package com.fndsoft.bcis.utils;

import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import java.util.*; /**
* redis缓存帮助类
* Created by DELL on 2016/5/23.
public class RedisCacheUtil<T> { @Autowired
public RedisTemplate redisTemplate; /**
* 缓存基本的对象,Integer、String、实体类等
* @param key 缓存的键值
* @param value 缓存的值
* @return 缓存的对象
public <T> ValueOperations<String, T> setCacheObject(String key, T value) {
ValueOperations<String, T> operation = redisTemplate.opsForValue();
operation.set(key, value);
return operation;
} /**
* 获得缓存的基本对象。
* @param key 缓存键值
* @return 缓存键值对应的数据
public <T> T getCacheObject(String key) {
ValueOperations<String, T> operation = redisTemplate.opsForValue();
return operation.get(key);
} /**
* 缓存List数据
* @param key 缓存的键值
* @param dataList 待缓存的List数据
* @return 缓存的对象
public <T> ListOperations<String, T> setCacheList(String key, List<T> dataList) {
ListOperations listOperation = redisTemplate.opsForList();
if (null != dataList) {
int size = dataList.size();
for (int i = ; i < size; i++) {
listOperation.leftPush(key, dataList.get(i));
return listOperation;
} /**
* 获得缓存的list对象
* @param key 缓存的键值
* @return 缓存键值对应的数据
public <T> List<T> getCacheList(String key) {
List<T> dataList = new ArrayList<T>();
ListOperations<String, T> listOperation = redisTemplate.opsForList();
Long size = listOperation.size(key); for (int i = ; i < size; i++) {
return dataList;
} /**
* 缓存Set
* @param key 缓存键值
* @param dataSet 缓存的数据
* @return 缓存数据的对象
public <T> BoundSetOperations<String, T> setCacheSet(String key, Set<T> dataSet) {
BoundSetOperations<String, T> setOperation = redisTemplate.boundSetOps(key);
Iterator<T> it = dataSet.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
return setOperation;
} /**
* 获得缓存的set
* @param key
* @return
public Set<T> getCacheSet(String key) {
Set<T> dataSet = new HashSet<T>();
BoundSetOperations<String, T> operation = redisTemplate.boundSetOps(key);
Long size = operation.size();
for (int i = ; i < size; i++) {
return dataSet;
} /**
* 缓存Map
* @param key
* @param dataMap
* @return
public <T> HashOperations<String, String, T> setCacheMap(String key, Map<String, T> dataMap) { HashOperations hashOperations = redisTemplate.opsForHash();
if (null != dataMap) {
for (Map.Entry<String, T> entry : dataMap.entrySet()) {
hashOperations.put(key, entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
return hashOperations;
} /**
* 获得缓存的Map
* @param key
* @return
public <T> Map<String, T> getCacheMap(String key) {
Map<String, T> map = redisTemplate.opsForHash().entries(key);
return map;
} /**
* 缓存Map
* @param key
* @param dataMap
* @return
public <T> HashOperations<String, Integer, T> setCacheIntegerMap(String key, Map<Integer, T> dataMap) {
HashOperations hashOperations = redisTemplate.opsForHash();
if (null != dataMap) {
for (Map.Entry<Integer, T> entry : dataMap.entrySet()) {
hashOperations.put(key, entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
return hashOperations;
} /**
* 获得缓存的Map
* @param key
* @return
public <T> Map<Integer, T> getCacheIntegerMap(String key) {
Map<Integer, T> map = redisTemplate.opsForHash().entries(key);
return map;


* redis缓存list对象
public void setCatchValueForList() {
String key = "user_Test7";
List<Code> codeList = new ArrayList<>();
Code code1 = new Code("", );
Code code2 = new Code("", );
redisCacheUtil.setCacheList(key, codeList);
} @Test
public void getValueForList() {
String key = "user_Test7";
List<Code> codeList = redisCacheUtil.getCacheList(key);
for (Code code : codeList) {
System.out.println(code.getName() + " " + code.getAge());


public class Code implements Serializable {}

redisTemplate.expire(key, 1, TimeUnit.HOURS);//此处TimeUnit.HOURS设置有效时长的单位为小时


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