  19. asText = TRUE
  20. }
  21. #当isURL非空时且是XML的时候,才修改URL为数值型
  22. #比如这里isURL=1
  23. if(missing(isURL)&&!asText)
  24. isURL <- length(grep("^(http|ftp|file)://", file, useBytes = TRUE,
  25. perl = TRUE))
  26. #isHTML 默认为 TRUE
  27. if(isHTML){
  28. validate = FALSE
  29. getDTD = FALSE
  30. isSchema = FALSE
  31. docClass ="HTMLInternalDocument"
  32. }
  33. else docClass = character()
  34. #checkHandlerNames返回的是一个逻辑值,其作用是
  35. checkHandlerNames(handlers,"DOM")
  36. if(missing(fullNamespaceInfo)&& inherits(handlers,"RequiresNamespaceInfo"))
  37. fullNamespaceInfo = TRUE
  38. oldValidate = xmlValidity()
  39. xmlValidity(validate)
  40. on.exit(xmlValidity(oldValidate))
  41. if(!asText && isURL == FALSE){
  42. if(file.exists(file)== FALSE)
  43. if(!missing(asText)&& asText == FALSE){
  44. e = simpleError(paste("File", file,"does not exist"))
  45. class(e)= c("FileNotFound",class(e))
  46. stop(e)
  47. }
  48. else asText <- TRUE
  49. }
  50. if(asText && length(file)>1)
  51. file = paste(file, collapse ="\n")
  52. old = setEntitySubstitution(replaceEntities)
  53. on.exit(setEntitySubstitution(old), add = TRUE)
  54. if(asText && length(grep(sprintf("^%s?\\s*<",BOMRegExp),
  55. file, perl = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE))==0){
  56. if(!isHTML ||(isMissingAsText &&!inherits(file,"AsIs"))){
  57. e = simpleError(paste("XML content does not seem to be XML:",
  58. sQuote(file)))
  59. class(e)= c("XMLInputError",class(e))
  60. (if(isHTML)
  61. warning
  62. else stop)(e)
  63. }
  64. }
  65. if(!is.logical(xinclude)){
  66. xinclude =as.logical(xinclude)
  67. }
  68. if(!asText &&!isURL)
  69. file = path.expand(as.character(file))
  70. if(useInternalNodes && trim){
  71. prevBlanks =.Call("RS_XML_setKeepBlanksDefault",0L,
  72. PACKAGE ="XML")
  73. on.exit(.Call("RS_XML_setKeepBlanksDefault", prevBlanks,
  74. PACKAGE ="XML"), add = TRUE)
  75. }
  76. .oldErrorHandler = setXMLErrorHandler(error)
  77. on.exit(.Call("RS_XML_setStructuredErrorHandler",.oldErrorHandler,
  78. PACKAGE ="XML"), add = TRUE)
  79. if(length(options))
  80. options = sum(options)
  81. ans <-.Call("RS_XML_ParseTree",as.character(file), handlers,
  82. as.logical(ignoreBlanks),as.logical(replaceEntities),
  83. as.logical(asText),as.logical(trim),as.logical(validate),
  84. as.logical(getDTD),as.logical(isURL),as.logical(addAttributeNamespaces),
  85. as.logical(useInternalNodes),as.logical(isHTML),as.logical(isSchema),
  86. as.logical(fullNamespaceInfo),as.character(encoding),
  87. as.logical(useDotNames), xinclude, error, addFinalizer,
  88. as.integer(options),as.logical(parentFirst), PACKAGE ="XML")
  89. if(!missing(handlers)&& length(handlers)&&!as.logical(asTree))
  90. return(handlers)
  91. if(!isSchema && length(class(ans)))
  92. class(ans)= c(docClass, oldClass(class(ans)))
  93. if(inherits(ans,"XMLInternalDocument"))
  94. addDocFinalizer(ans, addFinalizer)
  95. elseif(!getDTD &&!isSchema){
  96. class(ans)= oldClass("XMLDocumentContent")
  97. }
  98. ans
  99. }
  100. <environment: namespace:XML>
我们看一下xmlTreeParse {XML}中对于该参数的描述:

Optional collection of functions(函数集) used to map the different XML nodes to R objects. Typically, this is a named list of functions, and a closure(闭包) can be used to provide local data. This provides a way of filtering the tree as it is being created in R, adding or removing nodes, and generally processing them as they are constructed in the C code.
In a recent addition to the package (version 0.99-8), if this is specified as a single function object, we call that function for each node (of any type) in the underlying DOM tree. It is invoked with(调用) the new node(新节点) and its parent node(父节点). This applies to regular nodes(普通节点) and also comments(注释), processing instructions, CDATA nodes, etc. So this function must be sufficiently general to handle them all.


this only applies when on passes a value for the handlers argument and is used then to determine whether the DOM tree should be returned or the handlers object.


a logical value indicating whether to use the newer format for identifying general element function handlers with the '.' prefix, e.g. .text, .comment, .startElement. If this is FALSE, then the older format text, comment, startElement, ... are used. This causes problems when there are indeed nodes named text or comment or startElement as a node-specific handler are confused with the corresponding general handler of the same name(如果函数名叫startElement,而有个节点(自定义标签吧),也交startElement就会让函数困惑滴). Using TRUE means that your list of handlers should have names that use the '.' prefix for these general element handlers. This is the preferred way to write new code.

useDotNames = length(grep("^\\.", names(handlers))) > 0

indicates whether the file argument refers to a URL (accessible via ftp or http) or a regular file on the system. If asText is TRUE, this should not be specified. The function attempts to determine whether the data source is a URL by using grep to look for http or ftp at the start of the string. The libxml parser handles the connection to servers, not the R facilities (e.g. scan).


The handlers argument is used similarly to those specified in xmlEventParse. When an XML tag (element) is processed, we look for a function in this collection with the same name as the tag's name. If this is not found, we look for one named startElement. If this is not found, we use the default built in converter(变换器). The same works for comments, entity references, cdata, processing instructions, etc. The default entries should be named comment, startElement, externalEntity, processingInstruction, text, cdata and namespace. All but the last should take the XMLnode as their first argument. In the future, other information may be passed via ..., for example, the depth in the tree, etc. Specifically, the second argument will be the parent node into which they are being added, but this is not currently implemented, so should have a default value (NULL).
  1. #test
  2. #导包
  3. library(XML)
  4. #链接
  5. url <-"http://www.r-datacollection.com/materials/html/fortunes.html"
  6. #handers函数
  7. h2 <- list(
  8. startElement = function(node,...){
  9. name <- xmlName(node)
  10. if(name %in% c("div","title")){NULL}else{node}
  11. },
  12. comment = function(node){NULL}
  13. )
  14. #正式开始,函数参数
  15. file=url
  16. ignoreBlanks = TRUE
  17. handlers = h2
  18. replaceEntities = FALSE
  19. asText = FALSE
  20. trim = TRUE
  21. validate = FALSE
  22. getDTD = TRUE
  23. isURL = FALSE
  24. asTree = TRUE
  25. addAttributeNamespaces = FALSE
  26. useInternalNodes = FALSE
  27. isSchema = FALSE
  28. fullNamespaceInfo = FALSE
  29. encoding = character()
  30. useDotNames = length(grep("^\\.", names(handlers)))>0
  31. xinclude = TRUE
  32. addFinalizer = TRUE
  33. error = XML:::htmlErrorHandler
  34. isHTML = TRUE
  35. options = integer()
  36. parentFirst = FALSE
  37. #函数体部分
  38. #asText参数没有传入
  39. #我们将其从missing(asText)改为TRUE
  40. isMissingAsText = TRUE
  41. #file的长度是否大于1,大于1如果asText未传入则要报错:传入了多个URL
  42. #不大于1,则跳过
  43. if(length(file)>1){
  44. file = paste(file, collapse ="\n")
  45. if(!missing(asText)&&!asText)
  46. stop(structure(list(message ="multiple URLs passed to xmlTreeParse. If this is the content of the file, specify asText = TRUE"),
  47. class= c("MultipleURLError","XMLParserError",
  48. "simpleError","error","condition")))
  49. asText = TRUE
  50. }
  51. # 本来是if (missing(isURL) && !asText)
  52. # 我们修改为if (TURE && !asText)
  53. #isURL参数没有传递且asText参数为假才执行
  54. if(TRUE &&!asText)
  55. isURL <- length(grep("^(http|ftp|file)://", file, useBytes = TRUE,
  56. perl = TRUE))
  57. #只要有http|ftp|file中的一个协议开头,比如http://,就是URL了。
  58. # 此时isURL=1
  59. #是否为HTML,是的
  60. if(isHTML){
  61. validate = FALSE
  62. getDTD = FALSE #从默认值T改为了F
  63. isSchema = FALSE
  64. docClass ="HTMLInternalDocument"
  65. }else{docClass = character()}#否则创建空的
  66. # class(docClass)
  67. #返回TRUE通过检验了,否则函数会中止并抛出异常
  68. XML:::checkHandlerNames(handlers,"DOM")
  69. #fullNamespaceInfo参数whether to provide the namespace URI and prefix on each node
  70. #其实就是是否在节点面前带上URI信息
  71. #fullNamespaceInfo为空且handlers含有该属性,才执行这一步
  72. #missing(fullNamespaceInfo)被替换为TRUE
  73. #handlers并没有RequiresNamespaceInfo属性,所以不执行
  74. if( TRUE && inherits(handlers,"RequiresNamespaceInfo"))
  75. fullNamespaceInfo = TRUE
  76. #以下两行的结果都是integer(0)
  77. #奇妙~,先保存原有的配置
  78. oldValidate = XML:::xmlValidity()
  79. #当前的配置
  80. XML:::xmlValidity(validate)
  81. #还原原来的配置
  82. on.exit(XML:::xmlValidity(oldValidate))
  83. #asText为假,且isURL是假的
  84. #结果为TFALSE,我们不必管他
  85. if(!asText && isURL == FALSE){
  86. if(file.exists(file)== FALSE)
  87. #如果本地文件不存在
  88. if(!missing(asText)&& asText == FALSE){
  89. #抛出异常,文件不存在
  90. e = simpleError(paste("File", file,"does not exist"))
  91. class(e)= c("FileNotFound",class(e))
  92. stop(e)
  93. }
  94. else asText <- TRUE
  95. }
  96. #此时asText是FALSE,这个跟我们无关
  97. if(asText && length(file)>1)
  98. file = paste(file, collapse ="\n")
  99. #replaceEntities的默认值是FALSE
  100. old = XML:::setEntitySubstitution(replaceEntities)
  101. #old的值是FALSE
  102. on.exit(XML:::setEntitySubstitution(old), add = TRUE)
  103. #BOMRegExp是一个内置的常量吧
  104. #看名字应该是基于BOM的正则表达式
  105. #因为是FALSE,所以我们也先不去管它
  106. if(asText && length(grep(
  107. sprintf("^%s?\\s*<", XML:::BOMRegExp),
  108. file, perl = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE
  109. )
  110. )==0)
  111. {
  112. if(!isHTML ||(isMissingAsText &&!inherits(file,"AsIs"))){
  113. e = simpleError(paste("XML content does not seem to be XML:",
  114. sQuote(file)))
  115. class(e)= c("XMLInputError",class(e))
  116. (if(isHTML)
  117. warning
  118. else stop)(e)
  119. }
  120. }
  121. #xinclude默认值是TRUE
  122. #以下三个if都是F,所以不管了
  123. if(!is.logical(xinclude)){
  124. xinclude =as.logical(xinclude)
  125. }
  126. if(!asText &&!isURL)
  127. file = path.expand(as.character(file))
  128. if(useInternalNodes && trim){
  129. prevBlanks =.Call("RS_XML_setKeepBlanksDefault",0L,
  130. PACKAGE ="XML")
  131. on.exit(.Call("RS_XML_setKeepBlanksDefault", prevBlanks,
  132. PACKAGE ="XML"), add = TRUE)
  133. }
  134. .oldErrorHandler = XML:::setXMLErrorHandler(error)
  135. #所以,这种点开头的命名是什么鬼?
  136. # class(.oldErrorHandler)
  137. # [1] "list"
  138. on.exit(.Call("RS_XML_setStructuredErrorHandler",.oldErrorHandler,
  139. PACKAGE ="XML"), add = TRUE)
  140. # length(options)是0,所以不执行
  141. if(length(options))
  142. options = sum(options)
  143. #调用一个叫做RS_XML_ParseTree的函数
  144. getAnywhere("RS_XML_ParseTree")
  145. ans <-.Call("RS_XML_ParseTree",as.character(file), handlers,
  146. as.logical(ignoreBlanks),as.logical(replaceEntities),
  147. as.logical(asText),as.logical(trim),as.logical(validate),
  148. as.logical(getDTD),as.logical(isURL),as.logical(addAttributeNamespaces),
  149. as.logical(useInternalNodes),as.logical(isHTML),as.logical(isSchema),
  150. as.logical(fullNamespaceInfo),as.character(encoding),
  151. as.logical(useDotNames), xinclude, error, addFinalizer,
  152. as.integer(options),as.logical(parentFirst), PACKAGE ="XML")
  153. print(ans)
  154. print("-------我是可爱的分割线------------------")
  155. #这里的missing(handlers)我们就不改了哈
  156. #毕竟只要有默认值,他都觉得是TRUE
  157. #和我们的确传递了处理函数的效果TRUE是一样的
  158. if(!missing(handlers)&& length(handlers)&&!as.logical(asTree))
  159. return("呵呵")
  160. if(!isSchema && length(class(ans)))
  161. class(ans)= c(docClass, oldClass(class(ans)))
  162. if(inherits(ans,"XMLInternalDocument")){
  163. addDocFinalizer(ans, addFinalizer)
  164. }elseif(!getDTD &&!isSchema){
  165. print("看我的类型")
  166. print(class(ans))
  167. class(ans)= oldClass("XMLDocumentContent")
  168. print(class(ans))
  169. }
  170. print("看条件判断的逻辑值")
  171. print("1")
  172. print(!missing(handlers)&& length(handlers)&&!as.logical(asTree))
  173. print("2")
  174. print(!isSchema && length(class(ans)))
  175. print("3")
  176. print(inherits(ans,"XMLInternalDocument"))
  177. print("4")
  178. print(!getDTD &&!isSchema)
  179. print(class(ans))
  180. ans
  1. #例子1
  2. testMissing<-function(a=TRUE,b=FALSE){
  3. if(missing(b))
  4. return("b is missing")
  5. else"b is here "+b
  6. }
  7. testMissing(F)
  8. # [1] "b is missing"
  9. #例子2
  10. if(missing(b))
  11. return("b is missing")
  12. # Error in missing(b) : 'missing' can only be used for arguments
  13. #例子3
  14. b=NULL
  15. if(missing(b))
  16. return("b is missing")
  17. #没有输出
注释2 关于if-else语句中else语句的花括号问题
  1. if(isHTML){
  2.     validate = FALSE
  3.     getDTD = FALSE  #从默认值T改为了F
  4.     isSchema = FALSE
  5.     docClass ="HTMLInternalDocument"
  6.   }else{docClass = character()}#否则创建空的
  1. }else docClass = character()
  1. function(){
  2. if(isHTML){
  3. validate = FALSE
  4. getDTD = FALSE #从默认值T改为了F
  5. isSchema = FALSE
  6. docClass ="HTMLInternalDocument"
  7. }
  8. else docClass = character()#否则创建空的
  9. }
Error: unexpected 'else' in "  else"
注释3.1:checkHandlerNames(handlers, "DOM")函数
我们可以在最后一行可以看到:<environment: namespace:XML>
  1. function (handlers, id ="SAX") 
  2. {
  3.     if(is.null(handlers))                 #为空,则返回TRUE
  4.         return(TRUE)
  5.     ids = names(handlers)           #取出handlers中的函数名
  6.     i = match(ids,GeneralHandlerNames)  #匹配,返回逻辑值向量
  7.     prob = any(!is.na(i))#任一个回空才是TRUE
  8.     if(prob){
  9.         warning("future versions of the XML package will require names of general handler functions 
  10. to be prefixed by a . to distinguish them from handlers for nodes with those names.  This _may_ affect the ", 
  11.             paste(names(handlers)[!is.na(i)], collapse =", "))
  12.     }
  13.     #任意一个handler中的函数不是函数类型,则抛出异常
  14.     if(any(w <-!sapply(handlers,is.function))) 
  15.         warning("some handlers are not functions: ", paste(names(handlers[w]), 
  16.             collapse =", "))
  17.     #返回TRUE,后续代码继续运行
  18.     !prob
  19. }
  20. <environment: namespace:XML>


  1. > XML:::GeneralHandlerNames
  2. $SAX
  3. [1]"text"                  "startElement"         
  4. [3]"endElement"            "comment"              
  5. [5]"startDocument"         "endDocument"          
  6. [7]"processingInstruction""entityDeclaration"    
  7. [9]"externalEntity"       
  8. $DOM
  9. [1]"text"                  "startElement"         
  10. [3]"comment"               "entity"               
  11. [5]"cdata"                 "processingInstruction"


  1. > h2 <- list(
  2. +   startElement = function(node,...){
  3. +     name <- xmlName(node)
  4. +     if(name %in% c("div","title")){NULL}else{node}
  5. +   },
  6. +   comment = function(node){NULL}
  7. +)
  8. > handlers<-h2
  9. > ids = names(handlers)   
  10. > ids
  11. [1]"startElement""comment"     
  12. > i = match(ids, XML:::GeneralHandlerNames)
  13. > i
  14. [1] NA NA
  15. >?match
  16. starting httpd help server ... done
  17. >!is.na(i)#如果i中有NA,则返回F,没有NA则返回T
  18. [1] FALSE FALSE
  19. > prob = any(!is.na(i))#当i中的任意一个元素都不是NA的时候,prob才返回T
  20. > prob
  21. [1] FALSE

match returns a vector of the positions of (first) matches of its first argument in its second.

  1. > testMatch<-c("a","c")
  2. > testSet <- c('a','b','c')
  3. > match(testMatch,testSet)
  4. [1]13
future versions of the XML package will require names of general handler functions 
to be prefixed by a . to distinguish them from handlers for nodes with those names.  This _may_ affect the
inherits indicates whether its first argument inherits from any of the classes specified in the what argument. If which is TRUE then an integer vector of the same length as what is returned. Each element indicates the position in the class(x) matched by the element of what; zero indicates no match. If which is FALSE then TRUE is returned by inherits if any of the names in what match with any class.
what, value
   a character vector naming classes. value can also be NULL.  
如果which为真,则inherits 返回一个同what一样长度的整型向量,每一个元素表示该位置的元素匹配了what的类型,如果数字是0,则表示不匹配
如果which为假,则当what中任意一个名字匹配了类型时,inherits 返回真
  1. x <-10
  2. class(x)# "numeric"
  3. oldClass(x)# NULL
  4. #看了下文档,我个人觉得oldClass是S语言的余毒啊!!!
  5. inherits(x,"a")#FALSE
  7. class(x)<- c("a","b")
  8. # x
  9. # [1] 10
  10. # attr(,"class")
  11. # [1] "a" "b"
  12. #即,x为10这个变量被赋予了两个class,分别名为"a"和 "b"
  13. inherits(x,"a")#TRUE
  14. inherits(x,"a", TRUE)# 1
  15. inherits(x, c("a","b","c"), TRUE)# 1 2 0
  1.   #以下两行的结果都是integer(0)
  2.   #奇妙~,先保存原有的配置
  3.   oldValidate = XML:::xmlValidity()
  4.   #使用当前的配置
  5.   XML:::xmlValidity(validate)
  6.   #还原
  7.   on.exit(XML:::xmlValidity(oldValidate))
  1. > XML:::xmlValidity()
  2. integer(0)
  3. > getAnywhere(xmlValidity)
  4. A single object matching ‘xmlValidity’ was found
  5. It was found in the following places
  6.   namespace:XML
  7. with value
  8. function (val = integer(0)) 
  9. {
  10.     .Call("RS_XML_getDefaultValiditySetting",as.integer(val), 
  11.         PACKAGE ="XML")
  12. }
  13. <environment: namespace:XML>

on.exit records the expression given as its argument as needing to be executed when the current function exits (either naturally or as the result of an error). This is useful for resetting graphical parameters or performing other cleanup actions.

  1. > opar <- par(bg='lightblue')
  2. > on.exit(par(opar))
  3. > plot(c(1,2,3),c(4,5,6))#蓝色背景
  4. > plot(c(1,2,3,4,5),runif(5))#蓝色背景
  5. #此时关闭绘图窗口
  6. > plot(c(1,2,3,4,5),rnorm(5))
  7. #白色背景
  1. plot_with_big_margins <- function(...)
  2. {
  3.   old_pars <- par(mar = c(10,9,9,7))  
  4.   on.exit(par(old_pars))
  5.   plot(...)
  6. }
  7. plot_with_big_margins(with(cars, speed, dist))
  9. #不关闭图像窗口,此时再运行如下语句
  10. plot(c(1,2,3),c(4,5,6))
  13. 对比
  16. plot_with_big_margins <- function(...)
  17. {
  18.   par(mar = c(10,9,9,7))  
  19.   plot(...)
  20. }
  21. plot_with_big_margins(with(cars, speed, dist))
  24. #不关闭图像窗口,此时再运行:
  25. plot(c(1,2,3),c(4,5,6))
  1. old_pars <- par(mar = c(10,9,9,7))  
  2. on.exit(par(old_pars))


  1. > old_pars <- par(mar = c(10,9,9,7))
  2. > old_pars
  3. $mar
  5. [1]
  6. > op <- options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  7. > op
  8. $stringsAsFactors
  9. [1] TRUE
  1. par() #得到的mar是5.
  2. plot_with_big_margins <- function(...)
  3. {
  4. old_pars <- par(mar = c(10,9,9,7)) #原参数被保存,新参数设置生效
  6. print(par()) ,9,9,7
  8. on.exit(par(old_pars)) #参数被还原为原来的参数
  9. plot(...)
  10. }
  11. plot_with_big_margins(with(cars, speed, dist))
  13. par() #得到的mar是5.
  1. my_plot <- function()
  2. {
  3.   with(cars, plot(speed, dist))
  4. }
  5. save_base_plot <- function(plot_fn, file)
  6. {
  7.   png(file)
  8.   on.exit(dev.off())
  9.   plot_fn()
  10. }
  11. save_base_plot(my_plot,"testcars.png")
  1.   #replaceEntities的默认值是FALSE
  2.   old = XML:::setEntitySubstitution(replaceEntities)
  3.   #old的值是FALSE
  4.   on.exit(XML:::setEntitySubstitution(old), add = TRUE)


  1. > XML:::setEntitySubstitution
  2. function (val) 
  3. .Call("RS_XML_SubstituteEntitiesDefault",as.logical(val), PACKAGE ="XML")
  4. <environment: namespace:XML>
  1. .oldErrorHandler = XML:::setXMLErrorHandler(error)
  2.   #所以,这种点开头的命名是什么鬼?
  3.   # class(.oldErrorHandler)
  4.   # [1] "list"
  5.   on.exit(.Call("RS_XML_setStructuredErrorHandler",.oldErrorHandler, 
  6.                 PACKAGE ="XML"), add = TRUE)
  9. > XML:::htmlErrorHandler
  10. function (msg, code, domain, line, col, level, filename,class="XMLError") 
  11. {
  12.     e = makeXMLError(msg, code, domain, line, col, level, filename, 
  13.         class)
  14.     dom = names(e$domain)
  15.     class(e)= c(names(e$code), sprintf("%s_Error", gsub("_FROM_", 
  16.         "_", dom)),class(e))
  17.     if(e$code == xmlParserErrors["XML_IO_LOAD_ERROR"]) 
  18.         stop(e)
  19. }
  20. <environment: namespace:XML>
  23. > XML:::setXMLErrorHandler
  24. function (fun) 
  25. {
  26.     prev =.Call("RS_XML_getStructuredErrorHandler", PACKAGE ="XML")
  27.     sym = getNativeSymbolInfo("R_xmlStructuredErrorHandler", 
  28.         "XML")$address
  29.     .Call("RS_XML_setStructuredErrorHandler", list(fun, sym), 
  30.         PACKAGE ="XML")
  31.     prev
  32. }
  33. <environment: namespace:XML>
  1. > getAnywhere(BOMRegExp)
  2. A single object matching ‘BOMRegExp’ was found
  3. It was found in the following places
  4.   namespace:XML
  5. with value
  6. [1]"(\\xEF\\xBB\\xBF|\\xFE\\xFF|\\xFF\\xFE)"
 sprintf("^%s?\\s*<", BOMRegExp)是C语言中的打印语句,被包装后用到R里面了,%s代表BOMRegExp的内容。
ans <- .Call("RS_XML_ParseTree", as.character(file), handlers, 
               as.logical(ignoreBlanks), as.logical(replaceEntities), 
               as.logical(asText), as.logical(trim), as.logical(validate), 
               as.logical(getDTD), as.logical(isURL), as.logical(addAttributeNamespaces), 
               as.logical(useInternalNodes), as.logical(isHTML), as.logical(isSchema), 
               as.logical(fullNamespaceInfo), as.character(encoding), 
               as.logical(useDotNames), xinclude, error, addFinalizer, 
               as.integer(options), as.logical(parentFirst), PACKAGE = "XML")
主要是community wiki的答案
 《R news article》P43
  1. untar(download.packages(pkgs ="XML",
  2.                         destdir =".",
  3.                         type ="source")[,2])




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