
· Decorator

· What is the Decorator Design Pattern?

· Sample Code

· Adapter

· What is the Adapter Design Pattern?

· Sample Code

· Facade

· What is the Facade Design Pattern?

· Sample Code

· Bridge

· What is the Bridge Design Pattern?

· When to use the Bridge Design Pattern?

· Sample Code

· Flyweight

· What is the Flyweight Design Pattern?

· Sample Code

· Proxy

· What is the Proxy Design Pattern?

· Sample Code


What is the Decorator Design Pattern?

• The Decorator allows you to modify an object dynamically.

• You would use it when you want the capabilities of inheritance with subclasses, but you need to add functionality at run time.

• It is more flexible than inheritance.

• Simplifies code because you add functionality using many simple classes.

• Rather than rewrite old code you can extend with new code.

Sample Code

• Pizza.java

 // Blueprint for classes that will have decorators

 public interface Pizza {

     public String getDescription();

     public double getCost();


public abstract class Pizza{ public abstract void setDescription(String newDescription);
public abstract String getDescription(); public abstract void setCost(double newCost);
public abstract double getCost(); // I could use getter and setter methods for every
// potential Pizza topping }

• ThreeCheesePizza.java

 // By going this route I'll have to create a new subclass
// for an infinite number of pizza.
// I'd also have to change prices in many classes
// when just 1 Pizza topping cost changes // Inheritance is static while composition is dynamic
// Through composition I'll be able to add new functionality
// by writing new code rather than by changing current code public class ThreeCheesePizza extends Pizza{ private String description = "Mozzarella, Fontina, Parmesan Cheese Pizza";
private double cost = 10.50; public void setDescription(String newDescription) { description = newDescription; } public String getDescription() { return description; } public void setCost(double newCost) { cost = newCost; } public double getCost() { return cost; }

• PlainPizza.java

 // Implements the Pizza interface with only the required
// methods from the interface // Every Pizza made will start as a PlainPizza public class PlainPizza implements Pizza { public String getDescription() { return "Thin dough"; } public double getCost() { System.out.println("Cost of Dough: " + 4.00); return 4.00; } }

• ToppingDecorator.java

 // Has a "Has a" relationship with Pizza. This is an
// Aggregation Relationship abstract class ToppingDecorator implements Pizza { protected Pizza tempPizza; // Assigns the type instance to this attribute
// of a Pizza // All decorators can dynamically customize the Pizza
// instance PlainPizza because of this public ToppingDecorator(Pizza newPizza){ tempPizza = newPizza; } public String getDescription() { return tempPizza.getDescription(); } public double getCost() { return tempPizza.getCost(); } }

• Mozzarella.java

 public class Mozzarella extends ToppingDecorator {

     public Mozzarella(Pizza newPizza) {


         System.out.println("Adding Dough");

         System.out.println("Adding Moz");
} // Returns the result of calling getDescription() for
// PlainPizza and adds " mozzarella" to it public String getDescription(){ return tempPizza.getDescription() + ", mozzarella"; } public double getCost(){ System.out.println("Cost of Moz: " + .50); return tempPizza.getCost() + .50; } }

• TomatoSauce.java

 public class TomatoSauce extends ToppingDecorator {

     public TomatoSauce(Pizza newPizza) {
super(newPizza); System.out.println("Adding Sauce");
} // Returns the result of calling getDescription() for
// PlainPizza, Mozzarella and then TomatoSauce public String getDescription(){ return tempPizza.getDescription() + ", tomato sauce"; } public double getCost(){ System.out.println("Cost of Sauce: " + .35); return tempPizza.getCost() + .35; } }

• PizzaMaker.java

 public class PizzaMaker {

     public static void main(String[] args){

         // The PlainPizza object is sent to the Mozzarella constructor
// and then to the TomatoSauce constructor Pizza basicPizza = new TomatoSauce(new Mozzarella(new PlainPizza())); System.out.println("Ingredients: " + basicPizza.getDescription()); System.out.println("Price: " + basicPizza.getCost()); } }


What is the Adapter Design Pattern?

• Allows 2 incompatible interfaces to work together.

• Used when the client expects a (target) interface.

• The Adapter class allows the use of the available interface and the Target interface.

• Any class can work together as long as the Adapter solves the issue that all classes must implement every method defined by the shared interface.

Sample Code

• EnemyAttacker.java

 // This is the Target Interface : This is what the client
// expects to work with. It is the adapters job to make new
// classes compatible with this one. public interface EnemyAttacker { public void fireWeapon(); public void driveForward(); public void assignDriver(String driverName); }

• EnemyTank.java

 // EnemyTank implements EnemyAttacker perfectly
// Our job is to make classes with different methods
// from EnemyAttacker to work with the EnemyAttacker interface import java.util.Random; public class EnemyTank implements EnemyAttacker{ Random generator = new Random(); public void fireWeapon() { int attackDamage = generator.nextInt(10) + 1; System.out.println("Enemy Tank Does " + attackDamage + " Damage"); } public void driveForward() { int movement = generator.nextInt(5) + 1; System.out.println("Enemy Tank moves " + movement + " spaces"); } public void assignDriver(String driverName) { System.out.println(driverName + " is driving the tank"); } }

• EnemyRobot.java

 // This is the Adaptee. The Adapter sends method calls
// to objects that use the EnemyAttacker interface
// to the right methods defined in EnemyRobot import java.util.Random; public class EnemyRobot{ Random generator = new Random(); public void smashWithHands() { int attackDamage = generator.nextInt(10) + 1; System.out.println("Enemy Robot Causes " + attackDamage + " Damage With Its Hands"); } public void walkForward() { int movement = generator.nextInt(5) + 1; System.out.println("Enemy Robot Walks Forward " + movement + " spaces"); } public void reactToHuman(String driverName) { System.out.println("Enemy Robot Tramps on " + driverName); } }

• EnemyRobotAdapter.java

 // The Adapter must provide an alternative action for
// the the methods that need to be used because
// EnemyAttacker was implemented. // This adapter does this by containing an object
// of the same type as the Adaptee (EnemyRobot)
// All calls to EnemyAttacker methods are sent
// instead to methods used by EnemyRobot public class EnemyRobotAdapter implements EnemyAttacker{ EnemyRobot theRobot; public EnemyRobotAdapter(EnemyRobot newRobot){ theRobot = newRobot; } public void fireWeapon() { theRobot.smashWithHands(); } public void driveForward() { theRobot.walkForward(); } public void assignDriver(String driverName) { theRobot.reactToHuman(driverName); } }

• TestEnemyAttackers.java

 public class TestEnemyAttackers{

     public static void main(String[] args){

         EnemyTank rx7Tank = new EnemyTank();

         EnemyRobot fredTheRobot = new EnemyRobot();

         EnemyAttacker robotAdapter = new EnemyRobotAdapter(fredTheRobot);

         System.out.println("The Robot");

System.out.println(); System.out.println("The Enemy Tank"); rx7Tank.assignDriver("Frank");
System.out.println(); System.out.println("The Robot with Adapter"); robotAdapter.assignDriver("Mark");
robotAdapter.fireWeapon(); } }


What is the Facade Design Pattern?

• When you create a simplified interface that performs many other actions behind the scenes.

• Can I withdrawal $50 from the bank?

• Check if the checking account is valid.

• Check if the security code is valid.

• Check if funds are available.

• Make changes accordingly.

Sample Code

• WelcomeToBank.java

 public class WelcomeToBank{

     public WelcomeToBank() {

         System.out.println("Welcome to ABC Bank");
System.out.println("We are happy to give you your money if we can find it\n"); } }

• AccountNumberCheck.java

 public class AccountNumberCheck{

     private int accountNumber = 12345678;

     public int getAccountNumber() { return accountNumber; }

     public boolean accountActive(int acctNumToCheck){

         if(acctNumToCheck == getAccountNumber()) {

             return true;

         } else {

             return false;




• SecurityCodeCheck.java

 public class SecurityCodeCheck {

     private int securityCode = 1234;

     public int getSecurityCode() { return securityCode; }

     public boolean isCodeCorrect(int secCodeToCheck){

         if(secCodeToCheck == getSecurityCode()) {

             return true;

         } else {

             return false;




• FundsCheck.java

 public class FundsCheck {

     private double cashInAccount = 1000.00;

     public double getCashInAccount() { return cashInAccount; }

     public void decreaseCashInAccount(double cashWithdrawn) { cashInAccount -= cashWithdrawn; }

     public void increaseCashInAccount(double cashDeposited) { cashInAccount += cashDeposited; }

     public boolean haveEnoughMoney(double cashToWithdrawal) {

         if(cashToWithdrawal > getCashInAccount()) {

             System.out.println("Error: You don't have enough money");
System.out.println("Current Balance: " + getCashInAccount()); return false; } else { decreaseCashInAccount(cashToWithdrawal); System.out.println("Withdrawal Complete: Current Balance is " + getCashInAccount()); return true; } } public void makeDeposit(double cashToDeposit) { increaseCashInAccount(cashToDeposit); System.out.println("Deposit Complete: Current Balance is " + getCashInAccount()); } }

• BankAccountFacade.java

 // The Facade Design Pattern decouples or separates the client
// from all of the sub components // The Facades aim is to simplify interfaces so you don't have
// to worry about what is going on under the hood public class BankAccountFacade { private int accountNumber;
private int securityCode; AccountNumberCheck acctChecker;
SecurityCodeCheck codeChecker;
FundsCheck fundChecker; WelcomeToBank bankWelcome; public BankAccountFacade(int newAcctNum, int newSecCode){ accountNumber = newAcctNum;
securityCode = newSecCode; bankWelcome = new WelcomeToBank(); acctChecker = new AccountNumberCheck();
codeChecker = new SecurityCodeCheck();
fundChecker = new FundsCheck(); } public int getAccountNumber() { return accountNumber; } public int getSecurityCode() { return securityCode; } public void withdrawCash(double cashToGet){ if(acctChecker.accountActive(getAccountNumber()) &&
codeChecker.isCodeCorrect(getSecurityCode()) &&
fundChecker.haveEnoughMoney(cashToGet)) { System.out.println("Transaction Complete\n"); } else { System.out.println("Transaction Failed\n"); } } public void depositCash(double cashToDeposit){ if(acctChecker.accountActive(getAccountNumber()) &&
codeChecker.isCodeCorrect(getSecurityCode())) { fundChecker.makeDeposit(cashToDeposit); System.out.println("Transaction Complete\n"); } else { System.out.println("Transaction Failed\n"); } } }

• TestBankAccount.java

 public class TestBankAccount {

     public static void main(String[] args){

         BankAccountFacade accessingBank = new BankAccountFacade(12345678, 1234);






What is the Bridge Design Pattern?

• Decouple an abstraction from its implementation so that the two can vary independently.

• The Bridge Design Pattern is very poorly explained.

• Everyone seems to explain it differently.

• Progressively adding functionality while separating out major differences using abstract classes.

When to use the Bridge Design Pattern?

• When you want to be able to change both the abstractions (abstract classes) and concrete classes independently.

• When you want the first abstract class to define rules (Abstract TV).

• The concrete class adds additional rules (Concrete TV).

• An abstract class has a reference to the device and it defines abstract methods that will be defined (Abstract Remote).

• The Concrete Remote defines the abstract methods required.

Sample Code

• EntertainmentDevice.java

 // Implementor
// With the Bridge Design Pattern you create 2 layers of abstraction
// In this example I'll have an abstract class representing
// different types of devices. I also have an abstract class
// that will represent different types of remote controls // This allows me to use an infinite variety of devices and remotes abstract class EntertainmentDevice { public int deviceState; public int maxSetting; public int volumeLevel = 0; public abstract void buttonFivePressed(); public abstract void buttonSixPressed(); public void deviceFeedback() { if(deviceState > maxSetting || deviceState < 0) { deviceState = 0; } System.out.println("On Channel " + deviceState); } public void buttonSevenPressed() { volumeLevel++; System.out.println("Volume at: " + volumeLevel); } public void buttonEightPressed() { volumeLevel--; System.out.println("Volume at: " + volumeLevel); } }

• TVDevice.java

 // Concrete Implementor

 // Here is an implementation of the EntertainmentDevice
// abstract class. I'm specifying what makes it different
// from other devices public class TVDevice extends EntertainmentDevice { public TVDevice(int newDeviceState, int newMaxSetting){ deviceState = newDeviceState; maxSetting = newMaxSetting; } public void buttonFivePressed() { System.out.println("Channel Down"); deviceState--; } public void buttonSixPressed() { System.out.println("Channel Up"); deviceState++; } }

• RemoteButton.java

 // Abstraction

 // This is an abstract class that will represent numerous
// ways to work with each device public abstract class RemoteButton{ // A reference to a generic device using aggregation private EntertainmentDevice theDevice; public RemoteButton(EntertainmentDevice newDevice){ theDevice = newDevice; } public void buttonFivePressed() { theDevice.buttonFivePressed(); } public void buttonSixPressed() { theDevice.buttonSixPressed(); } public void deviceFeedback(){ theDevice.deviceFeedback(); } public abstract void buttonNinePressed(); }

• TVRemoteMute.java

 // Refined Abstraction

 // If I decide I want to further extend the remote I can

 public class TVRemoteMute extends RemoteButton{

     public TVRemoteMute(EntertainmentDevice newDevice) {
} public void buttonNinePressed() { System.out.println("TV was Muted"); } }

• TVRemotePause.java

 // Refined Abstraction

 // If I decide I want to further extend the remote I can

 public class TVRemotePause extends RemoteButton{

     public TVRemotePause(EntertainmentDevice newDevice) {
} public void buttonNinePressed() { System.out.println("TV was Paused"); } }

• TestTheRemote.java

 public class TestTheRemote{

     public static void main(String[] args){

         RemoteButton theTV = new TVRemoteMute(new TVDevice(1, 200));

         RemoteButton theTV2 = new TVRemotePause(new TVDevice(1, 200));

         // HOMEWORK --------------

         RemoteButton theDVD = new DVDRemote(new DVDDevice(1,14));

         // -----------------------

         System.out.println("Test TV with Mute");

theTV.buttonNinePressed(); System.out.println("\nTest TV with Pause"); theTV2.buttonFivePressed();
theTV2.deviceFeedback(); // HOMEWORK System.out.println("\nTest DVD"); theDVD.buttonFivePressed();
theDVD.buttonNinePressed(); } }


What is the Flyweight Design Pattern?

• Used when you need to create a large number of similar objects.

• To reduce memory usage you share objects that are similar in some way rather than creating new ones.

• Intrinsic State: Color.

• Extrinsic State: Size.

Sample Code

• FlyWeightTest.java

 // The Flyweight design pattern is used when you need to
// create a large number of similar objects // To reduce memory this pattern shares Objects that are
// the same rather than creating new ones import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.util.Random; public class FlyWeightTest extends JFrame{ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; JButton startDrawing; int windowWidth = 1750;
int windowHeight = 1000; // A new rectangle is created only if a new color is needed Color[] shapeColor = {Color.orange, Color.red, Color.yellow,
Color.blue, Color.pink, Color.cyan, Color.magenta,
Color.black, Color.gray}; public static void main(String[] args){ new FlyWeightTest(); } public FlyWeightTest(){ // Create the frame, position it and handle closing it this.setSize(windowWidth,windowHeight);
this.setTitle("Flyweight Test"); JPanel contentPane = new JPanel(); contentPane.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); final JPanel drawingPanel = new JPanel(); startDrawing = new JButton("Button 1"); contentPane.add(drawingPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER); contentPane.add(startDrawing, BorderLayout.SOUTH); startDrawing.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {
Graphics g = drawingPanel.getGraphics(); long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); for(int i=0; i < 100000; ++i) { //
// Uses rectangles stored in the HashMap to
// speed up the program MyRect rect = RectFactory.getRect(getRandColor());
rect.draw(g, getRandX(), getRandY(),
getRandX(), getRandY()); //
MyRect rect = new MyRect(getRandColor(), getRandX(), getRandY(), getRandX(), getRandY());
*/ //
g.fillRect(getRandX(), getRandY(), getRandX(), getRandY());
*/ } long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println("That took " + (endTime - startTime) + " milliseconds"); }
}); this.add(contentPane); this.setVisible(true); } // Picks random x & y coordinates private int getRandX(){ return (int)(Math.random()*windowWidth); } private int getRandY(){ return (int)(Math.random()*windowHeight); } // Picks a random Color from the 9 available private Color getRandColor(){
Random randomGenerator = new Random(); int randInt = randomGenerator.nextInt(9); return shapeColor[randInt]; } }

• MyRect.java

 import java.awt.*;
public class MyRect {
private Color color = Color.black;
private int x, y, x2, y2; public MyRect(Color color) { this.color = color; } public void draw(Graphics g, int upperX, int upperY, int lowerX, int lowerY) {
g.fillRect(upperX, upperY, lowerX, lowerY);
} /* Original forces creation of a rectangle every time public MyRect(Color color, int upperX, int upperY, int lowerX, int lowerY) {
this.color = color;
this.x = upperX;
this.y = upperY;
this.x2 = lowerX;
this.y2 = lowerY;
} public void draw(Graphics g) {
g.fillRect(x, y, x2, y2);

• RectFactory.java

 // This factory only creates a new rectangle if it
// uses a color not previously used // Intrinsic State: Color
// Extrinsic State: X & Y Values import java.util.HashMap;
import java.awt.Color;
public class RectFactory { // The HashMap uses the color as the key for every
// rectangle it will make up to 8 total private static final HashMap<Color, MyRect> rectsByColor = new HashMap<Color, MyRect>(); public static MyRect getRect(Color color) {
MyRect rect = (MyRect)rectsByColor.get(color); // Checks if a rectangle with a specific
// color has been made. If not it makes a
// new one, otherwise it returns one made already if(rect == null) {
rect = new MyRect(color); // Add new rectangle to HashMap rectsByColor.put(color, rect); }
return rect;


What is the Proxy Design Pattern?

• Provide a class which will limit access to another class.

• You may do this for security reasons, because an Object is intensive to create, or is accessed from a remote location.

Sample Code

• ATMMachine.java

 public class ATMMachine implements GetATMData{

     public ATMState getYesCardState() { return hasCard; }
public ATMState getNoCardState() { return noCard; }
public ATMState getHasPin() { return hasCorrectPin; }
public ATMState getNoCashState() { return atmOutOfMoney; } // NEW STUFF public ATMState getATMState() { return atmState; }
public int getCashInMachine() { return cashInMachine; }

• GetATMData.java

 // This interface will contain just those methods
// that you want the proxy to provide access to public interface GetATMData {
public ATMState getATMState();
public int getCashInMachine();

• ATMProxy.java

 // In this situation the proxy both creates and destroys
// an ATMMachine Object public class ATMProxy implements GetATMData { // Allows the user to access getATMState in the
// Object ATMMachine public ATMState getATMState() { ATMMachine realATMMachine = new ATMMachine(); return realATMMachine.getATMState();
} // Allows the user to access getCashInMachine
// in the Object ATMMachine public int getCashInMachine() { ATMMachine realATMMachine = new ATMMachine(); return realATMMachine.getCashInMachine(); } }

• TestATMMachine.java

 public class TestATMMachine {

     public static void main(String[] args){

         ATMMachine atmMachine = new ATMMachine();








         // NEW STUFF : Proxy Design Pattern Code
// The interface limits access to just the methods you want
// made accessible GetATMData realATMMachine = new ATMMachine(); GetATMData atmProxy = new ATMProxy(); System.out.println("\nCurrent ATM State " + atmProxy.getATMState()); System.out.println("\nCash in ATM Machine $" + atmProxy.getCashInMachine()); // The user can't perform this action because ATMProxy doesn't
// have access to that potentially harmful method
// atmProxy.setCashInMachine(10000); } }

• ATMState.java

 public interface ATMState {

     void insertCard();
void ejectCard();
void insertPin(int pinEntered);
void requestCash(int cashToWithdraw); }


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    1. 编程创建一个Box类(长方体),在Box类中定义三个变量,分别表示长方体的长(length).宽(width)和高(heigth),再定义一个方法void setBox(int l, int w ...

  6. PMP:3.项目经理角色

    成员角色:整合指挥者 在团队中的职责:负终责 知识技能:综合技能&沟通   定义: 职能经理专注于对某个职能领域或业务部门的管理监督. 运营经理负责保证业务运营的高效性. 项目经理是由执行组织 ...

  7. day14_雷神_前端02

    # 前端day02 1. html标签 1. span标签设置宽高 设置宽高后,字体不会发生变化. 2. 盒模型 padding是border里面的距离: margin 是border边框外头的了属于 ...

  8. C# MVC微信扫码支付

    项目需求:学校学生网上缴费项目,刚来公司实习网上百度了各种资料,感谢很多大神避免了很多大坑. 本次扫码支付为:电脑生成二维码,手机微信扫码进行付款.建议开发前下载官方demo熟悉及后续有用到里面代码: ...

  9. [UWP]使用Popup构建UWP Picker

    在上一篇博文<[UWP]不那么好用的ContentDialog>中我们讲到了ContentDialog在复杂场景下使用的几个令人头疼的弊端.那么,就让我们在这篇博文里开始愉快的造轮子之旅吧 ...

  10. 背水一战 Windows 10 (84) - 用户和账号: 微软账号的登录和注销

    [源码下载] 背水一战 Windows 10 (84) - 用户和账号: 微软账号的登录和注销 作者:webabcd 介绍背水一战 Windows 10 之 用户和账号 微软账号的登录和注销 示例演示 ...