2. $zero1=date(“y-m-d h:i:s”);
3. $zero2=”2010-11-29 21:07:00′;
4. echo “zero1的时间为:”.$zero1.”<br>”;
5. echo “zero2的时间为:”.$zero2.”<br>”;
6. if(strtotime($zero1)<strtotime($zero2)){
7. echo “zero1早于zero2′;
8. }else{
9. echo “zero2早于zero1′;
10. }
11. ?>
$zero1=strtotime (date("y-m-d h:i:s")); //当前时间 ,注意H 是24小时 h是12小时
$zero2=strtotime ("2014-1-21 00:00:00"); //过年时间,不能写2014-1-21 24:00:00 这样不对
$guonian=ceil(($zero2-$zero1)/86400); //60s*60min*24h
echo "离过年还有<strong>$guonian</strong>天!";
上面是倒计时小程序 实例代码
$startdate="2010-12-11 11:40:00";
$enddate="2012-12-12 11:45:09";
echo $date."天<br>";
echo $hour."小时<br>";
echo $minute."分钟<br>";
echo $second."秒<br>"; ?>
* 时间差计算
* @param Timestamp $time
* @return String Time Elapsed
* @author Shelley Shyan
* @copyright (Professional PHP Architecture)
function time2Units ($time)
$year = floor($time / 60 / 60 / 24 / );
$time -= $year * 60 * 60 * 24 * ;
$month = floor($time / 60 / 60 / 24 / );
$time -= $month * 60 * 60 * 24 * ;
$week = floor($time / 60 / 60 / 24 / );
$time -= $week * 60 * 60 * 24 * ;
$day = floor($time / 60 / 60 / );
$time -= $day * 60 * 60 * ;
$hour = floor($time / 60 / );
$time -= $hour * 60 * ;
$minute = floor($time / );
$time -= $minute * ;
$second = $time;
$elapse = '';
$unitArr = array('年' =>'year', '个月'=>'month', '周'=>'week', '天'=>'day',
'小时'=>'hour', '分钟'=>'minute', '秒'=>'second'
foreach ( $unitArr as $cn => $u )
if ( $$u > 0 )
$elapse = $$u . $cn;
return $elapse;
$past = ; // Some timestamp in the past
$now = time(); // Current timestamp
$diff = $now - $past;
echo '发表于' . time2Units($diff) . '前';
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