
My aunt Jennifer is an actress. She must be at least thirty-five years old. In spit of this, she often appears on the stage as a young girl. Jennifer will have to take part in a new play soon. This time, she will be a girl of seventeen. In the play, she must appear in a bright red dress and long black stockings. Last year in anther play, she had to wear short socks and a bright orange-coloured dress. If anyone ever asks her how old she is, she always answers, 'Darling, it must be terrible to gown up!'


  1. appear: vi. 显示,露面 [反]disappear: vi. 消失
    The plane disappeared. 飞机飞远了(消失了)。
    appear as: 登场,扮演...角色
    He appears as a prince.
    He appears nervous.
    She appears happy/tired.

  2. stage:
    on the stage: 在舞台上
    He appeared on the stage as a prince.
    My aunt appeared on the stage as a young girl.
    in the stage: 在某一阶段

  3. bright: adj. 鲜艳的
    bright red: 鲜红色 bright yellow: 明黄色 bright blue: 宝蓝色

  4. 一般,以-or,-er 结尾的是男性,以-ress结尾的是女性。

    -or,-er -ress
    actor actress
    prince princess
    God Goddess
    waiter waitress
    lion lioness
  5. at least:至少 at most: 至多

  6. in spite of: 尽管
    in spite of this: 尽管如此 In spite of this, I still like school. (school不加the表示上学)

  7. join: 参加(团体) join the army join the part join us[口]
    take part in: 参加(活动) take part in the race take part in party
    attend: 参加,出席(会议) attend the meeting attend the party: 出席宴会 attend class: 上课
    Thank you for your attending.

  8. a girl of seventeen.

  9. in... 穿着……样的衣服
    The boy in Green appeared.

  10. orange-coloured = orange

  11. ever = at any time 任何时候(时间副词)

  12. must
    • 情态动词,常常表示不可逃避的义务,这种义务在说话人看来是没有选择余地的。可以用have to 和 have got to 来代替。
      I must leave now. = I have to leave now. = I have got to leave now.
      Must you leave now? = Do you have to leave now? = Have you got to leave now?
      He said he must leave early. = He said he would have to leave early.
    • 在过去时的句子中,要用had to来表示“必须”,因为情态动词没有时态变化。
      She had to go shopping yesterday.
    • 表示推测
      1. I, personally, think he is a fool. = He must be a fool.
      2. must have done 表示对过去的推测 He must have been a doctor.
        ps: think从句中,一定要用事实说话
        She must be at least thirty-five years old. In my opinion (= I think) she is.
  13. as:
    • As I learnt, he is an English himself. [代词] 正如
    • She appears on the stage as a young girl. [介词]作为
    • I cannot come as I am busy. (because)
    • As I was leaving the house, the postman brought a letter. (at the time when)
    • Do as you are told. (the thing that)
    • He works as an engineer. (in the position of) 最常用的介绍工作的方式
  14. dress: (女)裙子,晚礼服,连衣裙
    suit: (男)套装
    costume: 演出服(戏服),民族服装,某一年代所穿的服装。 All the actors wore fifteenth-century costume.

  15. grow: 长 Children grow quickly. The grass has grown very high.
    grow up: (人)成长 Some people never grown up. (mature in mind)
    grown-up: adj. 成年的,n. 成年人
    be a grown-up.:作为一个成年人。

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