Every one of us want to ameliorate our own condition.

You can only cure retail but you can prevent wholesale.


From Brock Chisholm.

Self-discipline can help us prevent wholesale, and in the best case we wouldn't have to worry about possible mistakes, even if there are some, we can tackle with them easily.

Don't wait until the mistake is too big to make up.

The best things are put together of a night and vanish with the morning.


So, does it mean that dreams are the best things we can have? Does it mean that all our best dreams would vanish when the sun rises?

No, I don't think so. I don't intend to let my dreams be vapoured by the reality.

I must make them ture, I must solidate them with my efforts.

Every morning, we are defining how our life would be like.

No, I am not saying the cliche that every morning we have the chance to make a different decision.

I mean that how we choose to live our morning and our daytime speaks a lot about how we choose to live our life.

In the past, I always chose to get out of the bed in the last minute, and grab whatever I can get to eat or even give up breakfast all together.

When did I have my last breakfast?

It was me, it was my own choice to make my life failures, hey, apparently I had no idea about how to make solid plans and make life organized.

Try to make life in order, get up relatively earlier and finish all of the things that should be done today before I go to bed.

Hope for a better tomorrow, but it would be better to live the current moment meaningfully.

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