将 Book-Crossing Dataset 书籍推荐算法中 CVS 格式测试数据集导入到MySQL数据库
最近看《写给程序员的数据挖掘指南》,研究推荐算法,书中的测试数据集是 Book-Crossing Dataset 提供的亚马逊用户对书籍评分的真实数据。推荐大家看本书,写得不错,立刻就能对推荐算法上手,甚至应用到你的项目中。
Book-Crossing Dataset 提供两种格式的数据集:CVS 格式和 SQL dump,问题是:
如果你有 UE 打开 cvs 文件,有乱码。无论如何转换编码,都不行~因为,这个文件是亚马逊通过程序持久化后,再导出来的。你还会发现,文件中有 html 标记,另外,关于用户名,书名等等信息,基本都是德文的(看域名就知道了)~
虽然,作者提供了加载测试数据集的 python 代码,不过不能导入到 MySQL 数据库中,其中,作者只是简单地按分号来分割字段内容(虽然推荐算法并不需要全部字段),可数据集中包含类似“ऩ”或“\“”这样的字符,不可能导入到 MySQL 数据库中~
因此,只能改造一下作者的 Python 代码~
Github Demo
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- import mysql.connector
- import codecs
- import string
- import os
- import sys
- import ConfigParser
- from collections import OrderedDict
- import re
- class MysqlPythonFacotry(object):
- """
- Python Class for connecting with MySQL server.
- """
- __instance = None
- __host = None
- __user = None
- __password = None
- __database = None
- __session = None
- __connection = None
- def __init__(self, host='localhost', user='root', password='', database=''):
- self.__host = host
- self.__user = user
- self.__password = password
- self.__database = database
- ## End def __init__
- def open(self):
- try:
- cnx = mysql.connector.connect(host=self.__host,\
- user= self.__user,\
- password= self.__password,\
- database= self.__database)
- self.__connection = cnx
- self.__session = cnx.cursor()
- except mysql.connector.Error as e:
- print('connect fails!{}'.format(e))
- ## End def open
- def close(self):
- self.__session.close()
- self.__connection.close()
- ## End def close
- def select(self, table, where=None, *args, **kwargs):
- result = None
- query = 'SELECT '
- keys = args
- values = tuple(kwargs.values())
- l = len(keys) - 1
- for i, key in enumerate(keys):
- query += "`" + key + "`"
- if i <; l:
- query += ","
- ## End for keys
- query += 'FROM %s' % table
- if where:
- query += " WHERE %s" % where
- ## End if where
- self.__session.execute(query, values)
- number_rows = self.__session.rowcount
- number_columns = len(self.__session.description)
- result = self.__session.fetchall()
- return result
- ## End def select
- def update(self, table, where=None, *args, **kwargs):
- try:
- query = "UPDATE %s SET " % table
- keys = kwargs.keys()
- values = tuple(kwargs.values()) + tuple(args)
- l = len(keys) - 1
- for i, key in enumerate(keys):
- query += "`" + key + "` = %s"
- if i <; l:
- query += ","
- ## End if i less than 1
- ## End for keys
- query += " WHERE %s" % where
- self.__session.execute(query, values)
- self.__connection.commit()
- # Obtain rows affected
- update_rows = self.__session.rowcount
- except mysql.connector.Error as e:
- print(e.value)
- return update_rows
- ## End function update
- def insert(self, table, *args, **kwargs):
- values = None
- query = "INSERT INTO %s " % table
- if kwargs:
- keys = kwargs.keys()
- values = tuple(kwargs.values())
- query += "(" + ",".join(["`%s`"] * len(keys)) % tuple(keys) + ") VALUES (" + ",".join(["%s"] * len(values)) + ")"
- elif args:
- values = args
- query += " VALUES(" + ",".join(["%s"] * len(values)) + ")"
- self.__session.execute(query, values)
- self.__connection.commit()
- cnt = self.__session.rowcount
- return cnt
- ## End def insert
- def delete(self, table, where=None, *args):
- query = "DELETE FROM %s" % table
- if where:
- query += ' WHERE %s' % where
- values = tuple(args)
- self.__session.execute(query, values)
- self.__connection.commit()
- delete_rows = self.__session.rowcount
- return delete_rows
- ## End def delete
- def select_advanced(self, sql, *args):
- od = OrderedDict(args)
- query = sql
- values = tuple(od.values())
- self.__session.execute(query, values)
- number_rows = self.__session.rowcount
- number_columns = len(self.__session.description)
- result = self.__session.fetchall()
- return result
- ## End def select_advanced
- ## End class
- class ErrorMyProgram(Exception):
- """
- My Exception Error Class
- """
- def __init__(self, value):
- self.value = value
- ##End def __init__
- def __str__(self):
- return repr(self.value)
- ##End def __str__
- ## End class ErrorMyProgram
- class LoadAppConf(object):
- """
- Load app.conf Config File Class
- """
- __configFileName = "app.conf"
- def __init__(self):
- config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
- config.read(self.__configFileName)
- self.biz_db_host = config.get("biz_db","host")
- self.biz_db_user = config.get("biz_db","user")
- self.biz_db_password = config.get("biz_db","password")
- self.biz_db_database = config.get("biz_db","database")
- ## End def __init__
- ## End class LoadAppConf
- class Biz_Base(object):
- """
- biz base class
- """
- def __init__(self, db):
- self.db = db
- ## End def __init__
- ## End class Biz_Base
- class Biz_bx_book_ratings(Biz_Base):
- """
- bx_book_ratings table
- """
- __tableName = "bx_book_ratings"
- def __init__(self, db):
- Biz_Base.__init__(self, db)
- ## End def __init__
- def insert(self, userid, isbn, bookrating):
- cnt = self.db.insert(self.__tableName,\
- userid = userid, \
- isbn = isbn,\
- bookrating = bookrating)
- return cnt >; 0
- ## End def insert
- ## End class Biz_bx_book_ratings
- class Biz_bx_books(Biz_Base):
- """
- bx_books table
- """
- __tableName = "bx_books"
- def __init__(self, db):
- Biz_Base.__init__(self, db)
- ## End def __init__
- def insert(self, isbn, booktitle, bookauthor, yearofpublication, publisher, imageurls, imageurlm, imageurll):
- cnt = self.db.insert(self.__tableName,\
- isbn = isbn, \
- booktitle = booktitle, \
- bookauthor = bookauthor,\
- yearofpublication = yearofpublication, \
- publisher = publisher, \
- imageurls = imageurls, \
- imageurlm = imageurlm, \
- imageurll = imageurll)
- return cnt >; 0
- ## End def insert
- ## End class Biz_bx_books
- class Biz_bx_users(Biz_Base):
- """
- bx_users table
- """
- __tableName = "bx_users"
- def __init__(self, db):
- Biz_Base.__init__(self, db)
- ## End def __init__
- def insert(self, userid, location, age):
- cnt = self.db.insert(self.__tableName,\
- userid = userid, \
- location = location,\
- age = age)
- return cnt >; 0
- ## End def insert
- ## End class Biz_bx_users
- def regx(l):
- """
- split line by regex
- """
- p = re.compile(r'"[^"]*"')
- return p.findall(l)
- ## End def regx
- class LoadDataset(object):
- """
- bx_books table
- """
- __loadConf = None
- __users = None
- __books = None
- __book_ratings = None
- __bizDb = None
- def __init__(self):
- self.__loadConf = LoadAppConf()
- self.__bizDb = MysqlPythonFacotry(self.__loadConf.biz_db_host,\
- self.__loadConf.biz_db_user, \
- self.__loadConf.biz_db_password,\
- self.__loadConf.biz_db_database)
- self.__users = Biz_bx_users(self.__bizDb)
- self.__books = Biz_bx_books(self.__bizDb)
- self.__book_ratings = Biz_bx_book_ratings(self.__bizDb)
- self.__bizDb.open()
- ## End def __init__
- def toDB(self, path=''):
- """
- loads the BX book dataset. Path is where the BX files are
- located
- """
- self.data = {}
- i = 0
- j = 0
- try:
- #
- # First load book ratings into self.data
- #
- f = codecs.open(path + "BX-Book-Ratings.csv", 'r', 'utf8')
- for line in f:
- i += 1
- j += 1
- print(j)
- print(line)
- #separate line into fields
- fields = line.split(';')
- user = fields[0].strip('"')
- book = fields[1].strip('"')
- rating = int(fields[2].strip().strip('"'))
- self.__book_ratings.insert(user, book, rating)
- f.close()
- #
- # Now load books into self.productid2name
- # Books contains isbn, title, and author among other fields
- #
- j = 0
- f = codecs.open(path + "BX-Books.csv", 'r', 'utf8')
- for line in f:
- i += 1
- j += 1
- print(j)
- print(line)
- #separate line into fields
- fields = regx(line)
- isbn = fields[0].strip('"')
- title = fields[1].strip('"')
- author = fields[2].strip().strip('"')
- yearOfPublication = fields[3].strip().strip('"')
- publisher = fields[4].strip().strip('"')
- imageUrlS = fields[5].strip().strip('"')
- imageUrlM = fields[6].strip().strip('"')
- imageUrlL = fields[7].strip().strip('"')
- self.__books.insert(isbn, title, author, yearOfPublication, publisher, imageUrlS, imageUrlM, imageUrlL)
- f.close()
- #
- # Now load user info into both self.userid2name and
- # self.username2id
- #
- j = 0
- f = codecs.open(path + "BX-Users.csv", 'r', 'utf8')
- for line in f:
- i += 1
- j += 1
- print(j)
- print(line)
- #separate line into fields
- fields = regx(line)
- userid = fields[0].strip('"')
- location = fields[1].strip('"')
- if len(fields) >; 2:
- age = fields[2].strip().strip('"')
- else:
- age = None
- if age != None:
- value = location + ' (age: ' + age + ')'
- else:
- value = location
- if age == None:
- age =0
- self.__users.insert(userid, location, age)
- f.close()
- except ErrorMyProgram as e:
- print(e.value)
- finally:
- self.__bizDb.close()
- print(i)
- ## End def toDB
- ## End class LoadData
Github Demo
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