
This all-new collection of DirectX 10 and OpenGL code samples teaches developers how to make the most of GeForce 8 Series GPUs. The DirectX and OpenGL SDKs include a browser, clear code samples, detailed whitepapers, and videos.

Featured samples include: clip maps, cloth simulation, GPU blend shapes, HDR rendering, fire, rain, smoke, soft shadows, terrain, and much more.

The previous version of our SDK is also available separately on the SDK 9.5.

View Direct3D SDK Samples
View Release Notes
[Download] Direct3D SDK 10 Installer (256 MB)

View OpenGL SDK Samples
[Download] OpenGL SDK 10 Installer (45 MB)
[Download] OpenGL SDK Guide


Nvidia SDK 9.52





SSAO demo

NVIDIA has updated the developer zone and published the new version of its graphics programming SDK (I don’t know exactly when but I suppose it was few days ago). Currently only Direct3D 11 version is available. OpenGL version should be available shortly. The D3D11 SDK includes demos like FFT ocean, island and hair rendering, FXAA, SSAO or tessellation..

You can download it HERE (532MB) or browse individual samples HERE.

FXAA demo

Tessellation demo

FFT ocean demo

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